Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)
What is civilization? There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed. Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc. When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women. Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology. Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.
Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!
And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.
So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology. Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual. Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature. Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women. Civilization was developed by men, not women. Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now). Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women. Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.
So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.
That is… a lot of ducks
Actually, ithiliana, there was a study done on mice that proved that meat consumption stimulates brain growth. Mice fed a meat-heavy diet grew much larger brains compared to a control group fed an all-grain diet.
Here are the mice used in the study.
In response to my claim that the blogger calling himself The Black Pill is approaching his mid-thirties, Johnson said:
…other than reading The Black Pill’s blog, of course.
He’s actually mentioned his age more than once, and since he’s “over 30” here and here, he strongly hints here that he was 32 in early 2011, and he states explicitly that he was 33 last September. Which would make him 33 or 34 today.
Granted, he could be lying, but I can’t imagine what his motive would be – and his claims have been entirely consistent.
BERKELEY– Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago routinely began to include meat in their diets to compensate for a serious decline in the quality of plant foods, according to a physical anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley.
It was this new meat diet, full of densely-packed nutrients, that provided the catalyst for human evolution, particularly the growth of the brain, said Katharine Milton, an authority on primate diet.
Without meat, said Milton, it’s unlikely that proto humans could have secured enough energy and nutrition from the plants available in their African environment at that time to evolve into the active, sociable, intelligent creatures they became. Receding forests would have deprived them of the more nutritious leaves and fruits that forest-dwelling primates survive on, said Milton.
My particular tribe of man-hating lesbian Amazons eats only meat. Except for bread…which is made from the ground bones of our fallen enemies, so, yes, I suppose we are exclusively carnivorous.
I don’t think that we are especially brainy compared to other Amazons, but maybe that sort of thing only applies to the supple civilization-building brains of men.
Hoe does this:
BERKELEY– Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago routinely began to include meat in their diets to compensate for a serious decline in the quality of plant foods, according to a physical anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley.
Prove this?:
Thats your point right? Goalpost moving much?
Rutee-10k years ago the entire population of the earth was 1m. They were all spread out in Europe, W Asia and N Africa and they were all the same Caucasian race. Only a handful of Orientals were in theFar East and a handful of Negroes on nthe west coast of Africa. So we’re basically talking about the Euro-Asia landmass and there certainly were glaciers in this period. The growing season in N Europe was 60 days which may produce cabbages that man cannot live on alone. Grasses and weeds have a longer growing season. There were no predators that could attack a group of manmoths except man and the small grass eating animals were eaten by prey other than man.
And in the future never try to argue with a man twice your age and who has two advanced degrees because you’ll only look lie the irrational fool you are.
And stop getting your info from Hollywood fillms like Cave Bear and Quest for Fire. And when I said that paternity was unknown until recently I’m talking about recent human history 10k years ago.
(reposting for dumb mistakes)
How does this:
Prove this?:
Thats your point right? Goalpost moving much?
I like that he specified a MAN. (plus how do you know you are twice her age) And two advanced degrees don’t mean shit especially when you can’t make a rational argument or even spell check.
Wait mentioning his intelligence as reason that you are wrong….mral?
Johnson, what are your thoughts on Madame Alexander dolls and stuffed animals? Kittens? Because there’s this one other antiquated bigot who posts here too, I bet you guys would get along really well together!
Human ancestors who roamed the dry and open savannas of Africa about 2 million years ago
They were not human but Neanderthal apes and still exist on earth today in isolated areas.
Snowy-just keep following the herd and be careful you are not kicked out by telling the truth.
lolol I think he likes you snowy 😉
Maybe he will try to convert you like certain other trolls XD
Wait mentioning his intelligence as reason that you are wrong….mral?
No mentioning real knowledge ,credentials, and competence as opposed to some amateur who read an article on “global warming” in some magazine.
The biggest problem with females is their herd mentality and conforming with whatever is popular at the time so that they all “feel” equal and no one’s fweelings get hurt. The hell with the facts.
Men don’t need facts!! or blockquotes!!
And what sort of a male loser would set up a site to attack other men. I never see this fat Futrelle attack female boobs. Is their a site set up by a female anywhere where she attacks female boobs?
maybe in the future you could try sounding less like a self-righteous teenager and people wouldn’t make that mistake?
And what is the truth Johnson? Is it something to do with “manmoths”? I would think an elderly man with two advanced degrees such as yourself would have figured out how to spell mammoth by now. But maybe English isn’t your native language…
Thesame lesbian dingbats posting here 24/7. Apparently yu never get outof the house which leads me to believe that you’re either too fat to get through the door, mentally deranged, or cripples.
ignoring the fact that none of that is true, what sort of insipid nobody actually spouts this sort of petulant gender tribalism without realizing how sad it sounds?
Haha well neither of them can spell, we’ll just have to wait and see if they have any other similarities.