antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil fat fatties irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men shaming tactics the spearhead

Spearheader: The existence of fat women “constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.”

W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.

Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.

So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.

I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.

Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.

Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:

Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.

Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.

Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

Andrew S., for his part, admits that

I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.

But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.

Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.

Yes, this post contains



and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?

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Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

It is not fat women, by and large, who are the enemy.

OH yes we are.

12 years ago

What a miserable existence it must be, thinking of the people you want to have sex with as “the enemy”. Entirely self-induced misery, obviously.

Simone Lovelace
12 years ago

I couldn’t read this post without remembering Lesley Kinzel’s glorious essay about the Suffering Ween. Funny and brilliant, as is her custom.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Final note: If you happen to like women who look like me, don’t tell me about how much better I am than women who don’t look like me, because I’m catering to your sexual preferences and they aren’t. No, fuck you, no.

Yes, a world of this. I am not looking the way that I look for the express purpose of making you happy. Mostly, it is genetics, which I had little to no control over.

12 years ago


It is not fat women that sexually hypnotize men into doing their bidding.

I’m fat, but if I jiggle my tits just right, I’m pretty sure I could hypnotize you.

It is not fat women, by and large, who are the enemy.

Well, this fat woman, bi and large, thinks you’re a CREEP.

I am referring to Women as a collective.

We are not the Borg, asshole.

12 years ago

Fat is so in the eye of the beholder – here in Japan the BMI is even more useless for them than it is for us non-Asians, so they just go by waist circumference. One number for men, one number for women, and that’s that. This is especially fun for us foreigners who mostly have no hope of meeting that number, but they’ve made the standards strict enough that there’s plenty of fun left for locals.

And having taken Japanese in undergrad, I am more than familiar with Asian fetishists who are convinced that Japanese women are just so superior in every way, but particularly in being tiny and adorable. When this type of man grows out of it and wants to signal that his opinions have grown and matured, he complains that they are actually quite scrawny and while being skinny is nice, would it kill a girl to put a little muscle tone on those legs? I’ve heard that one quite a few times as well as a few other variations that don’t focus on weight.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

It is not fat women that emotionally torture young men with epithets like “creepy” and “loser”.

This is actually what they’ve turned to at Gitmo**. They bring in fat women* to call alleged terrorists creepy losers.

*He didn’t actually say fat women do this, but it gets funnier with more odd specificity. Crack yourself up by adding your own list of adjectives!

**OT, but in all fairness, this seems like a better interrogation technique than waterboarding.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

As a fan of The Biggest Loser, I’ve heard many reasons for why people become obese. Loathing of male sexuality was never one of them.

12 years ago

Hi Kendra! I can’t speak for Properly European women, being in the northern half of a small island just off the European coast (and containing much debate about whether we even want to stay part of the UK, nevermind Europe). However, for myself, I can say I have two tubs of ice-cream in the freezer, for when I get my wisdom teeth out later this week*, and I am prepared to scarf down both, tonight, if it keeps Price away?

(And I see the pressure is on, because I am far from the first person to come up with this plan, therefore my window of escape is narrowing!)

*there will be blood. And bone-saws. I am ever so excited! …kinda.

12 years ago

There may be individual exceptions, of course.

I am referring to Women as a collective.

A construct.

A sociological entity.

And Women is the hegemon in our society.


Oh, are we the Borg now?

12 years ago

@katz –

There may be individual exceptions, of course.

I am referring to Women as a collective.

A construct.

A sociological entity.

And Women is the hegemon in our society.

Why are there mostly male leaders?


Why should powerful upper-classwomen work, when powerful upper-class women can just pull the sexpuppet-strings to make the men dance.


A beat poem by MRAL

*tilts beret*
*dons shades*
*snaps fingers*
*dies laughing*

12 years ago

It’s kind of fascinating how, the less some people get laid, the pickier they get. The more the guys on that thread go on about the complex mathematical equations they’ve developed to determine whether a hypothetical woman is worthy of their penis, the more I laugh at the idea that any of these creeps has ever so much as kissed a girl.

That’s right: virgin-shaming AND creep-shaming. TORCHA!

12 years ago

Might I also add that the picture up at the top of this post is so amazing! It shows someone who has extra weight and “rolls” in a NON-“humiliate this person and make them into a headless fatty with a corndog” sort of way, and that’s freaking awesome. I wish that larger people were shown with that level of self-confidence and sexiness on a regular basis. I mean, exactly how much would it kill our media to stop portraying people who don’t fit a narrow definition of “beauty” as awkward, frumpy and universally hated (OF COURSE you must also remember that even if you fit said narrow definition of beauty, you’re still supposed to hate yourself because you can’t Photoshop yourself in real life), and also show them as capable, confident and, yes, even sexy? 🙂

12 years ago

Also, more biodiversity being shown in a positive light, please. I’m really tired of being shown this weird, watered down media world where there’s “the haves” and the “everyone elses who should probably just kill themselves because they aren’t haves.”

Believe me, the world will not explode if people stop feeling like entitled asses if we remove the “looks hierarchy” and start seeing the beauty and sexiness that the entire range of human body sizes, skin shades, body frames, etc can offer?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Isn’t it funny that when women are underrepresented somewhere, it’s just cause they’re lazy, but when men are underrepresented somewhere (ie, the college debate from a few posts ago) it’s because of institutionalized misandry?

yes, I see this double standard perpetuated by MRAs all the time. If a woman can’t get a job it’s because she isn’t talented or capable enough. If a man can’t get a job it’s because of affirmative action. Because, you know, all companies are currently a completely evenly mixed assortment of males and females, each race, etc, and men just cannot find jobs because of us horrible women taking them from them, but not at all because of stuff like outsourcing which has taken jobs from everyone.

In the very few instances where women dominate a field it’s like, “LOOK! LOOK! THEY’RE SO SEXIST!” Because heaven forbid there be more women than men in one company, in one debate, whatever.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

As a fan of The Biggest Loser, I’ve heard many reasons for why people become obese. Loathing of male sexuality was never one of them.

I get so many parody ideas from this website. Anyone want to start a web series on MRA parodies with me?

12 years ago

It is a good thing Beth Ditto is a lesbian. Otherwise I might just have wasted my life on an unrequited celebrity crush. Instead, I can move on. 😉

12 years ago

That’s right, MRA’s. All of the women here in the midwest are abominations that hate male sexuality, so you should never live here or visit here. Beware of the fatty fatness of flyover country!

Fat women = Misandry!

And MRAs say that feminist trolls are posing as MRAs to make them look bad? Yeah right

12 years ago

“That’s right: virgin-shaming AND creep-shaming. TORCHA!”

Manipulation, shaming, sexual coersion. Celebrated, inherent deceit’s women use in an attempt to control men.

12 years ago

NWO, has there ever been a woman that you didn’t have a burning hate for? Your mom? A grandmother? Even a casual acquaintance who was a woman?

12 years ago

I am currently traveling through Europe, and there are plenty of those with more to love. And in Amsterdam’s Red Light District there’s Big Mama Alley with plenty of women of a bigger size, there wouldn’t be a supply without a demand.

12 years ago

Guys… would you do me a favor and drop the interrogation, “jokes”. It’s a touchy subject for me; since it’s what I did (and taught) for 16 years.

It’s a complicated subject, but making fun of people who are tortured bothers me, and the odd (presumably unintended) implication that torture is acceptable is something I actually find offensive; even though I am sure that wasn’t what people meant to have as subtext.

12 years ago

I imagine the Snatch Mafia would be heavily involved in fencing stolen Georgia O’Keefe paintings…

12 years ago

I take to take a loong break…I had a long and angry exchange with some MRAs over Youtube. Here are some highlights!!

IMHO it’s not ,the way it’s being played out today.It’s more about the domination wet dreams of skanks,some of whom are in an eternal state of PMS.

Action and reaction are equal and opposite!

Man : a person who calls spade a spade and is gender blind in matters pertaining to justice.

Mangina: a person who pigheadedly refuses to believe that a woman can do wrong in spite of all the evidence,because he has been probably brainwashed by his unhappy single mother.

Tried courtesy, got mockery in return. I say treat women exactly as they ask to be treated, as equals. No better or worse. That is what they want, why should I deny them

I’m never engaging with these creeps again. Ever.

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