creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

Re: “you can’t always tell how old someone is” sure, you can’t. Not always. I was one of those outliers who didn’t exactly “develop” early, but shot up like a weed. At ten I was taller than my 15 year old sister. At 11 I was taller than my mom. As I got into middle and high school, I was one of those kids who was smart, quiet and pretty levelheaded so got the “mature for my age” moniker. A lot of people who didn’t know me tended to guess I was in my early 20’s.

I also did hang out with a lot of college kids. I had trouble making friends my own age, and for all her faults, I did have a big sis who was pretty cool in that she wanted to try to make sure I had at least a little bit of youth type fun to speak of.

Sure, they all knew I was L’s little sister, but most of them assumed I was a senior in high school (as time wore on, freshman at some other college, etc). A friend of my sister’s commented on a photo she had of me that I was “hot” and could he get my number? He was pretty mortified to hear that I was 14. But you know what he didn’t do? He DIDN’T then proceed to insist he get my number. He DIDN’T insist I was part of an evil plot to give him boners I was too young to take care of and he DIDN’T state indignantly that it wasn’t FAIR that I was so young and yet looked so much like a grown lady.

Because he was not an asshole. Over the course of my high school career, I found myself alone with a number of my sister’s male friends all in their early 20’s. Sometimes I was drunk. Sometimes I was sober. None of the time did any of them try to take advantage of me. I don’t doubt that my being their best girl friends’ little sister probably had a little something to do with it, but for the most part I’m pretty confident that it’s because most men are NOT assholes who will rape a child and blame their supposed slavering “beastly instincts” or blame the child for having the audacity to develop boobs before age 18.

I have more respect for men than to believe that the norm is for them to rape a child, if given half the chance. “Not knowing their age” is not a reason for abominable behavior, it’s an excuse for it, and a pretty shitty one at that.

12 years ago

Hey, OP guys, it might help if you don’t try to judge a girls’ age by her boob size. Just saying.

12 years ago

The idea of MGTOW gaining popularity is laughable. Most men aren’t going to be happy with just Thumbelina and her four sisters. And life size dolls are expensive.

Some men also like to have women around for, you know, talking and stuff. (Cue fifteen MRAs crowding in to proclaim that I’m cruelly torturing all my male friends, because being in the presence of a woman is just that painful.)

12 years ago

@Lady Zombie: I hear tell Bikini Atoll doesn’t have any women on it.

But telling all the MGOTWs to go there would be eliminationism, wouldn’t it?

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Nobody would force them. Just set aside an island and say “Hey fellas. Here’s an island where we guarantee that you will never have to see or talk to another woman for the rest of your life.” Surely MGTOWs would jump at the chance.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

No Shaenon, the radfeminazi’s actually ARE bitter hairy mary’s and come to think of it, MGTOW are the male equivalent. I just think that this blog should try to balance out and give those radfeminazi’s their fare share of belittlement and mockery. 😉

@Dracula: I actually do think they are mutually exclusive; and especially in the case of forcible rape. “entitlement” is nothing more than social construct. The concept has no meaning outside the social reality and it’s only useful if others actually recognize it. Promulgating that certain people have a sense of entitlement is a guilt trip tactic. Rapists do what they do because they lack empathy for their victims and feel no guilt about their deeds 99% of the time! They do it because they can and because they think that they’ll get away with it. Men who have sex with underage girls are acting on their sexual impulses and hoping they won’t get caught. Sometimes these underage girls even give their explicit permission even though it’s legally meaningless since they’re under the age of consent. And unlike most whiny MRAs who bitch about women having sex with underage boys getting off easy, I personally don’t find that double standard to be a bad thing at all.

Addendum: Maybe I’m too reasonable and moderate for someone on this blog with a dissenting opinion…..*shrug* Perhaps I really do need to TROLL instead. But it’s quite telling that anyone who dares to disagree with the dominate paradigm around here gets branded a “troll” and is “boring” unless they’re actively offensive.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Bikini Atoll belongs to the Marshallese people who were forced off there by the US government and still can’t return.

Do one better than the US and find an island that isn’t already someone’s home for once.


12 years ago

@Nameless Trolling dude: What is wrong with Men Going Their Own Way?

As far as I’m concerned, the only thing wrong is that they come here and endlessly tell us all about GTOW and keep blathering on and demanding validation and cookies and strokes from people, some of whom are women, which means, basically, they ain’t going their own way.

Plus, choosing not to get married not this major radical thing any more–I chose not to get married decades ago. Still not married. Still not giving a damn. Still not demanding perfect strangers validate my position.

I’ve NEVER heard or seen a lesbian separatist demanding that men support their lesbian separatism. If you have, I wanta see it.

And why are radfems ugly, but you don’t make any comment on the physical appearance of MGTOW? Sexist, much?

12 years ago

MSN, what did apostrophes ever do to you? Stop abusing them.

12 years ago

I just think that this blog should try to balance out and give those radfeminazi’s their fare share of belittlement and mockery.

And if they were spouting the bucketloads of misogyny that your little MRA buddies do, I’m sure Dave would. Now go away, you bore me.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

But hellkell, they’re spouting bucketloads of misandry!

Oh that’s right, misogyny=bad but misandry=good. Got it.

12 years ago

@Nameless Troll: If YOU want a blog to mock misandry (by radfems or anybody else, not that I actually agree that misandry is in any way equivalent to misogyny, but you do), then why not set up a blog?

Mocking Misandry!

This blog is for Mocking Misogyny.

You know, you sexists come up with the damndest claims about what feminists should do in the name of ‘equality” which is damn funny when you don’t seem to understand or support equality in any sense of the word.

12 years ago

Misandry is not a thing. Not even fucking close in terms of the long-running systemic issues that keep misogyny alive and well, up to and including assholes like you.

12 years ago

Addendum: Maybe I’m too reasonable and moderate for someone on this blog with a dissenting opinion…..*shrug* Perhaps I really do need to TROLL instead. But it’s quite telling that anyone who dares to disagree with the dominate paradigm around here gets branded a “troll” and is “boring” unless they’re actively offensive.

it really galls you that nobody else recognizes how totally super smart you think you are doesnt it.

grow up.

12 years ago

Sharculese, it’s like Br__n claimig on Feministe that he was “just joking” over here.

12 years ago

seriously msn, if you really need a space to whine about how manboobz doesn’t talk about the things you want to talk about, i hear paul elam will pity hire anyone with a dumb irrational grudge against david.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

why not set up a blog?

Mocking Misandry!

Yeah. Go do that.

If you stretch the Dworkin and Solanas quotes out enough you’ll have material for weeks of posts!

12 years ago

Nameless One, if you you’re seriously saying that “I want this, so I’ll just take it if can get away with it.” doesn’t just imply, but require a massive sense of entitlement, you’re either bullshitting or you don’t know what words mean.

12 years ago

shorter msn: i have no dignity and i must equivocate

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy: My bad.

12 years ago

Ha ha, did Nameless seriously trot out the PMS line? There’s just no creativity in these trolls today!

12 years ago

I like that he threatened to troll us if we don’t take him seriously. XD

12 years ago

as if he had not been trolling this entire time…

12 years ago

Ha ha, did Nameless seriously trot out the PMS line? There’s just no creativity in these trolls today!

there is like zero doubt in my mind based on a bunch of his past comments that msn is in high school,

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