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Tommy Wiseau’s The Room: An unintentional MRA classic?

A rare non-misogynistic moment in The Room

You may have heard of, if you haven’t already seen, the stupefyingly terrible film The Room. The film is so bafflingly inept and nonsensical that you’re hardly surprised to learn that writer, director, and star Tommy Wiseau had never made a film before; indeed, you might find yourself wondering if he’d ever even seen a film before.

The Room (released, barely, in 2003 and available on DVD) is a mawkishly melodramatic, and deadly serious, drama about a man betrayed by his fiancee, which Wiseau has been trying to market as a quirky comedy  because no one can watch the film without laughing at his hero’s travails. Rent The Room if you want to stare dumbfounded at your TV for an hour and a half some night. Seriously, rent it.

Seeing it for myself the first time not long ago, I was struck by the manosphere-style misogyny that pervades almost every frame of the movie. It’s not an MRA film, and Wiseau is no MRA, but somehow he manages to encapsulate every terrible stereotype about men and women that most MRAs seem to believe.

The film tells the sad story of Johnny (played by Wiseau), a good-hearted, long-haired banker with an unclassifiable accent who is betrayed at work (he doesn’t get his expected promotion) and, more importantly, by his “future wife” Lisa, who blithely cheats on him with his best friend.

Lisa is portrayed like the evil bitch villain in nearly every MRA urban legend: she’s a self-absorbed twit who, in addition to cheating on Johnny, falsely accuses him of domestic violence and fakes a pregnancy just to fuck with him.

Johnny, meanwhile, is supposed to be seen as a loyal, helpful, compassionate man who cares deeply about his friends and treats his adored “future wife” Lisa like the princess he tells her she is.

I say “supposed to” because Johnny is hardly the great guy Wiseau thinks he is. For one thing, everything he does and says is bit … off, as if his body has been taken over by a space alien who’s learned everything he knows about women (and human interaction in general) by reading comments on Reddit and watching Christopher Walken as “The Continental” on Saturday Night Live without getting the joke.

For another, he’s a rage-filled narcissist with a bad case of “nice guy” entitlement and absolutely no self-awareness. When his friend Mark tells him about a woman beaten so badly she ends up in the hospital, he responds with a hearty laugh. (“What a story, Mark!”) And when he confronts Lisa about her false accusations of domestic violence (“You are lying! I never hit you!”), he angrily shoves her down onto a couch. It doesn’t seem to occur to Johnny (or to Wiseau) that this too is a form of domestic violence.

When, after learning of Lisa’s betrayal, he trashes their apartment and [SPOILER ALERT] kills himself with a conveniently located pistol, Wiseau presents it as the ultimate comeuppance to the cruel Lisa.

While you have to see the whole film to truly appreciate its epic badness, the following clips will give you some idea of what I’ve been talking about.

First, the trailer, which tries its best to cover up the film’s true weirdness:

The infamous “roof scene” in which Johnny tells Mark (the guy Lisa is sleeping with) about Lisa’s accusations of domestic violence:

A compilation of some of Johnny’s best (i.e. worst) moments:

This one (ignore the misleading title) gives you some idea of Lisa’s oblivious evilness:

Here’s Hitler reacting to the film. (Note: Not the real Hitler.)

And here, if you dare, is the whole damn movie in its entirely. (If you’re pressed for time, you may want to fast forward through the film’s five completely unerotic sex scenes, set to the worst slow jams ever recorded.)

EDITED TO ADD: Oh, and here’s the scene the gif above is from. Johnny is the most efficient flower buyer and pug-petter in the world.

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12 years ago


Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I still have somehow not seen this movie even though it’s been so hyped up as “so bad it’s good.” This and Troll 2 are on my list of “How have I not watched this yet?”

For a decent man-scorned, b-movie, so bad it’s good flick, check out Truth or Dare: A Critical Madness. It might just be on netflix instant right now. It at least was at one point. It’s a horror fyi. So hilarious. Starts with a man losing it because he catches his wife cheating on him.

Also, speaking of MRAs in the media, has anyone been following Law and Order: SVU? I swear they’ve been reading MRA, feminist, and social justice blogs lately because their last few episodes have been like watching the internet live action. The last three episodes included: A devious wife who falsely accuses a man of rape and is clearly lying about it, a man who was wrongly accused of rape and had to rot in jail for 8 years, and the words, “victim blamer,” and “slut shamer.” Complete with some vigilante non-justice of people attacking the wrong supposed rapist. Me thinks SVU has an MRA on their writing team this season.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Ummm trigger warning? Really bad gore effects?

And that kid with the glasses is a young AJ McClean from the Backstreet Boys. I’m not joking.

12 years ago

Watch the Riff Track of it, it is pretty much why RiffTrax were invented.

12 years ago

I did not hit her…I did naaaaat!

Hahaha oh man this movie..this horrible, horrible movie. Tommy Wiseau is the very definition of creepy. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if he was an alien.

12 years ago

According to the trailer, someone called The Room “the best movie of the year.”

…Was it Tommy Wiseau?

12 years ago

ninja’d by Jumofish…that’s what what I wanted to say.

Fun post.

12 years ago

Ya well I know I don’t have enough time or enough beer to sit through an hour and a half of this.

12 years ago

Also, speaking of MRAs in the media, has anyone been following Law and Order: SVU? I swear they’ve been reading MRA, feminist, and social justice blogs lately because their last few episodes have been like watching the internet live action. The last three episodes included: A devious wife who falsely accuses a man of rape and is clearly lying about it, a man who was wrongly accused of rape and had to rot in jail for 8 years, and the words, “victim blamer,” and “slut shamer.” Complete with some vigilante non-justice of people attacking the wrong supposed rapist. Me thinks SVU has an MRA on their writing team this season.


And do people attack alleged rapists? I’m more familiar of stories where women have to cheer for them.

And she was fined an outrageous amount for making a stink about it.

12 years ago

sorry for all the typos. I shouldn’t be commenting today. Hate to waste another comment talking about mistakes (“of” instead of with…a dropped b) but you know how it is, mistakes you make get on your nerves.

12 years ago

A choice quote from Best Friend Mark:

Aw man, I just can’t figure women out. Sometimes they’re just too smart, sometimes just flat-out stupid, other times they’re just evil.

What, really? Sometimes women do smart things, and sometimes they do dumb things? It’s like they’re some sort of different species or something! A different species that’s evil sometimes.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

MRAs are constantly claiming that “white knights” go after people accused of rape. The whole, “Their lives are ruined” bit, they’re shunned by society before they were even found guilty, etc. I wish I had a link handy of them saying this but I can’t take digging through the ignorance right now. Last night when I checked the men’s rights section of reddit I just about lost it. I cannot seek out this stuff anymore. I’ll just let this site do the digging for me.

12 years ago

Oh. I watched this on vacation with my friends. Rainy night — we decided to play the drinking game that goes with the “film.”

It is not “…so bad it’s good.” It’s so bad it’s fucking terrible.

There are easier and far more pleasant ways to get drunk.

12 years ago

His acting is really quite something. It’s like Spitting Image doing The Governator.

12 years ago

It’s got a pug dog in it. How bad can it be?

12 years ago


I haven’t actually made it through the whole movie, but one of my friends felt the need to show me a ten-minute “highlight” reel a year or so ago. It was….special.

12 years ago

I demand an MRA film fest!

For classic Mad Men-era misogyny, the Jack Lemmon comedy “How to Murder Your Wife.”

For island misogyny the Nicholas Cage remake of “The Wicker Man.”


12 years ago

Oh God… I’m so tempted to watch this, but I feel like I need a group of friends as a buffer. I have no idea how they could have billed it as a dark comedy though, the atmosphere is all wrong.

Now Pushing Up Daisies, that was a good comedy. *disappointed sigh* Why was it ever cancelled?

12 years ago

This isn’t terrible in a funny way, like Showgirls, it’s just terrible.

12 years ago

As someone who has watched (and livetweeted) The Room, allow me to back up David’s analysis with a firm YES.

Watch if you dare, though. I consider it one of the highlights of my last year, others understandably won’t due to how truly awful it is.

Beer is optional, though definitely recommended.

12 years ago

I thought the same thing when I saw this movie.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I take offense, Kirby. I consider the Star Wars Holiday Special one of the high points of my childhood — and also very possibly the traumatic event that led me to an adulthood of really enjoying Lifetime for Women movies.

Is it just me, or are most old movies misogynistic or at least really weird abut women? How to Murder Your Wife might be a low point, but it seems like every single time I turn on TCM, something incredibly horrifying is on. Last time it was, oh, let’s see, My Sister Eileen? Two sisters live in a basement apartment with no lock, and a parade of men wander in trying to molest them, including about 20 Portuguese sailors. It was actually really frightening for me to watch.

Anyway, I just watched four or five scenes from The Room there, and was saddened to see no pug dogs. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the movie would have been much improved with more pugs. Maybe next time, Tommy Wiseau. Keep it in mind.

Brian Connors
12 years ago

Tommy Wiseau just ain’t right to begin with. The man spent six million bucks on the movie and a big part of the reason for that was the fact that he couldn’t decide between digital video and film, and therefore shot both. And he is by all indications just as creepy IRL.

12 years ago

In the gif with the pug he looks like Christopher Lloyd as the Reverend Jim in a truly shitty wig.

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