antifeminism evil fat fatties grandiosity homophobia manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism penises PUA reactionary bullshit shaming tactics worst writing in the history of the universe your time will come

Get in mah belly, Heartiste!

Apparently the Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy has discovered our little blog:

Why do normal people feel a natural disgust for feminists and manginas? Make no mistake, normal women are as repulsed as normal men are by shrieking feminists and wimpy manboy pudgeballs. In public, well-adjusted people may mouth the PC platitudes that feminists and doughboys relentlessly cudgel into squishy groupthink minds, but in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind. This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.

Uh oh! I guess he’s not a fan.

The 800 pound bulldyke in the room that “””progressives””” of all stripes don’t want you to notice is that a lot of their radical regressivist shock troopers are comprised of biologically faulty men and women who are at the extremes of effeminacy and masculinization respectively. If it came to be widely understood and socially acceptable to acknowledge that, due to hormonal imbalance, genetic glitches, or gross environmental insult, 90% of radical femcunts are lesbians or manjawed atrocities, and 90% of manboobs are closet cases or soft, pillowy micropeens, the general population would be less likely to seriously entertain their insipid drivel.

U mad, bro?

Think about the revulsion you feel when you see a grossly obese person. It’s instinctive, like the way you would recoil from a pile of dog shit.

Dude, I don’t know if you know this, but most Americans are, you know, fat. WE ARE LEGION!

Your typical outrage feminist and limp-wristed manboob flirts dangerously close to the monster threshold. Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.

This has got to be the most ridiculously verbose version of “yeah, well, you’re a fatty” I’ve ever seen.

Oh, but it seems like we’re all about to get our big comeuppance:

The reflexive indulgence granted the monsters among us has lost its justification. Too many bleeding wounds from too many overzealous bites has rattled the slumber of the sleepers. A greater force than any sophistic monster in the world is about to bite back, viciously, lethally. Truth, as it always does, will claim ultimate victory.

Yeah, except that I’m pretty sure that “I hate you, you fat fatty” isn’t a Truth that matters a lot to anyone but you and your maladjusted fanboys.

Also, dude, you call yourself “Heartiste.” There is literally nothing more dopey than that.

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white knight
white knight
12 years ago

Oh god, what a wanker. The over-wrought, purple prose is hilarious.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

effeminate and unattractive:

I don’t understand. Doesn’t that contradict itself?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

So he’s fatphobic and homophobic, but I was told that the MRM was all diverse and shit.

12 years ago

Rutee: What?! The mighty “Chateau” never contradicts himself! I think he means that liberal men look effeminate (large eyes, full lips, weak chins — I’m not making this up) whereas conservative men are all manly hunks with strong jawlines (again the obsession with jaws, you see).

12 years ago

I think he means that liberal men look effeminate (large eyes, full lips, weak chins — I’m not making this up) whereas conservative men are all manly hunks with strong jawlines (again the obsession with jaws, you see).

But I fit the second description much more closely – and I suspect Pecunium does even more so.

I’m very confused now. Does this mean I’m a closet conservative? And should I pre-emptively tell my wife before she finds out?

12 years ago

I’m very confused now. Does this mean I’m a closet conservative? And should I pre-emptively tell my wife before she finds out?

Probably. She’ll catch you furtively browsing the Conservative Party’s web sites late night sooner of later. Either that, or you are an Abomination according to the Church of Heartiste.

12 years ago

I quite like the thought of being an Abomination.

12 years ago

From the photos online, I would say he looks to be a fan of Just For Men.

12 years ago

More Orc-hate, I see. Disgusting.

12 years ago

” I think he means that liberal men look effeminate (large eyes, full lips, weak chins — I’m not making this up)”

OK, I might concede that “weak chins” aren’t generally considered attractive regardless of gender, but both large eyes and full lips are in fact considered attractive by many cultures. Basically he just sounds like he thinks that any man who doesn’t look like a Marvel comics superhero is “effeminate”, which is something that he assumes that no women are attracted to because he is a delusional weirdo who does not actually interact with any women.

There are entire online communities devoted to allowing women and girls to lust over the kind of men who he considers too effeminate for women to want to fuck. Androgynous pretty boys don’t exactly tend to have a hard time finding women who’re into them.

12 years ago

Was Roissy attacked by a giant mutant preying mantis as a child or something? This obsession that he has with mandibles is really rather peculiar.

12 years ago

Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.

Even leaving personal tastes out of it, I’m pretty sure most ‘humans’ don’t recoil in horror from people they’re not sexually attracted to. Just because you don’t want to sleep with someone doesn’t mean it’s not possible to enjoy their company, laugh at their jokes, talk about TV, go bowling etc instead of making cross signs at them and yelling ‘unclean’

12 years ago

Now I KNOW I closed that tag

12 years ago

Cassandra: I think he writes really trashy soft-core sci-fi porn for straight-to-ebook under another pseudonym. (I apologize for the excessive premodification there).

Whetherby: Alright, then. You can be the forum Abomination. Every internet society needs one.

12 years ago

Comet: Interestingly, our very own Emma the Troll tried to make that very point in the comments section and was duly shot down. One of the commenters hilariously felt that he had to break his rule “never to respond directly to a post made by a woman” just so that he could spew some fatphobic insults.

12 years ago

@ Sorka

His writing does read like bad softcore.

12 years ago

Even leaving personal tastes out of it, I’m pretty sure most ‘humans’ don’t recoil in horror from people they’re not sexually attracted to. Just because you don’t want to sleep with someone doesn’t mean it’s not possible to enjoy their company, laugh at their jokes, talk about TV, go bowling etc instead of making cross signs at them and yelling ‘unclean’.

Roissy/Heartiste may have difficulty getting his perfectly sculpted head around this notion, but I’m not sexually attracted to the vast, vast majority of women that I interact with. Including the overwhelming majority of my close female friends, whose company I greatly enjoy.

Take my wife’s best friend, for instance: I’ve seen her at least once a fortnight for the last ten years, we got on like the proverbial house on fire right from the start, but I’m not even the tiniest bit attracted to her physically. But none of this stops us having lengthy conversations about practically everything under the sun – in fact, we probably know each other as well as we know almost anyone else in our lives by now.

12 years ago

My god his sentences are long. I felt out of breath just reading them mentally.

Elodie Arryna
Elodie Arryna
12 years ago

I’ve literally never seen a conventionally attractive MRA. The ones on youtube are frankly hideous to me, although I’m not the sole arbiter of truth and beauty

But honestly, for people who seem to think that “fat” is an insult – it’s not, it’s really just not – they’re hiding their lights under…. very large bushels. Yet Roissy is arguing that MRAs represent the manliest, studliest archetypes of masculine beauty?

Techno Alien
Techno Alien
12 years ago

I just googled Roissy… meh, he actually doesn’t look too bad, but I guess his ugly personality kind of makes up for that.

12 years ago

Wetherby: But I fit the second description much more closely – and I suspect Pecunium does even more so.

I have a decent jaw, but I am slight of frame. I used to make a very effective, even slightly pretty, woman. What I’m not is “feminine/girly”. I move, and carry myself, in a manner that seems to brook little in the way of direct confrontation. There is, so I am told, a sense of the implacable. In that regard, yes, I probably fulfill the “sense” of Roissy’s ideal of “manly” while failing to live up to the visual ideal he cherishes.

And, to confound the entire things, I am all that, and a feminist. All the imprecations of hell does he heap on my head. I could be a horse on the alpha cock carousel, but rather I am a guy who thinks women are people, and looks are immaterial to one’s value as a person.

And it hurt his feewings.

12 years ago

I was thinking about this foam-flecked tirade last night, and it made less sense the more I thought about it.

I can sort of understand the MGTOWs, they feel rejected by all women, and they are bitter about it. BUt Roisssy… he is all about how he ignores what “modern” women say, and goes right for the hindbrain, where his tried and true techniques get him all the sex with young, beautiful, women he could possibly want; no matter what they think they want. It’s SCIENCE.

So what does he care what the “little people” do, think, or look like? If he’s right, it doesn’t matter what we say/do, because game is game, and will always work.

So what’s his complaint? Is there something more concrete than, “people disagree with me” going on? Doth he protest too much?

Is something bothering him? Perhaps his Game is off. Inquiring minds want to know.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Roissy doesn’t care where or with whom I sob myself to sleep at night? Finally, something we agree on. I don’t care where or with whom he sobs himself to sleep at night, either.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

The irony, of course, is that he cares very much, or he would have wasted his words on some other non-topic.

12 years ago

One of the strangest things I see in the MRA movement is the reliance on emotionally charged language, and the use of metaphor, imagery and hyperbole to the exclusion of rational discourse. They’re emotional reactionaries with little capacity for intellectual engagement.

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