antifeminism artificial wombs crackpottery evil women grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexy robot ladies we hunted the mammoth

Civilization and its Discontented Ladies

If it weren't for us men, we'd all still be living like this.

Oh, you ladies! Apparently, if you were left to your own devices, we’d all still be living in caves. The dude at The Black Pill, the blog formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt, explains the grave danger that uncontrolled ladieness poses to civilization. (The thing, not the computer game.)

What is civilization?  There are many definitions of “civilization”, but IMO the most important definition of civilization is controlling female behavior, all of which acts against civilization. Civilization was created as soon as ways of controlling female behavior were developed.  Before civilization men had to constantly deal with female behavior so they never had the time to develop science, technology, etc.  When female behavior was put under control, then men didn’t have to spend so much time worry about women.  Men could spend time inventing agriculture and later other forms of science and technology.  Keeping women and their destructive behavior under control is the key to civilization.

Seriously. If we dudes hadn’t clamped down on your lady behavior, we’d be fucked. Dudes like Mr. Black Pill would be out there trying their best to build up civilization by posting lady-hating screeds on the internet and not having sex with anyone, and you gals would be undermining all their hard work by doing terrible lady things like, say, working in government, doing scientific research, teaching filmmaking, writing books, making interesting jewelry, working as EMTs, being Secretary of State, and writing Supernatural fanfic. Wait, that’s already happening. Uh oh. Civilization is in danger!

And of course evil feminists are at the heart of the Lady Plot Against Civilization.

So much of feminism is a screed against civilization, science, and technology.  Feminists have called Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica a rape manual.  Feminists hate the technology industry and have attacked technology in general as male rape of the natural world and/or the enforcement of patriarchy over nature.  Feminists know unconciously that civilization is the greatest threat to the power of women.  Civilization was developed by men, not women.  Women are only along for the ride because sex and babies can’t happen without them (for now).  Every advancement in science and technology is a threat to women.  Every advancement in science and technology brings up a step closer to freeing men from needing women.

So watch it, ladies. As soon as we work out this whole having babies without ladies thing, your days are numbered! Then all we’ll need to do is to figure out how to get all the dudes in the world who actually like and respect women and think of them as fellow human beings to abandon them for sex robots. Piece of cake.

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12 years ago

I’m charging my iPod right now, and adding some new songs that I downloaded recently via a link sent to me in email by the band’s record company. Technology, why must you oppress me so?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go switch on the electric kettle.

12 years ago

So, basically, male:female :: culture:nature. THIS IS SO REVOLUTIONARY THAT MY ADMIRATION CAN ONLY BE EXPRESSED IN ALLCAPS! WHY DID NOBODY THINK OF THIS BEF-oh, wait. Well, never mind, then. (See also: everything Camille Paglia ever wrote. In fact, The Black Pill’s ugly little screed almost makes me wonder if he read CP and thought “hmm, she’s on the right track, but her misogyny isn’t quitevitriolic enough, and her claims need to be just a teeeeensy bit more overgeneralized and unsubstantiated.”)

As Clodiah already pointed out, Sandra Harding denounced Principia Mathematica as a “rape manual” during that lovely frenzy of interdisciplinary shit-flinging known as “the science wars.” I admit that the ideological hostilities that drove the science wars continue to simmer; you can still stumble across the occasional dogmatic anti-empiricist in the humanities, and I think there are also a few people on the science side of things who spit and hiss at the mere suggestion that sometimes discourses billed as “objective truth” are in fact colored by their cultural and historical context. But for the most part, the science wars are a dead issue. Unfortunately, they’re also a bountiful straw mine for reactionary pseudo-intellectuals like TBP (and Stephen Pinker . . . but that’s another story).

On an unrelated note: Manjaw the Mighty, are you by any chance in need of a foreign (read: non-Amazonian) bride? If so, I would like to volunteer for the position! I confess to being a mild-mannered vegetarian pacifist, but I watched a lot of Xena: Warrior Princess when I was a kid and sometimes I drink orange juice straight out of the carton, so I am confident that I will be able to adapt to life in a barbarian labyrys-wielding gynocracy.

12 years ago

Whoops, got a bit of italic fail goin’ on there. (Italfail? Ifailic? HTMLOL?)

12 years ago

If Manjaw the Mighty turned out to be another MRAL sock, I would lol forever.

12 years ago

Wow, that’s kicking it old school! All the way back to the days before the Enlightenment, when our ancestors believed that men were the sex of reason, and women were the crazy, emotional, thinking-with-the-little-head ravenous beasties. “All witchcraft springs from carnal lust, which in women is insatiable”, amirite?

12 years ago

I browse this site for the pictures (otherwise as a heterosexual male who’s not a self-hating magina white knight of a feminazi collaborator, I wouldn’t even bother)…

Manjaw the Mighty
Manjaw the Mighty
12 years ago

Aunt Hortense, I am afraid that I am already spoken for and I happen to be monogamous. I am not prejudiced against non-Amazons, however—only against men—and I am sure that you are quite lovely and could stand up to the rigors of the Amazonian lifestyle.

VolP, let us imagine, hypothetically, that I am fictional and there is no such person as Manjaw the Mighty: I would not function at all as a straw feminist because I would not be remotely believable. I would be an obvious and ridiculous fantasy. As such I’d be a terrible sock for an MRA commenter trying to use me to “prove” that feminists really are ugly, violent, man-hating lesbians. And why else would someone create such a sock unless for some reason they wanted to make their own cause look absurd?

It would perhaps be more likely that I am a real feminist having fun with a caricature that I have based on MRAs’ ludicrous assertions about the nature and appearance of feminists, trying to balance that light-hearted absurdity with the genuine conviction that there is nothing wrong with being a female who is large, fat, ugly, masculine, a lesbian, or all of the above.

Of course that’s all hypothetical: I am as real as any man-hating Amazon she-beast.

12 years ago

this does not compute

12 years ago

I am as real as any man-hating Amazon she-beast.

And I’m a huge fan of your work. ^_^

12 years ago

So they’re abandoning the “civilization is trying to suppress men’s primal instincts” tack, then?

One of the most amazing things about the MRM is its ability to simultaneously embrace two blatantly contradictory narratives, so long as they are both misogynistic.

For example . . .

[Warning: examples contain sexist/ablist language, victim-blaming, and general nastiness, which are all pretty much unavoidable when one attempts to paraphrase MRM arguments.]

– Rape isn’t such a big deal; the so-called “victims” are mostly just sluts who secretly wanted it anyway and/or crazy bitches who are just making the whole thing up to get attention.
– Women actually commit rape more frequently than men, and rape is obviously a heinous crime, so my misogyny is totally justified!

– Domestic violence isn’t such a big deal; what else do women expect from being uppity bitches and dating alpha thugs. If they don’t want to be beaten, then they should just leave. I mean, duh.
– Women actually commit more domestic violence than men, and domestic violence is obviously a heinous crime, so my misogyny is totally justified!

– Statutory rape laws suppress natural male urges and force men to settle for used-up old hags when ~~EVOLUTION~~ dictates that men should really be porking nubile girls in their early teens. Everybody, including the nubile young girls themselves, would be much happier if we went back to the natural way of doing things.(Okay, the used-up old hags might not be happier, but it’s not like they’re people anyway.)
– Women actually commit statutory rape more frequently than men, and statutory rape is obviously a heinous crime, so my misogyny is totally justified!

– Women are oversexed sluts whose ‘gina tingles go utterly unchecked by higher thought or basic ethics; therefore, they will climb aboard the nearest cock the moment they’re left unsupervised.
– Women are frigid bitches who hate sex and engage in it only with extreme reluctance, mostly as a form of manipulation.

– Women should be at home fulfilling their natural role by cooking and having babies instead of pretending to have ‘careers’ and stealing jobs from men.
– Women are lazy parasites because they all stay at home and let their husbands support them instead of going out and getting jobs.

– Women nowadays are all gross and ugly and stuff, which just goes to show that they’re lazy and disrespectful. Why don’t they have the common decency to invest however much time and money it would take to make themselves look like my penis wants them to look?
– Women are vain, shallow bimbos who spend all their time and money trying to make themselves look good. They go around all tarted up just so they can make my penis want them, and then they get mad when I sexually harass them, even though they’re the ones who forced me to do it!

– Women are intellectually inferior to men. They are driven by irrational lady-hormones (otherwise known as “emotions”), lack the capacity for logical reasoning, and generally function on the level of a moderately precocious ten-year-old.
– Women are villainous masterminds who somehow orchestrated an invisible takeover of government, business, education, and pretty much everything everywhere. Some trace the roots of the shadow gynarchy back to a cabal of conniving cavebitches, who put their mates on permanent mammoth-hunting duty while arrogating meat-distribution privileges to themselves. Others view the gynarchy as a uniquely modern perversion of The Way Things Always Were, and possibly a sign of the coming apocalypse. But either way, there can be no question that women are ruthless puppetmistresses who have cried, nagged, and slutted their way to de facto world domination . . . and most men don’t even realize it. [Insert ominous sound effect.]

As far as I can tell, major MRA sites cheerfully propound any and all of these claims; nobody seems overly hung up on trivialities like “logic” and “internal consistency.” In the context of this . . . ahem . . . fine intellectual tradition, “men were the ones who built civilization, you useless females!” and “civilization only exists to exploit men and repress their natural urges!” go together like roadkill and maggots.

12 years ago

Wow, that’s a lot of italics. Let’s see if I can close those suckers.

12 years ago

‘pparently not. This looks like a job for somebody who has l33ter HTML skillz than I do.

12 years ago

A while ago our company interviewed a snarling little MRA as a potential contractor. I had been told he was management material, but it was clear he was just an immature brat. My staff and I just stared at him as he crucified himself in the interview. Later, the poor deluded soul contacted us to see if he’d gotten the job. We laughed hysterically.

These guys are just freaks.

12 years ago

@Majaw Obviously they are all libertarians, no doy. The only political belief for rugged individualists who live in their parents’ basement.

12 years ago

Tiny nitpicky note for Manjaw the Mighty: you don’t really have to call them shamanesses – in many societies that have shamans, they are either traditionally female or male and female in equal numbers, so no feminizing suffix is necessary. (Central Eurasian Turkic and Mongol societies, such as the Tuvans, the Sakha, and the Buryats, are good examples.)

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

It’s funny because a lot of men say that women have a civilizing effect on men.

Again, these MRAs seem to forget that most human atrocities are perpetrated by men.

Also, my guess is that it was women who first developed agriculture enabling civilization.

12 years ago

Clearly it is women’s insatiable hunger for mammoths that imperils civilization by necessitating that men spend all their time developing their hunting skills by playing video games.

12 years ago

I’ve not read such arrant twaddle in years. These guys need to STFU because their making themselves look even dumber than they are. “Black Pill” indeed! He needs to read a Prehistory 1 textbook.

12 years ago

Hello! I lurk here regularly, but had to delurk to out myself as a fan of aunthortense and Manjaw the Mighty, whose comedy has made my morning. And also to try to help you close your italics. Praying to the HTML spirits (while expecting to fail)…

PS Thank you for the site, David. It has been enriching my spirit for months now.

Medium Dave
Medium Dave
12 years ago

It also amuses me to see that OVR can’t seem to write a post without a swipe at the Paleo Diet folks. 😀

12 years ago

I don’t know who invented agriculture, or to what sex zie belonged to, but considering most farmers globally have historically been women, I’m pretty sure agriculture had less to do with “controlling female behaviour” and more to do with “growing and raising food for ourselves makes things easier than gathering and hunting it”.

12 years ago

Aaaand, the italics are broken for this page. Hmm…

12 years ago

“It’s funny because a lot of men say that women have a civilizing effect on men.”

Neutering effect is more like it.

“Again, these MRAs seem to forget that most human atrocities are perpetrated by men.”

I thought that behind every successful man is a woman?

12 years ago

Right, civilization was really more about “controlling plant, animal, and water behavior.” And I’m sure that at the time, we were too busy trying to stay alive to squabble over gender roles.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Harding referred to Newton’s Principia Mathematica as a “rape manual” in her 1986 book “The Science Question in Feminism”, a characterization that she later said she regretted.

I went through the Principia cover-to-cover for a college class and all I can say is “Wow.” I don’t remember any *humans* in there, nevermind rape or sex.