antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil fat fatties irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men shaming tactics the spearhead

Spearheader: The existence of fat women “constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.”

W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.

Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.

So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.

I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.

Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.

Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:

Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.

Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.

Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

Andrew S., for his part, admits that

I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.

But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.

Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.

Yes, this post contains



and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?

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12 years ago

need to take *

12 years ago

It’s just not that hard for the vast majority of creepy men to avoid being creepy. They just don’t want to have to think about their own behaviors.

12 years ago

MRAs want to know a good defintion for creepy behavior??

Being an MRA.

12 years ago

Manipulation, shaming, sexual coersion. Celebrated, inherent deceit’s women use in an attempt to control men.

“Eve was weak!” Say it!

Who knew that NWO was really Piper Laurie’s character from Carrie?

12 years ago

@Pecunium: I’m sorry. I was aiming for “being shamed on the Internet is exactly like waterboarding, yeah, sure, whatever” and if I hit you instead I’m sorry.

12 years ago

@MDubz (love the pony, btw!)

I am not looking the way that I look for the express purpose of making you happy. Mostly, it is genetics, which I had little to no control over.

What annoys me more than anything is when men thank me for “putting a little effort in,”* unlike those damn dirty other women. First of all, not only is it irritating as hell that they would assume I’m dressing for their benefit, but what exactly makes them think that throwing other women under the bus will endear them to me? I am not okay with someone shaking someone else for not making their wigglies jiggly, whether they’re directing their comments at me or at somebody else.

Second of all, I present very femme for one main reason: I like it. It makes me feel like my outsides match my insides. Whether that’s a product of being externally rewarded for stereotypically feminine behaviours as a child, something more internal to me, or (most likely) an interaction of both, that’s who I am now. And no woman should have to feel that they have to pretend if that’s not who they are on the inside.

*And seriously, I almost always hear this when I’m wearing a dress. Dudes, it is a single article of clothing. I wear dresses when I’m feeling particularly lazy. There is practically no other outfit that is as easy to assemble and get into, unless we’re counting onesies; and even then, you need to fit your feet into the footies. (Say that 10 times fast).

12 years ago

Oops, darn autocorrect. I meant to say, it’s not okay to shame people for not turning you on. It’s super extra a million not okay to shake people for not turning you on.

12 years ago

The whole “women manipulate men by being sexy!” is so fucking enfuriating to me. Not for the usual reasons, either. (The following may be TMI.)

I have a high libido, ok. About half the time I can’t stop thinking about sex. Frequently it hurts. I’m primarily attracted to men, but you know, I’m not going to blame them for – I don’t know – my doing shit I normally wouldn’t to get their attention, because that’s my choice.

And, ultimately? There are pretty firm limits to what I’d do to sate my libido, and they’re primarily founded in how fucking dangerous it is for me to do so without them. Or more accurately, how dangerous I’ve been told indiscriminate fucking is since age zero.

So I don’t know. Maybe the problem is that men aren’t scared enough of what’ll happen to them if they fuck indiscriminately. I hear fear is a real boner killer.

(Disclaimer: in a perfect world everyone would be able to fuck indiscriminately if they so chose, and this we should strive for. But seriously, that line of reasoning makes me so freaking angry.)

12 years ago

Women’s bodies, and their respective lightness or heaviness are all about men?

Goddamn, these assholes are self-centered.

With such a narcissistic world view, it’s scarcely any wonder that their response to discovering that they share a world with other people– including people who have vaginas yet want to be treated as human beings rather than walking fleshlights-for-the-taking — was to become MRAs.

12 years ago

In the very few instances where women dominate a field it’s like, “LOOK! LOOK! THEY’RE SO SEXIST!” Because heaven forbid there be more women than men in one company, in one debate, whatever.

Yes, and nevermind that most of the fields in which women dominate are lower paying, and men still tend to be the more likely candidates for promotions, and higher level work. Education is a prime example, but I’ve seen this happen in libraries as well, which are supposedly bastions of celebrated spinster-hood.

Manipulation, shaming, sexual coersion. Celebrated, inherent deceit’s women use in an attempt to control men.

Holy lord, projection much? How much MRA garbage is there out there about how you can manipulate your girlfriend/wife? How much garbage is there out there about how to coerce women into sex? How much of your “movement” is devoted to shaming women you deem “unfuckable”? And the upvotes show how much that garbage is celebrated.

12 years ago

Oh but you see, we’re born knowing how to manipulate, men a genetically wired to acquiese to women needs and apparently women are really Bene Gesserits and can genetically manipulate our looks to ensure compliance.

12 years ago

Wouldn’t manipulating your looks be more of a Tleilaxu thing than a Bene Gesserit one?

12 years ago

Actually, no. The Tlelaxu would creates ghola Face Dancers, who killed people to assume their identities and looks. Bene Gesserits could modify their metabolism, appearance, prevent aging and manipulate their bodies right to the molecular and genetic level. (They could do this for their children in the womb as well).

12 years ago

I defer to your superior geek prowess.

12 years ago

Yeah…Dune and all its attendant books sucked me in. I’m a big fan!

12 years ago

I never made it passed God Emperor.

12 years ago

Ah… I think there’s a couple books I need to read. It seems that new ones are still being written. Dune was really good, but I especially like the ones written about the origins of the various Houses.

12 years ago

Yes, and nevermind that most of the fields in which women dominate are lower paying, and men still tend to be the more likely candidates for promotions, and higher level work. Education is a prime example, but I’ve seen this happen in libraries as well, which are supposedly bastions of celebrated spinster-hood.

And cooking is women’s work, but only men should be chefs. And hairdressing is women’s work, but all the super famous hairdressing brands are men. And if you have a MALE secretary, holy crap, you’re a powerful businessman. (Unless you’re a woman with a male secretary, in which case you’re a power-made whore and he’s a submissive pussy.)

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Viscaria (thanks for the compliments on the new avatar!) It’s so interesting, because I’m also fairly femme presenting, and I NEVER NEVER get comments like the ones you get, in terms of assholes thanking me for “putting in the effort.” I’m not sure how much of this is due to my size, but it’s interesting that, possibly, I don’t get complimented on the things I DO have some control over (my fashion choices, makeup choices, etc.) because of something that I don’t really have that much control over.

12 years ago

Lovely article by Clementine Ford on “how to spot a misogynist”!

We see ALL OF THESE regularly from our trolls!

12 years ago

Iliathana, I see that anywhere I’m online. Strangely enough men don’t want to challenge me in person.

Right now I’m arguing about the female privilege of women and children first and how it applies to combat on the front lines. Right now I’m getting the”men will throw their lives away for a female soldier because otherwise society will punish them”.

I’ve tried pointing out that being seen as helpless is not a privilege. Or that until women are on the front lines men will resent that we are not despite the fact that we are not allowed to be there!!!

12 years ago

And cooking is women’s work, but only men should be chefs. And hairdressing is women’s work, but all the super famous hairdressing brands are men. And if you have a MALE secretary, holy crap, you’re a powerful businessman. (Unless you’re a woman with a male secretary, in which case you’re a power-made whore and he’s a submissive pussy.)

Yep. And the arts are girly, but the best music artists are men etc, etc, etc. Basically it’s almost like whatever work men do, is super duper important. Work women do? Psh. It’s women’s work!

Tangentially, I’ve long noodled on the idea that perhaps part of the animosity a lot of women tend to face when trying to enter male-dominated fields or break through the higher ranks of other fields that tend to be controlled by men higher up, is in part because some (insecure) guys have this gut reaction that having more ladies around means their super important boys work somehow becomes less important. Cause I mean, if a woman can do it, how hard can it be, amirite?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ostara321- That’s a really interesting point re: women breaking into male-dominated fields. I have heard and seen certain high status careers (biology, family medicine, and the clergy (for religious denominations that ordain women) are the three that immediately come to mind) become less high status as they become female dominated. For example, people saying that bio is the “easy science” or the lower pay of family doctors. It’s really interesting to watch how careers almost become “contaminated” for men as women enter them in greater numbers.

12 years ago

M Dubz: It started even earlier with “clarking” (and with the manly machine the TYPEWRITER):

And I think one reason English as an academic discipline has been able to have so many woman get doctorates (60% or more starting the the 1990s) is that it’s been socially degraded (despite all those manly scientific method Lit types in the 50s)…..i.e. the girls can have it because who gives a damn about English/literary studies….

12 years ago

No one ever compliments me on how much work I’ve put into putting on my damn binder. 🙁 I think being a transmasculine femme makes it more clear that My Appearance Is Not For You, My Appearance Is To Make Myself Feel Awesome.

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