Apparently the Heartiste Formerly Known as Roissy has discovered our little blog:
Why do normal people feel a natural disgust for feminists and manginas? Make no mistake, normal women are as repulsed as normal men are by shrieking feminists and wimpy manboy pudgeballs. In public, well-adjusted people may mouth the PC platitudes that feminists and doughboys relentlessly cudgel into squishy groupthink minds, but in private the cool people generally shun the orc hordes and leave them to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind. This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.
Uh oh! I guess he’s not a fan.
The 800 pound bulldyke in the room that “””progressives””” of all stripes don’t want you to notice is that a lot of their radical regressivist shock troopers are comprised of biologically faulty men and women who are at the extremes of effeminacy and masculinization respectively. If it came to be widely understood and socially acceptable to acknowledge that, due to hormonal imbalance, genetic glitches, or gross environmental insult, 90% of radical femcunts are lesbians or manjawed atrocities, and 90% of manboobs are closet cases or soft, pillowy micropeens, the general population would be less likely to seriously entertain their insipid drivel.
U mad, bro?
Think about the revulsion you feel when you see a grossly obese person. It’s instinctive, like the way you would recoil from a pile of dog shit.
Dude, I don’t know if you know this, but most Americans are, you know, fat. WE ARE LEGION!
Your typical outrage feminist and limp-wristed manboob flirts dangerously close to the monster threshold. Humans recoil from manjawed, mustachioed, beady-eyed, actively aggressive women and chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men as if they were the human equivalent of dog shit.
This has got to be the most ridiculously verbose version of “yeah, well, you’re a fatty” I’ve ever seen.
Oh, but it seems like we’re all about to get our big comeuppance:
The reflexive indulgence granted the monsters among us has lost its justification. Too many bleeding wounds from too many overzealous bites has rattled the slumber of the sleepers. A greater force than any sophistic monster in the world is about to bite back, viciously, lethally. Truth, as it always does, will claim ultimate victory.
Yeah, except that I’m pretty sure that “I hate you, you fat fatty” isn’t a Truth that matters a lot to anyone but you and your maladjusted fanboys.
Also, dude, you call yourself “Heartiste.” There is literally nothing more dopey than that.
Roissy fights for the rights of all men!
…to be called fat in varied and creative ways when they disagree with him.
I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand half of these insults. What does “chipmunk-cheeked, bitch tittied, curvaceously plush, passive-aggressive men” mean again?
He’s fucking 40 and still believes in “cool people” as thing. I know all I need to about this overgrown manchild douchebag.
“This social outcast status is what fuels their eternal hatred for truth and beauty.”
Truth and Beauty – Heh. I love Roissy… Err, sorry, Heartiste’s “Wannabe – Keats phase” I predict another name change and and slant before he’s finally done.
More proof that Roissy really doesn’t get out much: he thinks he can spot us by how ugly we are.
Branding your ideological opponents as biological and social defectives has worked out so, so very well in the past. Do keep it up, Roissy, it tells us exactly who you are.
He’s protesting/projecting so hard, I’m thinking he’s a manjawed, micropeened, bitchtitted, passive-aggressive pile of dogshit.
“Curvaceously plush” sounds like a good thing.
Wow. This is just pathetic.
Unfortunately for Mr. Heartless, I mean Heartiste, fat guys are yummy.
okay… I REALLY want to see a picture of this guy now.
I don’t know what to do… my sense of identity is crushed. I am not one of the “90 percent” (did he go to the same school of rhetorical statistics as NWO). I shall have to slink away from being a feminist and become an MRA, or a PUA.
It’s in my nature.
Sorry guys. It’ll be hard, but I’ll have to just accept essentialism,and EvPsych and Negging and the Greek System.
It’s been swell. Lots of fun, but you know… it’s genetic.
shorter roissy: the lurkers support me in e-mail
Sharculese: Not even that. It’s not that the lurkers support him in e-mail, it’s that only his crowd is cool. Everyone else is being left to mingle with their own emotionally and often physically disfigured kind.
nobody cool would ever call himself ‘heartiste’
If the male supremicists won’t just go there own way already, should we set up a fund to teach them how insults should work?
Their. Ugh, spend a day typing a thesis and my brain is shot.
Roissy can froth all he wants, but…… Seguin scores!!!!
I find particular enjoyment in the fact that every time I fuck, and me and my partner’s body fat flaps around noisily while we enjoy ourselves, Roissy dies a little inside.
Why can’t any of these guys write worth a damn? All that overwrought prose, but they think wimmenz are the hysterical ones?
His writing style is dopey.
This is what? the third or fourth MRA warning that the coup is imminent any minute now there will be an end to all things feminist and mangina any second now we are coming for you yes we are it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it because it will be upon you before you know it except for these repeated warnings we keep giving you that you don’t take seriously but you will when it happens. So there!
They are sounding like Harold Camping and his end of the world predictions where he keeps getting the math wrong and has to repredict for next year.
So much ‘I know you are but what am I’ in mra rhetoric! Mangina just wasn’t good enough anymore, you had to steal manboob as well?
Dude, you do realize that making this analogy, you have skillfully excepted yourself from their number, yes? Cool people don’t talk about orcs. I do, though.
My wut? It is a truth that women are people, and I spend hours on nerd stuff for the purpose of aesthetics IE Beauty.
Don’t I wish? Well, not really, I don’t really care, but really, no.
Part 2 of how to sound like a heterosexist jackass. Also, you do realize that you are among the number of the titular male boobs, yes?
Instinctive, is it? That’s why they were the platonic ideal of beauty in the west for centuries? Also, you do realize that shit has been handled by a lot of societies as fuel for fire, yes? This ‘revulsion’ is no more instinctive.
Part 3 of how to be a heterosexist jackass.
Dude, if Hitler was human, everyone is. And he was. Unless you’re trying to talk about ugly, in which case one wonders where you found your statistics. Also, that doesn’t have anything to do with the contents of our arguments.
What is it with assholes certain the vindication of their bigotry is sure to come just over the corner, anyway?
Aren’t you just the precious, violent little jackass.
I concur; it’s just not on your side.
Damn my soft, pillowy micro peen! Oops, wait, I’m a woman. Um, damn my soft, pillowy breasts! … Well, now I’m just confused.
I’d call it wildly melodramatic.
My favorite short story is Revelation by Flannery O’Connor. Heartiste is engaging in one hundred percent projection here, and he is about to undergo the grotesque revolution, or he now bloviates post book to head injury. Poor, picked on Heartiste, having to face his failures by a shifting paradigm that no longer includes him like a dropped, deleted GIMP layer. Next we’ll get his visions of who evolution favors in his own Revelation maybe he’ll bargain a new place for himself in the schema, even if in the back (as the non PC rebel, no doubt). That’s if he breaks down that far.
He talks about Fat as much as Mrs.Turpin says the N word.