antifeminism artificial wombs crackpottery evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexy robot ladies we hunted the mammoth

Civilization and its Discontented Ladies

If it weren't for us men, we'd all still be living like this.

Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)

What is civilization?  There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed.  Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc.  When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women.  Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology.  Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.

Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!

And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.

So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology.  Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual.  Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature.  Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women.  Civilization was developed by men, not women.  Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now).  Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women.  Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.

So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.

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Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Black Pill makes arguments that the Taliban would agree with. Funny how in the West where women have the most freedom, science and technology are advancing just fine.

12 years ago

Regular visitor to the site for a daily laugh – so many MRAs writing remind me of my nephew’s talk at five years old – holding onto his toddler narcissism – everything his mother did or said was wrong because he said so and she was only a lady and he was a big boy and, and, and. He did grow out of it.

12 years ago

Maybe that will fix the perma-italics. Let’s find out.

12 years ago

Nope. lol

12 years ago

Ruby: Also, my guess is that it was women who first developed agriculture enabling civilization. citation needed

12 years ago

Screw civilization, I want the bad ladies.


12 years ago

Manjaw: I would not function at all as a straw feminist because I would not be remotely believable.

What makes you think this would stop them now? It’s never been a problem for them in the past.

12 years ago

As I recall my history, the development of agricultural civilizations led to more patriarchal structures, but the later changes that led to industrial AND urban civilizations have resulted in relative lessening of patriarchal structures compared to agricultural civilizations — I guess OP does not realize that “civilization” is not a single term but can be categorized, and that it is not accurate to slot it and “not civilization” onto the good/bad binary in any moral sense of the word (or at least not in the fields of study that focus on civilizations and their characteristics).

Also has a weak grasp of differences between chronology, correlation, and causation.

12 years ago

It also amuses me to see that OVR can’t seem to write a post without a swipe at the Paleo Diet folks.

What’s wrong with that? While Blackpill is just angry he can’t get laid, I like how he’s willing to attack the white supremacism, paleo diet, and conspiracy theory prevelant in the MRM.

12 years ago


Well, I tried. It didn’t work, but I tried. *whine* Make it stop…


12 years ago

What?! All these hundreds of years of men claiming that it is women’s responsibility to be a civilizing influence on men UP IN SMOKE. The whole time it was women preventing men from civilizing. Misandry exposed!

12 years ago


The reason some anthropologists speculate that agriculture was a female innovation is that women were already interacting with plants the most through their gathering activities and thus would have the most opportunities to think of it. It is of course only speculation, but it makes more sense than “Men must have thought of it because men have ALL TEH AWESOMZ.”

12 years ago

Ridiculous as it is to think that all female behavior acts against civilization, this is probably one of the hardest arguments for me to tackle personally. It just hits home and makes me feel inferior, a non-participant in the society.

(Well, it usually does… when it is worded in a little more gentle and realistic form of ‘women have contributed much less for the modern civilization than men’.)

I think that women could have contributed equally if opportunities had been equal, but still. You never know. And the nagging fear gets me every time. Comments like this amplify it thousandfold, even when they are being totally irrational. Because I do respect the founding fathers of the pleasant, modern society I live in. It’s discouraging to play in a team that’s been ‘losing’ long before you joined it.

12 years ago

Well, I thought making cinnamon rolls was a prefectly civilized behavior, but if I’m all uncivilized then I guess I don’t have to share.

12 years ago

Kendra, the bionic mommy
“I know they want to control women’s sexuality, but how exactly do they intend to control it?”

In a thriving, healthy society, both men and women’s sexuality is controlled. In the modern day western world, men’s sexuality is held in check while women’s sexuality is uncontrolled. If men’s sexuality wasn’t held under control, any man would just take any woman who aroused him. Eventually, uncontrolled female sexuality will inevitably lead to uncontrolled male sexuality. History seems intent on repeating itself. Over and over again.

12 years ago

aunthortense: Don’t forget these “gems”…

-Women are sluts (especially for alpha males) and don’t want to be chaste until marriage any more. Yet it’s ok them to f—’em and forget them even if it means taking the girl’s virginity because they deep down they’re whores any way.

-Western women are sooo demanding and place unrealistic expectations upon men. Yet, they demand that all foreign women to be dutiful, respectful and willing to date/spread their legs the moment they meet.

Overall, they’re just a bunch of bitter little boys with a major case of centerfold syndrome.

12 years ago

Right, you know one of the things I hate most about hyrarchies is its tendancy to overlook the contributions of people at the bottom. Society would not be where it is today if women had not done the child rearing, nusing the sick and injured, tending gardens, discovering herbal remedies,helping their husbands and fathers in their work, the endless cleaning and sewing etc. In fact, had women not been contributing these valuable skills and llabour, men would have had to do it themselves. Which means they would have had less time to do the observations, make the discoveries and design the inventions.

Its something you think about when nurses or teachers go on strike, or garbagemen or whatever. You realize just how much time and effort you have to put in yourself. And how women were convinced they. Were too stupid to even know their own minds, given the logistics of running a household, helping theirhusbands and fathers and dealing with responsibilities to kin and community are beyond me.

Most people I’ve met can’t keep up with what I do (homesteading in a small apartment) at home and my job despite having modern conveniences. I don’t even want to think about hauling water, firewood and boiling every ounce of hotwater needed. Women worked hard, contributed much and created a little more leisure time for the few men who advanced societies knowledge or technology.

12 years ago

karalora: I’m not unaware of the various speculations on the rise of agriculture (both passive and active).

The point is that Ruby made a statement which needs support.

Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

“Manjaw: I would not function at all as a straw feminist because I would not be remotely believable.

What makes you think this would stop them now? It’s never been a problem for them in the past.”

I mean, you’re right. The fact the it wouldn’t be smart if I were an MRA sock actually lends credence to the idea that I am one.

12 years ago

@Poetryfrog. Oh button, I used to feel this way too when I was younger. Inferior. This is because I had been lied to my whole life. This was before I did the research and realised that I was certainly not on the losing team, just the constantly knobbled team. Do yourself a favour and carry out some research on the science and innovation work that women have been involved in since history was documented. Have a look at the wonderful works of female authors who were forced to write under male psyeudonyms to be published. Take a gander at modern works of anthropology.

Don’t ever forget that women’s contribution to society has always been poo-pooed as trivial and unimportant. This lie has become so mainstream that unfortunately it is regarded as true even today. Do not buy into it.

I realised years ago that it is women who carry out the majority of the manual work in the world – everywhere – and this is how it has always been. It is only free time that allows innovative people to actually innovate. If Leonardo da Vinci had had 9 children to care for on his own, plus some aging parents to look after, plus tend the cows and the corn and have a part time job cleaning toilets to make ends meet he would not be the figure in history that he is today.

Historians, male ones,with plenty of time on their hands but without any evidence, painted a picture of pre-historic human life as men going out to hunt in groups while women stayed home and swept the cave, put up curtains and had babies. This scenario is now considered ridiculous by anthropoligists. There is evidence that cave dwellers were magnificent runners with huge amounts of stamina and it was in fact the whole tribe who would assist in the chasing and trapping and killing of a large beast. But of course hunting a large beast was not an everyday event. Women of course would still do the bulk of the work, also catching smaller prey and gathering edible plants for the benefit of the tribe and bearing, birthing, tending and feeding the children of the tribe for the ongoing benefit of the tribe.

Finally don’t forget that most men (my 15 year old son included) will gladly climb upon the shoulders of innovative and genius men claiming they are part of some dudely monolith when someone with a penis who is not them invents something. I would bet that there are zero MRA’s that have done anything that would be considered a benefit to civilisation.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Except basically everyone gathered most of the time, so that’s not really a very good basis for the conclusion..

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Shorter nwoslave: women dressing slutty makes men rape them. Can haz burkas nao?

(Recall that for owly, a man’s sexuality is inherently rapacious, whereas women’s sexuality is looking pretty. Genitals do not seem to enter the equation except as a secondary means of expression.)

12 years ago

“Abnoy” is a gem. Wonder if he’ll stick around and play, or if he’s a hit and run troll? Time will tell. Hello to the new non-trolls!