antifeminism disgusting women douchebaggery evil fat fatties irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men shaming tactics the spearhead

Spearheader: The existence of fat women “constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.”

W.F. Price, the man behind The Spearhead and a tireless champion of Men’s Rights, has in his latest post taken on one of the gravest injustices facing American men today. I speak, of course, of fat ladies.

Traveling in Europe, Price has noticed that people tend to be skinnier there than in the US, which naturally has led him to think some deep thoughts about fat ladies in America and how disgusting he finds them.

So-called BBWs in the US are not really curvy — they are rotund.

I really can’t stress enough the extent to which obesity has ruined American women’s attractiveness. Feminists blather on and on about how women should be “comfortable” with their bodies, but the truth is that many American women would be viewed as abominations in most of the world.

Those damn feminists, making ladies fat!

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

Actually, if you were to find a parallel for men, it would also be, er, fatness. Obesity rates for men and women in the US are roughly the same, with women having only a slight lead: according to a recent CDC survey, 35.5 percent of adult women and 32.2 percent of adult men are “obese,” by current standards. Never mind that these standards are a bit, well, off, in that they classify the overwhelming majority of Americans as overweight or obese. Never mind that more than half of Europeans are also classified as overweight or obese according to these standards. And never mind that the fat shaming shit we hear every day in the media and on the internet is basically a bunch of bull.

Because Price thinks that fat ladies are gross:

Feminists are really that far out there. They are literally delusional by global standards. No normal man in the rest of the world finds obese American women attractive. Sure, they may be able to find some skinny guy from a third world country who will pretend to love them to get a green card, but any self-respecting man will give them a very wide berth.

Ho ho! Wide berth! I get it.

Naturally Price was hailed in the comments for his brave stance. According to dragnet,

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

Andrew S., for his part, admits that

I always had a thing for cute heavy girls.

But he still thinks they’re stuck-up bitches:

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.

Seriously, the “cute heavy girls” that Andrew prefers need to learn to properly hate themselves for being fat fatties. Maybe that way they’ll be more willing to put up with all this MRA bullshit.

Yes, this post contains



and high fat content. Because I’m fat, get it?

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Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Interesting, isn’t it, that a human/civil rights movement constantly brings up how fuckable other people are. It’s almost as if their real desire is to criticize and control.

Naaaah. Couldn’t be.

12 years ago

Dude must seriously be living in his own little delusional mind if he thinks there are no fat people in Europe. Are they many countries nowadays that don’t have an obesity problem to some degree?

More to the point, fuck him for thinking that women being fat or thin has anything to do with male sexuality.

12 years ago

Hey Tulgey, they are super oppressed by other people being themselves! And then not being properly self hating about it!

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Let me get this straight: women should be starving and/or hating themselves into thinness for men’s W.F. Price’s sake, yet women should *also* happily fuck men W.F. Price at his whim, regardless of men’s W.F. Price’s looks or said women’s level of attraction to those looks?

I can safely say, pun and all, that I do not give W.F. Price a single fuck.

12 years ago

I’m not fat and it is also an expression of my loathing of Pricey’s sexuality. I suspect all women, regardless of how they express it through adipose tissue, are united in this.

12 years ago

If you were to try to come up with a parallel for men, I suppose it would be something like having toothless, homeless alcoholic men say that they should be proud of themselves and feel attractive.

What is it with this guy comparing apples to oranges?

Also, generally, I don’t think it’s particularly useful to tell people to hate themselves for ANYTHING. It doesn’t really improve behavior in my opinions.

Medium Dave
12 years ago

Ah. Again we have a prominent figure in the “manosphere” advancing the curious notion that women and men are such radically different creatures that a quality in the former (being fat) corresponds to a completely different quality in the latter (being a homeless alcoholic). The intense fat-phobia doesn’t surprise me that much, as it’s a prejudice that’s already widespread in our society… but as usual, MRA’s manage to work an astonishing amount of self-pity in with the hatred. 😮

Timid Atheist (@TimidAtheist)

So I’m fat because I don’t want guys to fuck me? I could have saved YEARS of therapy if I’d known this sooner.

*Warning for Sarcasm*

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

The abomination that is the average American woman in flyover country constitutes nothing less than a full-scale loathing of male sexuality.

That’s right, MRA’s. All of the women here in the midwest are abominations that hate male sexuality, so you should never live here or visit here. Beware of the fatty fatness of flyover country!

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones

Wait, is Andrew mad because thin women in the midwest don’t have enough curves? Either way, he needs to get with the program. Midwestern women are abominations so he should move far away as soon as possible.

12 years ago

I wouldn’t give him a fuck if he was lying fuckless in the desert.

12 years ago

Look at all the fucks I give.

None to him.

12 years ago

Being in the midwest they are a dime a dozen. But since there aren’t a lot of attractive in shape or thin women in this part of the country, and most of the decent looking women have some meat on there bones, well, it was hard to stomach how women who pretty much anywhere else in the world would have been ignored acted like such perfect bitches.


Not even the fat bitches will fuck me! Ergo, ipso facto, all women suck. It can’t possibly have anything to do with me, or my personality. Nope, women are terrible. I’m clearly awesome and have no anger issues that are easily identifiable upon a two minute conversation with me.

12 years ago

When will these turds get it through their heads that women don’t solely exist for there sexual gratification? That in fact women aren’t designed “for” anything?

They’d probably have a complete nervous breakdown if they ever realized how little of any given womans thoughts revolved around men. I mean, days even months could go by for a fair number of us!!

12 years ago

Lots of women spearheaders (spearmaidens? I forget what they call themselves) coming out to comment on this one. Because god forbid some anonymous angry misogynist should think that they are not totally in shape! You know what’s gross? You know what’s decidedly NOT SEXY? Trying to prove to W.F. Price and a bunch of his minions that you’re sexy. It is to barf.

So, fat, not fat, whatever … To borrow a line from last night’s Girls — I decided I was going to have some other concerns in life.

12 years ago

So, the fact that I’m fat means W. F. Price would never want to fuck me? Well, at least there’s something to be happy about…

12 years ago

That’s right, MRA’s. All of the women here in the midwest are abominations that hate male sexuality, so you should never live here or visit here. Beware of the fatty fatness of flyover country!

Dammit, Kendra, don’t send them out here! I’m eating as fast as I can, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be enough to hold them off!

Anyway, homeless guys with no teeth shouldn’t hate themselves either. Unless they’re MRAs.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

I’m a little puzzled. Andrew claims he’s surrounded by the sort of woman he “has a thing for” but there are no attractive women around him. Does that mean he likes unattractive women?

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

I have to agree with you this time, Boob King! Here is how I replied to Price — I assume that you will concur:


“From Europe, it becomes apparent that one of the largest single problems for American men is the lack of eligible women; it is the mirror image of the problem that afflicts women in Eastern Europe.”

Sorry, can’t agree. This is the only ADVANTAGE that American men have. This is what will happen when all American women turn into hairy hogs:

1) No American man will be in prison on false accusations of SA and DV.
2) No American father will be legally transformed into a living ATM machine with no right to participate in his children’s lives.
3) American men will no longer feel compelled to provide for women, who will have to pay the full cost of their own health care, entitlements, social security, retirement, and so forth.
4) American men will no longer feel compelled to protect women, who will spill their own blood to protect their security (in war and peace).

I can’t wait. Let the day of the hairy hog abomination begin!

12 years ago

Dude must seriously be living in his own little delusional mind if he thinks there are no fat people in Europe.

I can personally vouch for the fact that there are fat people in Europe. I’m married to one, for starters – and she was the same shape when I met her. And I wasn’t desperate.

Still, it’s good to know that she’s unlikely to run off with W.F. Price any time soon.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

By the way, my yearning for the age of abominable slob hogs received 17 up votes, and 2 down. We have finally found something that both feminists and MRAs agree on!

12 years ago

If being overweight will keep people like Antz away from me, I say pass the potato chips.

Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

I am an abomination that hates male sexuality, but so are all man-hating Amazon lesbians, and we come in all shapes and sizes. I happen to be monstrously fat, but that is wholly unrelated to either my hatred of men or to my ability to establish sexual relationships. I’ve said it before, but I really think these MRAs are doing it wrong. Completely wrong.

Lots of women spearheaders (spearmaidens? I forget what they call themselves) coming out to comment on this one.

My significant other back in Man-Hating Dykeland is an actual spearmaiden, and I hope for her sake that this is not what they call themselves. She would be aghast.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Reposted from another thread:

Fat has basically become a synonym for “OMFGYOUAREAHORRIBLEUGLYUNDESIRABLEPERSON.” This is frustrating because:
1) When men call women fat, they are supposed to burst into tears, like the worst thing ever is not being attractive within VERY narrow parameters.
2) When my friends freak out when I describe myself as fat around them. It’s like “No, I didn’t say I was ugly or undesirable or not-awesome. I am attractive and desirable and awesome. Also fat.”

We should be able to talk about our bodies in ways that are honest and also nonjudgmental. Also, by proof of the people who have wanted to sleep with me (some of whom I have turned down) and the fat men that I have wanted to sleep with (some of whom have turned me down) fat people can actually be sexually attractive to other people of a WIDE VARIETY of body types. NYAH!

Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

If fat people constitute a majority of the population of the United States (I don’t know about Man-Hating Dykeland; we don’t feel a need to keep track since the idea of hating people because of their bodies is foreign to us) why do you put up with being shamed and reviled? Surely you could crush the thin hordes in battle.

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