Apparently the Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy has discovered our little blog:
Why do normal people feel a natural disgust for feminists and manginas? Make no mistake, normal women are as repulsed as normal men are by shrieking feminists and wimpy manboy pudgeballs. In public, well-adjusted people may mouth the PC platitudes that feminists and doughboys relentlessly cudgel into squishy groupthink minds, but in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind. This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.
Uh oh! I guess he’s not a fan.
The 800 pound bulldyke in the room that “””progressives””” of all stripes don’t want you to notice is that a lot of their radical regressivist shock troopers are comprised of biologically faulty men and women who are at the extremes of effeminacy and masculinization respectively. If it came to be widely understood and socially acceptable to acknowledge that, due to hormonal imbalance, genetic glitches, or gross environmental insult, 90% of radical femcunts are lesbians or manjawed atrocities, and 90% of manboobs are closet cases or soft, pillowy micropeens, the general population would be less likely to seriously entertain their insipid drivel.
U mad, bro?
Think about the revulsion you feel when you see a grossly obese person. It’s instinctive, like the way you would recoil from a pile of dog shit.
Dude, I don’t know if you know this, but most Americans are, you know, fat. WE ARE LEGION!
Your typical outrage feminist and limp-wristed manboob flirts dangerously close to the monster threshold. Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.
This has got to be the most ridiculously verbose version of “yeah, well, you’re a fatty” I’ve ever seen.
Oh, but it seems like we’re all about to get our big comeuppance:
The reflexive indulgence granted the monsters among us has lost its justification. Too many bleeding wounds from too many overzealous bites has rattled the slumber of the sleepers. A greater force than any sophistic monster in the world is about to bite back, viciously, lethally. Truth, as it always does, will claim ultimate victory.
Yeah, except that I’m pretty sure that “I hate you, you fat fatty” isn’t a Truth that matters a lot to anyone but you and your maladjusted fanboys.
Also, dude, you call yourself “Heartiste.” There is literally nothing more dopey than that.
Have you ever taken the time to peruse his, um, I think they were called “Dateability Quizzes”? (I forget the exact name and won’t grace the site with a pageview to check.) They’re… special.
There is one for me and one for women, and the women’s one is *obsessed* with physical appearance. At the end there is a little disclaimer about how, “yeah, this quiz didn’t ask about your career, dreams, hopes or asperations because they are fucking irrelevent, you walking vagina.” The men’s quiz has some questions about how much money you earn.
Leaving aside the complete grossness of commodifying someone based his completely subjective Objective Attractiveness parameters, the entire thrust of both quizzes is, personality doesn’t matter, only fucking matters. And fucking only matters if you are hot. And you are only hot if you are model-skinny. So all you non-fucking, non-hot, non-skinny “people” are losers and should… die, I guess?
Meanwhile, life is sex for hot people, until they aren’t hot anymore, and then they should just die too.
It is just so sad. And I feel really really bad for all the poor people who buy into it, which judging by the comments he gets, is several more than none.
Even Charles Manson fucked. Having sex is proof of nothing more than puberty; it says nothing about a person’s worth, wisdom, stability, or tolerability.
So the fact that your boy Roissy can sometimes talk a girl into bed says jack-diddley-squat about him as a person.
I vaguely remembered the film title Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend, looked it up to confirm its existence, and…
…well, just get a load of its plot summary!
Headline at the-spearhead:
Feminists Call Men Who Have Sex Hitler
So, the next time some confused MGTOW accuses us of virgin-shaming, can we point him to Heartiste to see what that would actually look like?
I honestly neither know nor care about Roissy’s sex life, TBQH. However, the point I’m trying to make is that there are plenty of people out there who treat the opposite sex like complete shit and STILL have no trouble finding sex paterns! Maybe it’s because they’re attractive………I.e., they have traits which turn other people on and their positive traits outweigh their negative traits to a sufficient extent.
And Manjaw: Beauty for the most part is quantitative and qualitative. There is no complete list of characteristics for judging beauty, but given any group of at least 2 people it is certainly possible for somebody to rank them based on their physical beauty regardless of gender. The bottom line is that we are simply not all equal when it comes to sex appeal. Some people have more of it than others. Abrogating “western patriarchal beauty standards” is not going to make everyone equally beautiful. And unfortunately, in societies where people are free to choose their mates, competition for sex and status is a fact of life. Maybe you think that we should go back to arranged marriages. If we did, all this nonsense about the ‘dating game’ would be irrelevant.
You could, but some of them try to claim the PUAs are traitors to ‘the cause’, so I don’t know that it’d mean much.
What are your units of measure, how are they derived, and do you claim they are at all generalizable (Because you should probably be aware that western culture’s standards have shifted substantially in the last few *decades*, let alone the last few *Centuries*.)?
You are really bad at knowing how anything but 2000s USA works, aren’t you? You think these statements are opposed, and you think the formermost is somehow a universal.
Hey MSN, you realise that “Roissy’s bullshit vs arranged marriages” is a false dichotomy, right?
We could, in fact, just go “Oh hey, different people find different things attractive, it’s all a bit of a muddle but somehow the vast majority of us manage to get laid and the human race somehow continues.”
I know that doesn’t help that tiny minority that struggle, but I think they are being a bit unrealistic in expecting the rest of us to conform to an extremely narrow view of how it should be done just so they can get their end away.
Look at the first part of this post
basically he laments the fact that women have actual rights and freedom now and because of that the so called betas aren’t guaranteed a fuckslave…sorry..”wife”. Women actually have economic freedom and are able to control their biology now thus aren’t forced to marry the first guy they meet, because it’s either that or starve to death. They, and a large majority of the manosphere would rather deny women their rights because it guarantees them a fuckslave for life. If that isn’t proof that women aren’t human beings I don’t know what is.
They are vile, vile filth that would turn me into a full blown misandrist if I weren’t a rational person.
Choice mentions in the comments: Amanda Marcotte (my God they are obsessed) VR sex ladies and your usual cries about how evil women are.
Nomless: I honestly neither know nor care about Roissy’s sex life, TBQH. However, the point I’m trying to make is that there are plenty of people out there who treat the opposite sex like complete shit and STILL have no trouble finding sex paterns! Maybe it’s because they’re attractive………I.e., they have traits which turn other people on and their positive traits outweigh their negative traits to a sufficient extent.
Really? I thought the point you were trying to make was something about how nasty feminists are always making specious ad hom attacks about men they disagree with not being able to get laid, rather than deal with the actual content of the comments/posts those men make.
Let me see… Ah… here it is: Well kirbywarp, the “ur just mad cuz u cant get laid” ad hominem is constantly used around here and other internet sites where feminists congregate) against guys who question or challenge feminists precepts and try to dig deeper into their motivations.
Seems you might have moved some goalposts.
I don’t see people here saying that manipulative people can’t get laid. What I see them saying is 1: They find it a bit incredible that people like Roissy get laid as often as they claim, and two, that his getting laid is immaterial to his worth as a person.
What I see you saying is that we haven’t dealt with the substance of his post.
So, go ahead, explain it to us. what is it he said, that we 1: didn’t engage, and 2: got wrong, and 3: Avoided with an ad hominem attack to divert the audience from the challenge to, “feminist precepts” and the digging, “deeper into [our] motivations”.
Take your time, re-read the thread. I’m sure, that if it can be done a man of your penetrating intellect can do it.
What has Amanda Marcotte done, as opposed to other well known feminist bloggers, that thrust such a cactus up their BVDs anyway?
Even the PUAs Roissy learns “game” from aren’t very good at seducing the ladies. For all of their techniques and lines, most of them get laid less often than regular guys who have never learned game. It’s also a well known fact that most PUAs date below average looking women and not the tens they brag about on their blogs.
No name:
No one is saying that everyone is equally beautiful. Generally, symmetry is considered universally attractive. What we are saying though is that people have different preferences and that beauty standards change from culture to culture and also through different time periods.
What that jackass Roissy tries to claim is that most if not all men find the same type of woman attractive- namely the white, thin, uber feminine cis woman. The very fact that I’ve witnessed people in his comment section talk about which woman is hotter that the other, or have even disagreed with him proves that he’s full of shit. To be fair he does admit that there are men who finds fat women attractive, but equates them to those that like to fuck animals. Its downright fucked up. I would guess that most men find thin or average sized women attractive over fat women. But there are a good portion of men that find chubby women attractive too. I’ve been to BBW forums, seen tumblr blogs dedicated to them, am aware there is lots of porn about them etc. Roissy doesn’t like to admit it and that’s why you can tell how pissy and nasty he gets when he degrades fat people or posts pictures of fat women with average sized men and laughs at them. It challenges his pathetic worldview and that makes him uncomfortable.
@Monsieur sans Nom –
Yes. This is true. However, given any group of at least two ranking people, it’s likely that the lists produced will be different. Indeed, the larger and more diverse both groups are, the wider the discrepancies will be. Start adding in non-physical attributes like personality, intelligence, wit, kindness, and so forth, and the lists will suddenly begin to diverge widely.
That’s why the argument that there’s a standard of beauty is false; because people are different, different people have different ideals of what is beautiful. And it’s not like this is a new revelation. The Romans coined the phrase de gustibus non est disputandum long ago.
I don’t know about you people but I believe in equal rights. You people are mean to new people eh?
supposedly she didn’t apologize for saying the Duke guys were rapists even though they were declared innocent. I don’t know…personally I think they don’t like her because she is unapologetically feminist and isn’t super frail and feminine looking. Women like that anger them so much, its fucking hilarious.
Even leaving personal tastes out of it, I’m pretty sure most ‘humans’ don’t recoil in horror from people they’re not sexually attracted to. Just because you don’t want to sleep with someone doesn’t mean it’s not possible to enjoy their company, laugh at their jokes, talk about TV, go bowling etc instead of making cross signs at them and yelling ‘unclean.’
In one of his posts about life after having his jaw removed, Roger Ebert had a poignant comment about how he was surprised that people on the street didn’t recoil from him or pull their children away. It made me feel sad that Ebert grew up in a time and place when that sort of reaction would have been normal and acceptable, and gratified that, as imperfect as our society is, things are a little bit better now.
And then, later, sad again when I realize there are people who wish the world had more old-fashioned irrational hatred in it.
(Oh my gosh, Roger Ebert used to be fat, too! He must be stopped!)
Quackers: I read that. Ok, I had my eyes go back and forth over it. The words were strung together in grammatically valid forms, but the content was missing.
What does this mean…
I’ve often wondered what would happen to the sexual reciprocity continuum if beta males discovered en masse how boldly and shamelessly women throw themselves at the few alpha males in their midst. Would it rip wide open the fragile sperm-vagine fabric and create a wormhole leading to an alternate dimension where white knighting was a mockable offense and no beta male, anywhere, ever again paid for a date or wrote sappy love poems? Would princess pedestals shatter like the cymbal crash in a symphony, freeing men’s minds of hallucinatory dreamscapes? The female id uncaged is a sight to behold, crueler and more subversive than the reckless thrashing of the unchained male id, and it’s with good reason civilization only flourished once it was patrolled and the pleasure of its vessels redistributed.
The drivel above it, that, “Raven” sent. I’ve taught lots of women to shoot. I’ve not had any of them come on to me blatantly. I’ve had some I was seeing when I taught them to shoot. I can’t say as it was really all that different having sex right after our first session at the range than any other time.
The same is true of swordplay.
I do know that when I’ve taught women to shoot there has been some friction with some of their husbands, who seemed to take it amiss that I was better at either shooting, or teaching (or both) than they were. On the other hand, none of them challenged me to duels.
It all boils down to Roissy being a reactionary. He’d be just fine with arranged marriages and men (who could afford it) being able to keep a mistress. He’s not against the idea of Alpha/Beta. He’s making his name (and perhaps some income) from exploiting the idea. He thinks he’s an Alpha. He thinks this is genetic. He therefore assume that, no matter what the system, he’s going to be an alpha.
There are some holes in the theory:
As GBFM colorfully put it, this is the “Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks” strategy. Be cognizant, though, that this is not the optimal female strategy, which, logically, would be “Alpha Fucks and Alpha Bucks”.
Which is a variation on the, “Prosperity Bible”. Being “Alpha” has a secondary function of making one well to do. This, of course, fails if one can find an, “alpha” who isn’t well to do. Since such men exist, and they exist in the form of men who don’t use “game”, the underlying theory has some gaping holes; much as the idea of genetic hypergamy does.
Being sexually attractive isn’t related to wealth. Being sexually successful isn’t related to being an asshole. Game is a scam, and hypergamy is social response to a social need.
Funny, I seem to remember you, in your previous nym of “Do Your Own Research”, supporting the marginalization of women.
Because the kind of entrance you made is just so indicative of good faith. And no, not assuming a jackass like you came in good faith is not a breach of ‘equal rights’.
Also a big believer in non sequiteurs I see
That’s not entirely true in America. It’s also not gender-based though, contrary to MRA beliefs.
She jumped to a reasonable, but wrong, conclusion about the Duke Lacrosse rape case. Therefore, apparently, she has blood on her hands, is personally responsible for DESTROYING the lives and careers of good frat boys and should NEVER, EVER be listened to again!!!1!eleventy
DYOR, you’re not new.
Quackers: They hate Amanda because she doesn’t apologise. That, and she makes fun of them. I remember her, “I poke it, I own it” photos.
They were great, and spot on for a stripe of misogynist thinking.
DYOR: I don’t know about you people but I believe in equal rights. You people are mean to new people eh?
I belive in equal rights too. You are as required as anyone else to support your claims with facts, evidence, citation and argument.
If you don’t, be you new, or old, you will be challenged.
Best of luck to you (and I remember you, it’s not as if you are coming in here as a tabula rasa Each of us has to live with the reputation we make.