antifeminism artificial wombs crackpottery evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexy robot ladies we hunted the mammoth

Civilization and its Discontented Ladies

If it weren't for us men, we'd all still be living like this.

Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)

What is civilization?  There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed.  Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc.  When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women.  Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology.  Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.

Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!

And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.

So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology.  Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual.  Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature.  Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women.  Civilization was developed by men, not women.  Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now).  Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women.  Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.

So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.

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12 years ago

Hey jumbofat-find yourself a friend and stop annoying intelligent men on the Net. You have fat fugly loser written all over you.

LoL troll harder dude.

12 years ago

(I only have one advanced degree and a vagina, so, you know,

A cunt, a “degree’ in sociology, and a dollar will get you a cup coffee at MickyD’s

12 years ago

Though if this place is so unintelligent and you are so smart why are you here again?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Srsly, this dude has never seen a fat person working? Ever? No Wal-mart greeters, no fat secretaries, no fat IT people? Someone needs to leave the house more often…

12 years ago

HoJo, is that you? I love your hotels.

12 years ago

spearhead reader turns out to be twelve. everyone feign shock.

12 years ago

This troll is funny. It’s always amusing when insults like “lesbian dingbats” get thrown out – dude, you think lesbianism is a problem? Lulz.

Oh, you also misgendered Sharculese.

12 years ago

Are we sure this is not yet another sock of MARL or Brandon?

12 years ago

Oh, you also misgendered Sharculese.

(shhh he thinks we are all women here ;P)

12 years ago

A cunt, a “degree’ in sociology, and a dollar will get you a cup coffee at MickyD’s

oh shit, guys, he said a bad word and there’s nothing we can do about it. he totally showed us.

12 years ago

Srsly, this dude has never seen a fat person working? Ever? No Wal-mart greeters, no fat secretaries, no fat IT people?

There are none ofn these lower class stores where I live and fat people simply are not hired by anyone.

12 years ago

It’s possible that I might feel insulted if my degree were actually in sociology, but… no, wait, even then I would only be able to laugh. This is awesome. Please, please keep impressing us with your magnificent intelligence! It becomes more and more apparent with everything you say.

12 years ago

5 year old logic:
bad words are bad so its funny when he says bad words

12 years ago

If not sociology then something as equally useless.

12 years ago

And he put “degree” in quotes! My little psyche will never recover from SO MUCH BURN 😉

12 years ago

Like how Eurotrash “destroyed” us on one of the older threads. Oh no, wait, actually he didn’t manage that. Silly troll.

12 years ago

Jumboflab-take your Thorazine and your enema.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

There are none ofn these lower class stores where I live and fat people simply are not hired by anyone.

Oh, man. Peeps, we need to keep this one. He must live in a walled garden.

I’m curious to where he lives, though. Where on earth are there no Wal-Marts? Rodeo Drive? Somewhere very rural?

12 years ago

Cloudiah – and the quotes were lopsided! Does that make it more or less of a burn?

12 years ago

There are none ofn these lower class stores where I live and fat people simply are not hired by anyone.

ookay, this one’s a little too on the nose. i’m switching to the assumption that these posts come from a place with lots of trees and lots of bratwurst

12 years ago

Obvy he lives in Thinrichdudesville.

12 years ago

You moron females would be totally destroyed if the fat mangina Futrelle didn’t ban comments. Try making these dumb comments on an uncensored men’s site.

12 years ago

Maybe Buenos Aires? I think they had all the fat people removed to the suburbs.

12 years ago

Jumboflab-take your Thorazine and your enema.

Oh? Why the enema?

12 years ago

They were not human but Neanderthal apes and still exist on earth today in isolated areas.

Yes and I think we found one of them

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