antifeminism evil fat fatties grandiosity homophobia manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism penises PUA reactionary bullshit shaming tactics worst writing in the history of the universe your time will come

Get in mah belly, Heartiste!

Apparently the Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy has discovered our little blog:

Why do normal people feel a natural disgust for feminists and manginas? Make no mistake, normal women are as repulsed as normal men are by shrieking feminists and wimpy manboy pudgeballs. In public, well-adjusted people may mouth the PC platitudes that feminists and doughboys relentlessly cudgel into squishy groupthink minds, but in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind. This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.

Uh oh! I guess he’s not a fan.

The 800 pound bulldyke in the room that “””progressives””” of all stripes don’t want you to notice is that a lot of their radical regressivist shock troopers are comprised of biologically faulty men and women who are at the extremes of effeminacy and masculinization respectively. If it came to be widely understood and socially acceptable to acknowledge that, due to hormonal imbalance, genetic glitches, or gross environmental insult, 90% of radical femcunts are lesbians or manjawed atrocities, and 90% of manboobs are closet cases or soft, pillowy micropeens, the general population would be less likely to seriously entertain their insipid drivel.

U mad, bro?

Think about the revulsion you feel when you see a grossly obese person. It’s instinctive, like the way you would recoil from a pile of dog shit.

Dude, I don’t know if you know this, but most Americans are, you know, fat. WE ARE LEGION!

Your typical outrage feminist and limp-wristed manboob flirts dangerously close to the monster threshold. Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.

This has got to be the most ridiculously verbose version of “yeah, well, you’re a fatty” I’ve ever seen.

Oh, but it seems like we’re all about to get our big comeuppance:

The reflexive indulgence granted the monsters among us has lost its justification. Too many bleeding wounds from too many overzealous bites has rattled the slumber of the sleepers. A greater force than any sophistic monster in the world is about to bite back, viciously, lethally. Truth, as it always does, will claim ultimate victory.

Yeah, except that I’m pretty sure that “I hate you, you fat fatty” isn’t a Truth that matters a lot to anyone but you and your maladjusted fanboys.

Also, dude, you call yourself “Heartiste.” There is literally nothing more dopey than that.

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12 years ago

Nomless: Beauty for the most part is quantitative and qualitative.

Nope. It’s a social construct. Inside that construct is is still purely subjective. The Romans were well aware of this. One of the advantages of the size of the empire, and one of the quirks of it being both an empire [which therefore didn’t care what you did/liked, so long as it didn’t disturb the peace] and a slave economy was that there wasn’t the same sort of racism.

There was a lot of in-group/out group shit, and to be, “a barbarian” was to be outside the pale, but big/small:dark/pale:blonde/brunette, etc. was not that big a deal; apart from those who liked it.

I forget which of the emperors it was who was known for liking “nubian” women. There were a couple of emperors who were North African, and at least one who was black. They meant it when they said, de gustibus non est disputandum (In matters of taste there can be no dispute), or at the french say, chacun à son goût, each to his own taste. In english we say, “there is no accounting for taste”, or perhaps, “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”, or “different strokes for different folks”.

The merest dabbling in art will show that the range of taste in “beauty” is, and has ever been, vast. Marylin Monroe and Twiggy. Scarlett Johannson and Camrynn Manheim. Naomi Campbell and Drew Barrymore.

All lovely, all different.

No “objective” measure encompasses them.

12 years ago

As much fun as it would be to play another round of “no, we don’t care how often you have sex, sexual experience has nothing to do with your value as a person, blah blah blah” with MsN, I’m not going to bother because we’ve already played that game with him. Repeatedly.

And to echo hellkell, DYOR, “hasn’t been here for a little while” is not the same thing as “new”. Did you think we only have week-long memories or something? o_O

12 years ago

Amanda Marcotte is funny. Funny women drive misogynists nuts.

Hmm…so do funny men, if their red-hot throbbing envy of David is any indication.

12 years ago

I’ve often wondered what would happen to the sexual reciprocity continuum if beta males discovered en masse how boldly and shamelessly women throw themselves at the few alpha males in their midst. Would it rip wide open the fragile sperm-vagine fabric and create a wormhole leading to an alternate dimension where white knighting was a mockable offense and no beta male, anywhere, ever again paid for a date or wrote sappy love poems? Would princess pedestals shatter like the cymbal crash in a symphony, freeing men’s minds of hallucinatory dreamscapes? The female id uncaged is a sight to behold, crueler and more subversive than the reckless thrashing of the unchained male id, and it’s with good reason civilization only flourished once it was patrolled and the pleasure of its vessels redistributed.

Speaking of funny, this is the most florid way to say “Why do girls like all those other guys instead of MEEEE?” I’ve ever seen.

Aw, Roissy, sweetie, it’s okay. Maybe you could not be an asshole and see how that works out for you.

12 years ago

Shadow: Being sexually attractive isn’t related to wealth

That’s not entirely true in America. It’s also not gender-based though, contrary to MRA beliefs.

I’ll cop to wealthy people having an easier time of it, but I’ll argue it’s a side effect of what wealth makes possible. One can be more “interesting”, and show someone a “better time” more easily when one has money.

It’s easier to have transportation, and places to go. One is more likely to know interesting, or out of the way, places. One is a bit more, exotic. It’s also not limited to the States.

It’s part of why older people have an advantage when pursuing younger ones. It’s why someone who is comfortable in a foreign country can do better with with hooking up sometimes.

True story, back in 1999 I was in L’viv. I happened to have spent some time with a person who knew the town well, and he knew of a wonderful little restaurant, Кафе Купол. I was playing interpreter for some GIs, and they had arranged to meet some local women.

The guys didn’t know where to go; but they wanted to impress the women. The women didn’t know what was a reasonable thing to suggest. I suggested this place, which they hadn’t heard of. It wasn’t the most expensive of places, but it wasn’t the cheapest either. But the dollar to the hryvnie was pretty good, and the prices were, by US standards really low. So I looked urbane, they looked well off, and the lot of us had a great time.

But it was a mixed function of the money, and the willingness to spend quality time with them. There were other guys who would have spent money on them; Americans and Ukranians. We were willing to listen to them, and make them feel comfortable inside the situation.

To be fair, I took advantage of being the only truly bilingual person there to keep things from being too out of hand; and we had a curfew, but having money did help, it wasn’t what made things work. It’s how having money made it possible for us to be more of ourselves.

After that, it’s up to who you are.

12 years ago

the short version: I think one of the second order effects of having money is that it’s easier to get a second look.

12 years ago

Are people not allowed to have opinions on who is guilty and who isn’t in a criminal case now? because I still think Strauss-Khan is a rapist and MRAs can go fuck themselves if they have a problem with it. They think Amanda Knox and Casey Anthony are guilty so whatever. People are allowed to have opinions. Marcotte not apologizing is bad-spirited but it’s hardly a crime.


What does that mean? it means the writer is a bitter miserable asshole who writes purple prose whilst believing he’s insightful and intelligent.

Its the same shit all the time over there…they’re so pissed they can’t get sex so they bitch about women having rights now so they don’t have to be forced into a marriage in order to survive. They want women helpless with no choices because they are selfish, narcissistic bastards. And the utter BS claim that women only date or fuck “alphas” flies out the window when you actually KNOW couples in LTRs. I know couples and the guys are not dicks. They’re nice and pleasant to be around…everything that manosphere dudes aren’t.

That story Raven sent reeks of bullshit. It sounds like something he thinks a woman would write but it isn’t. I’m sure some women get off on a tough guy with weapons but the problem, as usual, is that what one or 10 or even 100 woman likes is extrapolated onto the entire female population. I’d like to learn how to shoot, and would prefer an instructor who I’m not attracted to. It would be too distracting. The use of a gun is irrelevant because I personally date like a stereotypical man…appearance is what I’m attracted to, not wealth or power. I’m sick of the trope that women don’t care about appearance so long as the guy is rich or powerful, hence why I didn’t even bother with Ruby’s stupidity.

I feel I should add though that personality is important of course, but I’m visual. If I’m not attracted I’m not attracted, period. Cue screams about what a shallow bitch I am even though tons of men do the exact same thing.

12 years ago

Why is it so shocking to some that different people find different things enjoyable? Most people don’t have any trouble saying ‘I don’t like the music you like, but it’s not that big a deal,’ but somehow finding one person/type/whatever attractive and not another is somehow a universe-ending big fucking deal. It’s… mind-boggling to me.

12 years ago

Also whether Roissy has sex or not is irrelevant. Either way he’s a narcissistic piece of trash.

12 years ago

their red-hot throbbing envy of David

[cloudiah blushes and fans herself furiously]

12 years ago

I’m agape with curiousity about this “sperm-vagine fabric”


Actually, that’s my bad, I misread your comment. I had read your comment as saying being sexually attractive has no effect on wealth, whereas you were talking about wealth having no effect on being sexually attractive. Fully agree with what you said. I think there’s also the class advantage that wealth gives you that has an effect on perceived attractiveness.

12 years ago

I was wondering when some troll would tell us we can’t get laid. That has to be the most pathetic “insult” ever. Seriously, dude? Your life value seriously revolves around how often you get your dick wet? How sad.

12 years ago

“I’m agape with curiousity about this “sperm-vagine fabric” ”

Whatever it is, it sounds awfully sticky.

12 years ago

Shadow: I was saying being sexually attractive has no real effect on wealth; and certainly not in the way Roissy’s comment about, “Alpha Wealth” implies.

That’s a bit of the circular reasoning of the “variable” alpha (the “facial alpha, the social alpha, the wealth alpha) being used to explain why some dude who isn’t a PUA theory pump-and-dump asshole has women attracted to him like bran on oats.

12 years ago

I’m thinking wealth does have an effect on being sexually attractive, at least conventionally so, and especially for older women. All those signs of aging that get combatted with excellent dental care (veneers $$$), expert colouring so that hair doesn’t look fake, fillers and plumpers, good quality clothes that fit properly, never wearing anything behind the times or just over-worn, consistently high-quality nutrition, even proper health care; it all takes cash. (If mom had lots of cash in hand, she could have her hip replaced right now, and not be on a one year waiting list while she uses crutches. $=mobility) I’ve noticed it here with women who’ve had well paid, well pensioned gov’t jobs–they’re not fraying at the edges the same way a woman who has 1/5 the income can do.

But then, I’m talking about older women, and they’re all zeroes after the age 40, anyways, right?

12 years ago

Felix: Those are the some of the “second order effects” I was talking about.

12 years ago


I think GoodBooks4Men is trying to do late Joyce. Please stay away from things I love, internet pseudointellectuals!

Anyway, leaving the obvious objections to this post aside (it’s bullshit, and even if it weren’t bullshit, it wouldn’t make sense, and even if it made sense, it would be poorly written):

manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive

If we take “actively aggressive” to mean “dislikes people like The Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy, and makes fun of them fairly viciously on the internet”, that’s me! Add in Reddit’s “when being in pictures, does the person obscure the other subject?” matrix, and, yep, turns out I’m definitely a lady feminist, not a dude feminist. That does explain why I’m not just in feminism to get laid quite neatly – it’s actually because my ladybrain doesn’t logic.

Have to say I’m a convert after that, really.

Also, does Cliff = Holly?

12 years ago


Then I’d have to disagree. Studies have found correlations between conventional attractiveness and career success. While it’s not true to say attractiveness predicts success, it can definitely be a contributing factor even outside careers that don’t rely on looks.

12 years ago

No one is saying that everyone is equally beautiful. Generally, symmetry is considered universally attractive.

Not that it’s important, but from what I’ve read, the “symmetry” thing is actually another one of those pop-psych phenomena that gets blown horribly out of proportion – i.e. studies show that most people in modern Western society generally tend to have a mild preference for more symmetrical faces, except when they don’t because the asymmetry happens to be cute or interesting or something. The popular media then reports on those studies as “Symmetry: Totally A Completely Objective And Universal Standard Of Beauty!”

Heck, Cindy Crawford got famous for having an obvious feature that rendered her face asymmetrical. I suspect very few people would particularly prefer her face with a mole on each side. :-p

12 years ago


I would like to add that this is based off of info from various courses, not from any independent research that I’ve personally done.


Actually, apparently cross-cultural studies have found that symmetrical features, blemish-free skin and average sized features seem to be human universals. Thin, OTOH, is definitely not.

12 years ago

Shadow: We are, I think, discussing different things.

Career success is not the same as wealth. It’s certainly not the same as wealth as Roissy uses it (i.e. enough money to be able to do pretty much whatever one wants, and support a non-working spousal unit as property).

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Lowquacks – Cliff = Holly

Polliwog – The “symmetry” thing always makes me laugh my ass off. Yeah, when I look at magazines full of light-skinned thin women between 16 and 25 in feminine clothing and heavy makeup and long hair and big breasts and long legs, you know what I see?

Fuckin’ symmetry.

12 years ago

No one is saying that everyone is equally beautiful. Generally, symmetry is considered universally attractive.

To amplify what polliwog said, we don’t like, “symmetry”, not the way we think we do. I’ve done some experiments with photos, and if you (much easier with photoshop than it was in a darkroom), mirror half of someone’s face/body, it’s not attractive.

It’s kind of creepy.

Yeah, we like people who are, generally symmetric, but that’s pretty much because, by and large, mammals are basically symmetric.

12 years ago

Heck, Cindy Crawford got famous for having an obvious feature that rendered her face asymmetrical. I suspect very few people would particularly prefer her face with a mole on each side. :-p

I don’t know, Polliwog, she looks kind of awesome to me:

12 years ago

Pecunium did you find people had a preference for one side of your photoshop or the other?