antifeminism evil fat fatties grandiosity homophobia manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism penises PUA reactionary bullshit shaming tactics worst writing in the history of the universe your time will come

Get in mah belly, Heartiste!

Apparently the Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy has discovered our little blog:

Why do normal people feel a natural disgust for feminists and manginas? Make no mistake, normal women are as repulsed as normal men are by shrieking feminists and wimpy manboy pudgeballs. In public, well-adjusted people may mouth the PC platitudes that feminists and doughboys relentlessly cudgel into squishy groupthink minds, but in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind. This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.

Uh oh! I guess he’s not a fan.

The 800 pound bulldyke in the room that “””progressives””” of all stripes don’t want you to notice is that a lot of their radical regressivist shock troopers are comprised of biologically faulty men and women who are at the extremes of effeminacy and masculinization respectively. If it came to be widely understood and socially acceptable to acknowledge that, due to hormonal imbalance, genetic glitches, or gross environmental insult, 90% of radical femcunts are lesbians or manjawed atrocities, and 90% of manboobs are closet cases or soft, pillowy micropeens, the general population would be less likely to seriously entertain their insipid drivel.

U mad, bro?

Think about the revulsion you feel when you see a grossly obese person. It’s instinctive, like the way you would recoil from a pile of dog shit.

Dude, I don’t know if you know this, but most Americans are, you know, fat. WE ARE LEGION!

Your typical outrage feminist and limp-wristed manboob flirts dangerously close to the monster threshold. Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.

This has got to be the most ridiculously verbose version of “yeah, well, you’re a fatty” I’ve ever seen.

Oh, but it seems like we’re all about to get our big comeuppance:

The reflexive indulgence granted the monsters among us has lost its justification. Too many bleeding wounds from too many overzealous bites has rattled the slumber of the sleepers. A greater force than any sophistic monster in the world is about to bite back, viciously, lethally. Truth, as it always does, will claim ultimate victory.

Yeah, except that I’m pretty sure that “I hate you, you fat fatty” isn’t a Truth that matters a lot to anyone but you and your maladjusted fanboys.

Also, dude, you call yourself “Heartiste.” There is literally nothing more dopey than that.

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12 years ago

Ugh, you know, I know this guy is a piece of shit, but I am really sick of this evo psych bullshit about how “natural” it is to hate fatties.

Seriously, nobody gives a shit if you don’t like fat people. Nobody is going to force you to like a fat person, hug a fat person, or god forbid, fuck a fat person.

I don’t care if you think I’m hideous. No really, I don’t give a shit if people think I’m an aesthetic atrocity. I don’t WANT to hang out with, hug or fuck people who think I’m subhuman.

But cut the crap, stop with all this bullshit about how “natural” your hatred is. It’s not natural. You’re just a douchebag who’s bought into our culture’s stigma of fat and feels the need to employ schoolyard bully tactics about it in order to make yourself feel better. It’s pathetic.

12 years ago

But cut the crap, stop with all this bullshit about how “natural” your hatred is. It’s not natural. You’re just a douchebag who’s bought into our culture’s stigma of fat and feels the need to employ schoolyard bully tactics about it in order to make yourself feel better. It’s pathetic.

Yup. I’ve never felt “revulsion” upon seeing a fat person that I can recall. I’m not particularly physically attracted to fat people, as a general rule, but I’m entirely capable of not wanting to fuck someone without going, “OH GOD, THE HORROR, A PERSON I DON’T PARTICULARLY WANT TO FUCK!” I’m pretty sure that’s just a thing douchebags do.

(Of course, I don’t “recoil” at the sight of dog poop, either. I have a dog. Sometimes she poops. It’s not that big a deal. Apparently Roissy is just one hell of a delicate little flower in general.)

12 years ago

“the cool people”?

Whence these cool people? How does one identify them? By their manly chins and well-defined abdomens?

There’s just so much going on here, and it all re-enforces my impression of the Roissy/Heartiste/PUA crowd as a bunch of adultolescents that never figured out any nuance of social interaction beyond high school popularity contests.

Firstly, the willful conflation of sexually attractive qualities with all other positive traits, and the assumption that first, there is an Objective Standard of sexual appeal and second that anyone lacking those traits is clearly not only sub-human, but a detriment to those who are “sexy” or “cool”.

Second, this creating of hierarchy. “I, the Heartiste, am superior to you, the Manboobz, because I am sexually interesting to women (because I say I am) and you are not (because I say you aren’t).” Aside from the hierarchy at my work, I don’t really have any social hierarchies in my life. My friend-group doesn’t have any “alpha” people who are “in charge” or “more desirable” than others in the group. We have the People who Plan the Parties and the People who Host the Cook-Outs, but those aren’t any fun without the many People Who Bring the Beer. We have the Single People and the Long-term Couples and the Are They Fucking Or Aren’t They?! people, but jeez, there is no perception that any one of us is the “best” or even “better” because of our attractiveness/frequency of sex-having.

Do people like PUAs really see there world on this ranked scale from “hot/good” to “ugly/bad”? Is everyone in their life either “fuckable” or “horrible”? How old *are* these idiots? And how much could they *possibly* be getting laid? I can remember times when I used to evaluate everyone on whether or not I wanted to fuck them. I was 16, or I was coming off an eight-month dry-spell. So my working theory is that all these MRAs are either one, or the other.

12 years ago

@Wetherby: Yeah, same here. I’ve got quite a few guy friends and the fact we KNOW it’s not going to be complicated by sex means we’re close in a way we couldn’t be otherwise. Platonic opposite-sex friends are good to have

I think it’s just part of the PUA mindset that Women = Things You Fuck, and relating to them on any kind of level other than a sexual one is incomprehensible. And obviously with this ideology being Teh Scientific Truths, everyone else must think this way and if they say they don’t they’re lying, right?

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Okay so if the junk science commonly known as Evo-Psych is correct, attractive people are the most fit to produce offspring, hence why we’re attracted to them. Here’s the thing, the modern standards of beauty for women require her to have very little body fat but body fat is required to produce offspring that will survive. So a woman who is thin may have more trouble conceiving and carrying a child to term. By Evo-Psych’s standards, this woman should not be considered attractive but a woman with generous hips, breasts and butt would.

They trip themselves up with their own Evo-Psych. They argue attraction is all about the continuation of the species however they are attracted to evolutionary unfit people. Also, they aren’t interested in producing offspring with these women so they use Evo-Psych to justify that they’re attracted to women who fit modern standards of beauty to the exclusion of all else. It also allows them to be huge, raging dickbags to anyone not measuring up because SCIENCE!

Also, different cultures have different ideas of beauty and what’s considered beautiful has changed over history. If Evo-Psych was correct, the same standard of beauty would be seen across cultures and throughout history.

If these guys are only attracted to leggy, big breasted, thin women, then fine. But they shouldn’t try to justify it by using a subbranch of psychology that relies on “just-so” stories and post-hoc analysis.

12 years ago

“Curvaceously plush”? That sounds… kinda attractive, I like the muscled-but-leaning-to-plump nerdboy type.
And “overzealous bites”? Yeah, that too. But maybe I just have a dirty mind and blocked out the blatant stupidity that surrounded it all.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Here’s Great Books For Men commenting on Heartiste’s post:

yah and true story not so long ago i was with a freshamn girl i met at a college dance club i ground on her ass iwth my losttasss cockass and ended up taking her home and i’m pumping he rhard hard hard zllzoz hard hard hard zllzozzozozo and she goes “yes yes yes yes YES YES YES!!!! HEARTISTSE!!!!!!” zlzozozlzlzozzlz

I don’t think GB4M is a Poe. But it throws into question the comment upthread where a poster says

I wish I was as articulate and as smart as the average commenter in this forum.

12 years ago

You just know that Roissy is reading through these comments, looking at all the people who diagree with him and feeling smug about how he’s managed to rile up so many folks. “Yes,” he thinks to himself, “I struck a nerve, now they know I think they’re ugly! I’m so cool and awesome and manly.”

Then he’ll see this comment and think “What a sad attempt to get under my skin by a pillow…”

I don’t think its possible to actually talk to him about anything… his worldview is the kind of thing where everything he interprets under that worldview as evidence to support it.

12 years ago

Pillows are nice to cuddle. *picks up Kirby and cuddles him*

12 years ago

How do you pronounce “zllzozzozozo?” Is it Basque?

12 years ago

Well, now I feel left out! How does Kirby get cuddles but not Pillowinhell?

I mean geez, even after a day of wandering around a swamp I don’t smell that bad!!

12 years ago

Well, as we already learned today Satan is the ultimate alpha, so if I stole one of his pillows I’d be worried that he might hurt me.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind

If this is indeed how the “cool people” act, I am glad I became a nerd at a very young age. we tend to treat each other with respect consideration. *runs off to watch Dr. Who*

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@pillowinhell- Since Jews don’t believe in hell (and Satan is only a minion of God in our cosmology) I’m happy to give you ALL THE CUDDLES! *divebomb*

12 years ago

Is he seriously trying to argue that people other than PUAs are “emotionally disfigured”?

As Edmund Blackadder once put it, “I thank God I wore my corset, because I think my sides have split.”

12 years ago

You overweight people shouldn’t be upset. You know Roissy is a loser who can’t get laid like those MRA/Mgtows! Oh wait a minute … he can get laid LOL

12 years ago


You do realize that nobody cares if he can get laid or not, right?

… Right?

Getting laid does not make you a good or correct person? Does this sound familiar? In fact, it’s kinda irrelevant to what a douche and misogynist he is? Yeah?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago


I’m fat *and* I’ve probably gotten laid more than Roissy. I’m so, so upset about this. 😛

12 years ago

As an FFA, being surrounded by pudgeballs and doughboys is my idea of heaven…

And anyone cool knows that this makes male feminists a horde of cute, awesome pandarens 😀

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

It’s almost charming that when you come down to it, most of their insults are “UR FAT LULZ!”

Leik OMG! Adipose tissue?! Ewwwwww!

12 years ago


Thank God for Jewish people!

Um…opps…. I sure hope the Father of Lies and Alpha Manliness didn’t hear that.

12 years ago

I have my doubts about Roissy/Fartisiste getting laid, if only because he writes like someone who has never actually talked to women, ever.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You overweight people shouldn’t be upset

I’m not even 120 pounds, and am a thoroughly average height. I’m actually trying to gain weight. This isn’t how you want to try to insult me (Various low weight insults won’t work either, fyi)

You know Roissy is a loser who can’t get laid like those MRA/Mgtows!

Well, he’s certainly a loser, at least.

Oh wait a minute … he can get laid LOL

…You actually believe his bullshit?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’m fat *and* I’ve probably gotten laid more than Roissy. I’m so, so upset about this.


I’m fat and I had fat sex with my fat boyfriend last night. And then we had cookies. It was awesome.

Not that it matters really? I mean, if I didn’t get laid, women would still be people.

12 years ago

DYOR, no one cares. If Roissy can manage to get laid with his shitty attitude, more power to him, I guess.

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