antifeminism artificial wombs crackpottery evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexy robot ladies we hunted the mammoth

Civilization and its Discontented Ladies

If it weren't for us men, we'd all still be living like this.

Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)

What is civilization?  There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed.  Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc.  When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women.  Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology.  Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.

Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!

And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.

So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology.  Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual.  Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature.  Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women.  Civilization was developed by men, not women.  Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now).  Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women.  Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.

So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.

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Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh shit, if you didn’t mean that small animal bit about just europe you are even more fucked, because that would require all small animals across the globe to be imports. XD

Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

Virgins are at war? My tribe once went to war with an entire army of virgins. They went down pretty easy. (Hm. Something sounds wrong about that, somehow…)

In my crude opinion, glorious battle aside, being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of and it isn’t a reason to make fun of a person, even a man. Perhaps if the Omega man-filth in question realized this, he would not be so angry and hateful.

12 years ago

Now now David, you’re being very silly searching the internet for this stuff. For all you know this may have been written by some nerdy 15 yo boy going through puberty who can’t deal with females and may be a shy socially awkward video game playing recluse.

Hi there. I’m a very nerdy, shy, somewhat socially awkward, video-game-playing recluse. At one point I was also 15 and a virgin. I definitely remember being an insecure, mopey little teenager who was deeply afraid I would die alone and unloved. Some ways I dealt with this included (a) trying to make more friends, (b) trying to take pride in my other strengths, and (c) writing hilariously shitty and pretentious poetry about how no one understood the unbearable agony of being a 15-year-old. Some ways I dealt with this did NOT include (d) blaming an entire gender for my problems, (e) bitching about how other people didn’t deserve rights, or (f) generally being an asshat.

I have plenty of affectionate (if slightly eye-rolly) patience for socially awkward teenagers doing the best they can. I see no reason to extend the same patience to people who decide to take their problems out on others, even if they are teenagers. (And, sadly, they’re mostly not.)

12 years ago

Polliwog: What about (g) listening to Radiohead? I’ve heard it’s traditional.

Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

Maybe Amazons are just comparatively old-fashioned (or…new-fashioned, actually; sexually active children is a pretty reactionary phenomenon if you think about it) but since when is it common for 15-year-olds to get bummed out because they haven’t had sex yet? What’s the socially acceptable age at which to turn in one’s V-card these days? 12?

12 years ago

Nah, if you really want to go traditional you should be listening to The Cure.

12 years ago

Polliwog: What about (g) listening to Radiohead? I’ve heard it’s traditional.

I mostly skipped the Radiohead phase in favor of option (h) listening to Tori Amos.

12 years ago

Maybe Amazons are just comparatively old-fashioned (or…new-fashioned, actually; sexually active children is a pretty reactionary phenomenon if you think about it) but since when is it common for 15-year-olds to get bummed out because they haven’t had sex yet? What’s the socially acceptable age at which to turn in one’s V-card these days? 12?

Honestly, I think the socially acceptable age is – and probably almost always has been – “whenever my friends are bragging that they totally did it, regardless of whether or not they’re telling the truth.” I was relatively lucky in that my friends weren’t really the bragging sort in that regard, so I didn’t particularly start worrying about being a virgin until I was in college – but I definitely angsted my little brains out throughout high school about not having been kissed. I was genuinely convinced that the fact that I’d never had a boyfriend meant that it was an absolute given that no one would ever love me and I would be FOREVER ALONE. I really feel bad for teens in that regard – we bombard them with idiotic messages about when they’re “supposed” to do all sorts of things, none of which matter a millionth as much as they feel like they do when you’re 16 and your best friend has totally had three whole boyfriends and what is wrong with you that no boys have ever asked you out. My adult self can realize that what was “wrong with me” is that I went to a small school and didn’t actually know very many kids outside of it, and that as soon as I met more people some of them totally wanted to date me, but boy did it make me feel broken at the time.

(And yet, somehow, despite all the angst, I never blamed all the boys in the world for not wanting to give my dorky, metal-mouthed, pimple-faced 15-year-old self smooches, or decided that men were all super-terrible and didn’t deserve rights. Crazy how that works!)

12 years ago

(i) The Smiths. Come on.

12 years ago

Nah, if you really want to go traditional you should be listening to The Cure.

(i) The Smiths. Come on.

My one professor in college had this theory that you couldn’t have a mixed The Smiths–The Cure marriage, both people had to prefer one over the other. Looks like you guys aren’t getting married anytime soon!!!

12 years ago

For the record, the Black Pill/Omega Virgin Revolt guy is approaching his mid-thirties.

12 years ago

Hey, I love both! Though my tendency to laugh at Morrisey’s mopey lyrics does seem to annoy some Smiths fans.

12 years ago

@ Wetherby

Well that’s disturbing. Then again, the idea that anyone thinks that it’s appropriate to “revolt” against people not having sex with them is also disturbing.

12 years ago

er. Smiths/Cure marriage here and going strong 20years on. i am the Smiths side of it and did stay up through the night one night at Uni with a similarly minded Smiths fan. we mostly played the music and laughed our socks off.

12 years ago

BTW, Since you are so clued in on how they did things, what did they eat on Tuesdays?

I have no idea about Tuesday but since they were Catholici in 22k BC they didn’t eat mammoth meat on Fridays 🙂

12 years ago

“Somehow most unhappy male virgins manage to live their lives without launching crusades against all the world’s women”

This is really a problem with the Internet.Formerly these nonentities both male and female had no way of expressing their wacko theories.They probably were ignored in real life or too afraid to open their mouths in public for fear of being laughed at and ridiculed. Now that computers and the net are as common as TV’s every loser believes they have something to say regardless of how ridiculous it may be and can vent anonymously. And as I said before, many of these people are bored frustrated kids both male and female with no friends who live in their own little world that bears no resemblance to reality.Many are even likely mentally ill.

12 years ago

For the record, the Black Pill/Omega Virgin Revolt guy is approaching his mid-thirties

How do you know that? You have no way of knowing that.

12 years ago

Nah, if you really want to go traditional you should be listening to The Cure.

Or the Clash. Lost in the Supermarket 🙂

12 years ago

“Men have the disadvantage of having to depend on the good humor of another human to forward their genes into the next generation”

I think everyone has to depend on the good humor of another human being to forward their genes, really. Somehow I find it doubtful that these men are making these comments because they don’t succeed in the dating world. At least exclusively because of that.

I think that people can get rejected and disappointed in love many, many times without becoming sexist (that, I should hope, is the case with me). So there is some bidirectional ambiguity. Do these guys get mad at women for not responding to their advances… or do women not respond to their advances because they clearly hold sexist worldviews?

12 years ago

@Rutee-I don’t know if English is your native language and perhaps you misunderstood but I said that the reason they had to hunt big game was because all of the small game was got by faster predators like wolves, foxes etc. You’re assuming that game was plentiful and there for the taking but man was in competition with the other animals.The larger game including manmoth was not killed by the smaller predators. And yes, it was the stronger men who were able to throw a spear hard enough and get close enough to kill. Farming is a recent developement from when civilisation began and people were more settled and less nomadic.And btw, you couldn’t gather much that humans could eat during the long eras of colder weather in Europe.Grasses and other weeds will grow even when it’s cold but humans can’t survive on this. Animals can and then humans eat the animals.Deer, bison, cattle etc are very good converters of grass into protein that humans can live on.

12 years ago

I think everyone has to depend on the good humor of another human being to forward their genes, really

Don’t be silly. Man has lived 99% of his existence in a primitive state and what we call rape didn’t exist. This is just something we invented recently and there is no such thing as rape in Nature. Females also needed men to survive for their food unless you think you can survive on grass.Females would be nice to men (have sex) and they’d get a manmoth steak in return.What we would call prostitution today and which is why it comes so natural to the female. And btw, it is really quite recent in human history when man discovered that sex caused pregnancy and then later that a specific man was the father of the female’s offspring. The concept of the father is the product of civilisation and a more advanced intelligence. Marriage is the product of modern times.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Thank you. I think maybe this is a tactic by the MRAs to confuse us into submission. Every time I read something by them it’s completely contradictory to something else I read by them. None of it makes any sense. Maybe if they’d spend more time focusing on doing something about the actual problems that men face instead of trying desperately for new ways to demonize women they might actually gain some respect. But instead they’re just hell bent on hurting their cause by trying to hurt us.

Another notable contradiction is their desire to have a say when it comes to a woman’s right to chose what happens if she gets pregnant, because it’s partly theirs. Complain about men not being able to gain custody of their children. But at the same time they’re so against child support and treat it like some unreasonable burden to be expected to take partial financial responsibility for their children. Make up your minds! Either you want to be held responsible for your children or you don’t. Don’t act like you’re responsible parents only when it’s convenient for your argument.

But I think that kinda sums up the entire cause. They are willing to change their opinions completely at any given moment so long as it can refute the argument at hand.

Now that you mention it, I have been seeing women just jumping men in the streets. We really do need to get our sexuality under control. Cause, you know, women aren’t constantly being slut shamed into having completely unfulfilling sex lives ever. They are just going where their lust takes them.

Yeah, traditional roles of women are so often dismissed. As if child rearing is easy. I find that, if you aren’t bringing in a pay check, some people tend to equate whatever work you are doing with laziness. I see this a lot when they talk about paying child support. First, they treat it like the money is not going to the care of their children, and that the mothers are living it up, spending it on themselves, and completely undeserving of any luxury. How do they not get that childcare is more than a full time job? At least at a job you can clock out at 5pm and go relax. A mother’s work is never done.

I also see them frown upon the mothers going to school and treating it like a way to avoid work. Anyone who has gone to college full time and maintained good grades can tell you otherwise. You work your butt off for no money. Who would want to do that if it wasn’t going to lead to something better?

What evidence do you have that rape did not exist in primitive times? Also, how can you claim that rape does not exist in nature? Are you claiming that animals don’t take sex by force or that they don’t oppose sex therefore there isn’t the ability for other animals to rape them? These statements that you’re making are a little too vague.

12 years ago

I think he’s making the classic “rape is natural because scorpion flies/dolphins/whatever” argument.

12 years ago

@Jessay- the concept of “rape’ does not exist in Nature, it’s simply mating.

And Cassandra, don’t try to make snide remarks when you have no idea what you’re talking about. Get some experience and a real education before spewing your childish lesbian nonsense.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Great way to clear that up for me with another vague non-explanation and lack of citation.

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