antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil fat fatties irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men shaming tactics the spearhead

Spearheader: The existence of fat women “constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.”

W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.

Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.

So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.

I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.

Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.

Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:

Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.

Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.

Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

Andrew S., for his part, admits that

I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.

But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.

Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.

Yes, this post contains



and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?

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12 years ago

I’ve played that “yeah” lamb clip about a million times now.

12 years ago


obviously fake ip, creep shaming, ‘women want brad pitt’

i think we can stick a fork in this one

12 years ago

And don’t forget that evil mangina Schwyzer!

Men aRe Angry Lieutenant going through his usual abusive cycle.

12 years ago

There may be individual exceptions, of course.

I am referring to Women as a collective.

A construct.

A sociological entity.

And Women is the hegemon in our society.

Why are there mostly male leaders?


Why should powerful upper-classwomen work, when powerful upper-class women can just pull the sexpuppet-strings to make the men dance.


A beat poem by MRAL

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

There may be individual exceptions, of course.

I am referring to Women as a collective.

A construct.

A sociological entity.

Hold up. Did…did he just use Plato’s Theory of Forms to describe women? I’d say something snarky but I’m not sure whether I should be laughing or in awe of the Derp.

12 years ago

Antz: By the way, my yearning for the age of abominable slob hogs received 17 up votes, and 2 down. We have finally found something that both feminists and MRAs agree on!

Nope. Your conclusions are wrong; they assume that rape/DV/etc. are the result of pretty women. Not proven; and actually the evidence is against it.

And your justifications, that women being despised by men is a good thing, not something feminists agree with either.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Dammit, Kendra, don’t send them out here! I’m eating as fast as I can, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be enough to hold them off!

I don’t blame you. Do we have any other takers? European women, Price said you are his ideal. How about it? The US has plenty of angry, irrational MRA’s that want to own women, so you can have your pick. None of us midwestern women can win these men’s hearts, because we’re too busy fatting it up in fatland.

TheMenAreAngry reminded me of the MRA meme that women look sexy in order to tease men. Therefore, beautiful women are evil. Price says that women refuse to meet up to his personal beauty preferences out of spite. Therefore, women who aren’t beautiful are also evil. Now if only we could invent invisible spray so we could stop oppressing men with our too good/not good enough looks.

12 years ago

Why are there mostly male leaders?


Isn’t it funny that when women are underrepresented somewhere, it’s just cause they’re lazy, but when men are underrepresented somewhere (ie, the college debate from a few posts ago) it’s because of institutionalized misandry?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

MRAL is an angry lying creep.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I guess the logic here is “I’m angry that women won’t fuck me, so I’ll pretend to be comically, over-the-top angry that women won’t fuck me, thus proving…



12 years ago

I’m a little puzzled. Andrew claims he’s surrounded by the sort of woman he “has a thing for” but there are no attractive women around him. Does that mean he likes unattractive women?

Yeah. Even though he’s gone and lowered his standards, these sub-par women still act all uppity and insufficiently grateful for his charitable slumming. He’s willing to throw some fatty a pity fuck, and she acts like it’s the other way around. Can you imagine?

12 years ago

MRAL, stop being creepy (code chartreuse!) and go the fuck away. This right here is why you shouldn’t be with anyone for the time being, imagine what you’d do if the girl didn’t want to be with you. You can’t seem to take “no” or “go away” as an answer.

In other news, who gives a fuck what Price thinks. Woman aren’t here to be pretty wallpaper for him nad hi sband of morons.

12 years ago

^ and his band of morons. Ah, typing skills. I do not haz them.

12 years ago

Going by the logic being deployed here I guess the best way for women to show love and respect for male sexuality would be to create a famine, thus assuring that they would all be nice and skinny.

12 years ago

meh, we all know if there was a famine we’d just make women-only food lines so we got all the food.

12 years ago

meh, we all know if there was a famine we’d just make women-only food lines so we got all the food.

Nah, we’re too lazy. We’d get those manginas at the UN to do it for us, and then they’d have to bring us our special “famine edition” bon bons as we sit in our air-conditioned tents, reading romance novels and picking out our new high heeled shoes. Or am I combining threads? I’m a little tipsy — we just had champagne, strawberries and Tim Tams to celebrate the completion of a project I had nothing to do with. I work at kind of a fun place.

12 years ago

Dear misogynists everywhere:

If you don’t find me attractive, I do not care. Seriously. How your genitals feel about me means literally nothing to me, unless you’re my boyfriend.

If you do find me attractive, and would like to fuck me, I do not care. In addition, and this is very important: I do not look this way because it makes you want to fuck me. Making you feel special private-time pants feelings is not my fucking responsibility as a woman, nor is it something I ever, ever consciously set out to do.

Final note: If you happen to like women who look like me, don’t tell me about how much better I am than women who don’t look like me, because I’m catering to your sexual preferences and they aren’t. No, fuck you, no.

12 years ago

It is not fat women that emotionally torture young men with epithets like “creepy” and “loser”.

OH YES IT IS. Dammit, I’m a fat woman and I call young men creepy losers frequently. Which is totally the same thing as torturing a person. I will not be denied my rightful place in the oppressive gynocracy!

12 years ago

Young men must be really fragile if being called a creepy loser by a lady is “torture”.

Seriously, cry me a freaking river. If being called a creepy loser by someone you wanted to boink is the worst thing you’ve got to complain about in life, you are fucking fortunate.

12 years ago

Oh yes, every time I call someone creepy on the Intarwebz I arrange for my black ops unit to kidnap them and put them on a jetliner for some foreign country where my black-site intelligence agencies strap them down and pour water over their heads, or turn them over to the local agents who do things like slice their genitalia with razor blades. Then I get up before the cameras and deny that all of this is going on.

I guess. I mean, the guy said women torture men when they call them creepy. I’m not a woman, and I certainly don’t want to appropriate anything from women, but the man said creepy is torture, and I call people creepy sometimes….

12 years ago

I’m so glad that I like being me the way that I am, and that I’m pretty much 100% not concerned about what random guy on the internet thinks about me. Seriously, this might have made me really upset if I was in high school, but it’s really not a big deal right now. Being eminently fuckable to every human ever in the universe is not really a priority for me.

First off is making my life healthy and happy. Exercise and eating well for me are for myself, not for someone who looks at me. I shower and go through my self-care routines because they make me feel at my best and I enjoy feeling good about my body and in my skin.

Secondly, is my family and loved ones. I care very deeply about my family, my friends, my spouse and my daughter. I love spending time with, having a long, in-depth conversations with those who I care about, and genuinely making the best use of my time possible.

Thirdly, are my nerdly interests- anime, manga, video games, making MLP:FiM keychains for sale on ebay, etc. Also conventions, which are super fun. 🙂

Fourthly, are my talents and hobbies- drawing, writing music, singing, dancing in my underpants, and writing blogs/short stories/novels.

You might notice that nothing on this list involves “must be fuckable to every guy out there ever”- because that is not my concern, nor is that my goal or aim.

Yes, I am fat. Yes, I am fit and quite attractive as well. But these things are not for YOU, MRAs. These things are for ME, and you cannot have them.

12 years ago

All the rest of the world is thin except us? Don’t give them a ticket to this beauty contest. Or maybe, do give them a ticket:

12 years ago

Just waterboarding and razor blades? Not tight-ass high heels?

12 years ago

Just want to say that I’m one of these “OMG HORRIBLE FAT FAT FATTY!” American women these MRAs are talking about and my boyfriend is English. So all of that “No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive,” is complete bull.

*struts stuff*

12 years ago

And suddenly I have Radiohead songs stuck in my mind. Can’t figure out why.