W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.
Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.
So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.
I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.
Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!
If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.
Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.
Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:
Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.
Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.
Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,
The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.
Andrew S., for his part, admits that
I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.
But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:
Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.
Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.
Yes, this post contains
and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?
Menarecranky! You’re back. How I missed you so.
Tell us more, who is the enemy? And what is the solution?
Please let there be details.
Primary among those “rights of all men” is the right to police other men’s adherence to rigid masculinity stereotypes as vigorously as they police women’s adherence to rigid femininity stereotypes.
At least, that’s the only explanation that makes any sense to me.
I wonder if it’s ever occurred to MenAreAngry that thin women aren’t being sexually attractive to him on purpose?
Believe me, I have a feeling they’d turn it off if they could.
Seriously. Who actually believes that “sexual hypnosis” is a thing? Oh I know. Some men use the idea that men turn into raping monsters at the sight of bare skin as an excuse for sexual misconduct, but how is this even a thing?
Sirens aren’t real, you misandrist ass.
Paul Atreides, I suppose.
“I wonder if it’s ever occurred to MenAreAngry that thin women aren’t being sexually attractive to him on purpose?
Believe me, I have a feeling they’d turn it off if they could.”
I am 42, and through both natural and unnatural means, I have lowered my sex drive drastically. The power of the S. mafia is severely weakened for me personally. However, I well remember the yoke of youth, under the sexual high heel- one tight ass heel among many.
Valerie Solonas was right about that, at least- women have so oppressed men that many will swim through hell for a vagina.
Swim through hell.
The world is fucked.
We must fuck it our way.
How about just fucking off?
Go jerk off about female doms somewhere else dude.
Hmm. I’m cooking dinner for my boyfriend tonight, and then there’ll probably be some vagina. I might stick him with the dishes, though. I guess having to do dishes is a little bit like swimming through hell.
Have you seriously worked out this situation in your head where women are getting dressed in the morning and they say to themselves “mwa ha ha, I’m going to put on heels because I know he likes it, and then I’m going to… moo hoo hoo… not have sex with him! BWAHAHAHA!”?
Because if so, tell me more. It sounds fascinating.
Things less tedious than MRAL:
Reading state statutes about insurance.
Watching water boil.
Waiting for programs to compile.
Talking to Bran…no that is just as tedious….
…Shit, I can barely manage to dress up for the people I do want to have sex with. You think I have any inclination to do it for people I don’t?
I’m sorry that you have so little self-control that you go into a haze at the thought of penetration. I’m sorry that your priorities are so out of wack that you find it reasonable to swim in molten rock and fire for the promise of sex.
Just stop projecting on the rest of us men. And stop using that delusion to justify “fucking the world.”
Antsy can’t even disagree with other misogynists without also being misogynist.
…I don’t know why I should be surprised, but usually when he trumpets his disagreements with other MRAs over here, he’s somehow trying to buy credibility with us. And where does his delusion that upvotes = feminists agreeing with him come from?
Sigh. I just don’t get Antsy.
I’ll also note how much his comments debase men: apparently we do not have emotional attachments to women except when they’re sexy, according to him.
Dude. Gross. Quit projecting your dehumanization of women onto all of mannity.
Oh, go and buy a bloody Fleshlight, arsehole.
We don’t owe you fucks just because you exist.
There may be individual exceptions, of course.
I am referring to Women as a collective.
A construct.
A sociological entity.
And Women is the hegemon in our society.
Why are there mostly male leaders?
Why should powerful upper-classwomen work, when powerful upper-class women can just pull the sexpuppet-strings to make the men dance.
Please say you did this with the aid of the Necronomicon.
I feel like this is the plot of an episode of Supernatural I missed.
Why would that upset us? If he feels good about himself, good for him, I suppose. No one’s making women sleep with him, and no one’s making mras sleep with fat women.
That attribution sounds made up, it doesn’t particularly sound like the way she wrote her satirical pieces.
Yeah, I totally believe a forty-two year old man actually gives half a shit about “creep shaming” of young men.
Oh, I didn’t realize I was a construct. I thought I was a person. I sneeze and have hair and everything.
Being a senator is so hard.
Devoting yourself full-time into remote-controlling a senator via sex is apparently easy? I mean, then you’re basically doing the work of a senator and a sex worker, plus you don’t get to marry someone you actually like. (Not that women actually liking people is part of MRA-land, I’m just saying.)
…Wait. What about senators who cheat on their wives? Are they secretly just being double controlled?
To DarkSideCat.
I’m sorry.
I was a little off.
Here is the actual quote:
…And, as an MRA, you agree with that?
I know I wouldn’t swim through vomit and snot for a kitten. They just aren’t worth it, and there are plenty of them on the internet if I wanted to see one.
I always remind myself “there’s more than one clueless asshole in the world” and I’m willing to extend the benefit of the doubt that maybe this time it really is a different asshole, but yeah, it’s probably MRAL.
I plead guilty to telling creepy d00dz to stop acting creepy if they do not want to be losers. I am totally guilty of that.
So women have set up this massive conspiracy against men . . . yet, despite all the effort they must put into this conspiracy, they’re too lazy to actually lead it?