antifeminism artificial wombs crackpottery evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexy robot ladies we hunted the mammoth

Civilization and its Discontented Ladies

If it weren't for us men, we'd all still be living like this.

Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)

What is civilization?  There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed.  Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc.  When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women.  Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology.  Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.

Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!

And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.

So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology.  Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual.  Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature.  Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women.  Civilization was developed by men, not women.  Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now).  Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women.  Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.

So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.

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12 years ago

In a thriving, healthy society, both men and women’s sexuality is controlled. In the modern day western world, men’s sexuality is held in check while women’s sexuality is uncontrolled. If men’s sexuality wasn’t held under control, any man would just take any woman who aroused him. Eventually, uncontrolled female sexuality will inevitably lead to uncontrolled male sexuality. History seems intent on repeating itself. Over and over again.

I know, milkslave. I know! I was just thinking this the other day while I was masturbating openly on the bus.

12 years ago

One of the reasons Mary Sommerville is a favorite of mine is how completely her existence refutes this foolishness. You can’t have tech without math and you can’t have math without Mary Sommerville. She taught herself. Because she was a woman she was not permitted to be taught. This did not prevent them from using the textbooks she wrote in the college she was not permitted to enter. In 1894 they finally permitted women to attend in the college named for her at the University she was not permitted to enter because she was a woman.

12 years ago

I browse this site for the pictures (otherwise as a heterosexual male who’s not a self-hating magina white knight of a feminazi collaborator, I wouldn’t even bother)…

I am so insulted! get me my fainting chair!

Being here “for the pictures” has to be one of the lamest excuses I have heard in a long time. I don’t know why you included the heterosexual part either

(I wonder what is with the “…” at the end. Is there more to come?)

12 years ago

“It’s funny because a lot of men say that women have a civilizing effect on men.”

Neutering effect is more like it.

Wait I thought the manly mcdudebro thing was having women made them more manly or some shit. Cracked told me wrong!!

12 years ago

@ Sandra
Thanks for the long, thoughtful reply. Much appreciated. While I do intellectually recognize most of the points you’re making, they don’t always sink in. But it’s true that I could probably do with reading more about things achieved and invented by women. A lot more.

Though in the very end I’d just like to be in the team humanity, really. (Does that sound excessively naive?)

12 years ago

I’ve always wondered- if women are such a huge threat to men, then why do MRAs constantly go on about how women are “worthless” or “stupid” or “clueless”? I mean, we can’t all be evil masterminds set on destroying “civilization” *AND* also be clueless bimbos who just want the newest pretty shoes and name brand purses.

So exactly WHICH ONE IS IT, MRAs?

All I can say is that I’m much rather go to work for 40 hours a week and buy my own purses and shoes than sit around clutching my pearls, batting my eyes and promising to do uncomfortable things in bed in the HOPE that my spouse will magically read my mind and buy them for me in exchange for all of my sacrifices.

I think that when you get to the point when women don’t NEED men to survive, all of the douche bag men who were able to get married and abuse the shit out of some woman back when women had no other choice just get really pissed off because the only men worth being with are men who aren’t abusive shitheads, and therefore women will choose being single forever over having to marry one of them.

As I tell my husband, “I married you because I *want* to be with you, not because I *have* to be with you.”

12 years ago

I know. I’m not saying it’s a great theory, just that it’s better than what MRAs think (lowest bar in the world) and that Ruby didn’t make it up out of nowhere.

What Sandra said. It’s not that women never did anything important, it’s that what they did was denigrated as unimportant because it was women who did it. This phenomenon still occurs today, and MRAs are guiltier of it than anyone.

12 years ago

Should also note that agriculture was invented on at least three separate occasions in three different locations (Middle East, China, Americas), and in every case it could have been either a man or a woman who first made the logical leap from “Seeds we throw on the midden turn into more food plants” to “Hey! We could do that ON PURPOSE!”

12 years ago

Now now David, you’re being very silly searching the internet for this stuff. For all you know this may have been written by some nerdy 15 yo boy going through puberty who can’t deal with females and may be a shy socially awkward video game playing recluse. The name “Omega Virgin Revolt” should have been a clear indication. He’s a virgin and he views himself as an omega which I guess means the bottom of the barrel.

12 years ago

@Poetryfrog, the others are right. This is just sour grapes by men that can’t get women to like them. And plus, men have the disadvantage of having to depend on the good humor of another human to forward their genes into the next generation. And believe me when I tell you that this is a much bigger deal than they will ever admit to. It puts them in a position of weakness and some people react very badly to that.

12 years ago

Now now johnson i don’t think all mras are 15 year old virgin boys going through puberty who can’t deal with females and may be a shy socially awkward. You know like Elam and Roissy….

12 years ago

Most mras are older than 15 from what I have seen. Some of them are shy/virgins but thats no excuse really to hate women.

12 years ago

“Somehow most unhappy male virgins manage to live their lives without launching crusades against all the world’s women.”

You sound awfully familiar 😉 Care to fill us in on how you know this, there big Dave?

12 years ago

Oh buzz off. That same “insult” was used in the last few posts by that other troll. Be more creative plz.

12 years ago

What’s next, Jimmy? Gonna break out “fat?” Try harder.

12 years ago

Jimmy: care to fill us in on the virgins who are waging war?

12 years ago

Dave: I. Duh. I missed that attempt at a sly dig.

Not so sly.

12 years ago

@Sandra-and it was in fact the whole tribe who would assist in the chasing and trapping and killing of a large beast
That’s how most animals were killed, at least in Europe. If there was a herd of deer for example they would just scare and chase them until they stampeded and ran over a cliff. There’s a big rock called Le Solutre in southern France and at the bottom of it there are remnants of animal bones. I guess the rock was named after the Solutrean culture in the area. However, in other areas you would have to get close enough to an animal and be able to throw a spear (actually many spears)with sufficient force to kill it and this could only be done by men and even here only the strongest men. You mentioned small animals but there would have been none because predators a lot faster than men would get these which is why they killed these mamouths and larger game which was a lot more dangerous.

12 years ago


I have no idea what this one is trying to say now

12 years ago

FYI: The Solutrean culture is named for the rock, not the other way around.

BTW, Since you are so clued in on how they did things, what did they eat on Tuesdays?

12 years ago

Tuesdays was meatloaf, always meatloaf.

12 years ago

Neutering effect is more like it.

Now THAT is old school! Sex with women depletes one’s spirit by draining away semen, which is life-fluid. Do you also believe men should fuck each other to replenish their semen? I mean, hell, in for a penny, in for a pound, dogg.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

may be a shy socially awkward video game playing recluse.

I’m a shy, socially awkward video game playing recluse, I manage not to hate half the population, nor do I use it as an excuse to do so.

Also, if dudes weren’t such asshats to women who play games, there would probably be more of us playing games (IT’s not just dudes, mind, but it is also dudes), and then even the shy, socially awkward video game playing recluses would probably meet a few more gals while playing games, and perhaps not be so damn inept at dealing with women (At least not especially so, since you already stipulated a socially awkward recluse)

You mentioned small animals but there would have been none

It’s only been 10k years, are you proposing all the various little creatures in europe, including rats, are all imports? You’re going to need some actual evidence for that one.

because predators a lot faster than men would get these which is why they killed these mamouths and larger game which was a lot more dangerous.
Dude are you really going to bring up the mammoth knowing full well it was only some tribes that hunted them at all, and knowing, and assuming that every single one of the tribe’s strongest were dudes? I mean, you’re aware that most tribes lived primarily off their gathering, right? Yeah, they hunted, but really now…