creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

This is totally off-topic

Hey, this is Man Boobz. What is this concept of “on-topic?”

but I’m gonna have a go at it anyway: What is wrong with Men Going Their Own Way?

Other folks have addressed this already, but my two cents is: They go their own way because they’re all butt-hurt that they are expected to treat women as people. Except, of course, that they’d rather hang around on the internet and be bitter and butt-hurt in public instead of Going Galt like they keep threatening to do.

How are they any worse than manhating separatist feminists?

It might have something to do with how many women are sexually assaulted by entitled men (as has been discussed upthread, sometimes at a very young age) vs. the much smaller number of men and boys who are sexually assaulted by women. The former number is so large as to be endemic; the latter so small as to be uncommon.

Also, using the term “manhating” in your sentence reveals your prejudice. Separatist feminists hate men if they say men pose a threat to women? How then are MGOTWs not hating women by categorically stating that no woman is worth spending time with?

(Like the butt ugly hairy mary’s @ radfem.

Way to be classy, there. Puerile insults do not an argument make.

And if they aren’t then Futrelle has some explaining to do as to why he targets MGTOW instead)

Oh, if only there was a Man Boobz mission statement. It would clear up a lot of this confusion. Let’s post it somewhere prominent, like, I dunno, in the page header, or over there under the photo of the child in the sidebar on the right.

They are simply men who have decided that they don’t want to be with women.

Because they think all women are not worth the time or effort. If we swapped out some other group, say, Jewish people, or African Americans, or plumbers, would you agree that such a statement is problematic? Why are women the exception, here?

I honestly wonder why feminists (and many women in general) feel so threatened by this fringe movement. Is it because they feel that it might gain popularity and threaten their sexual power over men?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

Prove that feminists (and many women in general) feel threatened by MGTOW.

Prove that women have sexual power over men. Sure, a lot of men are sexually attracted to women, but does that equal power? Who’s saying men can’t say no? Sure sounds like you are.

Oh, and aren’t you MRAL?

12 years ago

@Pecunium: “And then you’ll be sorry!” is a threat from a child’s tantrum, or possibly Ayn Rand.

If these guys have so much evidence and so many arguments that they can base a valid movement on, where is it? All we ever get is “and then you’ll be sorry!”

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

@Falconer: Sexual assault really has nothing to do with entitlement. It has to do with a desire for power and dominance. Men who rape women use sex as tool of aggression. And no, I am not MRAL, an MRA or even a MGOTW. However, you sound like a typical internet mangina.

@cloudiah: My oh my! Such butthurt. PMS much? 😛

12 years ago

Okay, what is a mangina? I thought it was just Old Gregg’s name for his cloaca.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

@Pecunium: If you still think I’m an aspie poser, the shrink who gave me my diagnosis back in ’91 was Dr Alan Unis. You can google him; assuming you know how to use it. 😉

12 years ago

nameless dude, PMS? obvious troll obvious troll much?

12 years ago

MSN, no cares what you think, go take your shit elsewhere.

PMS? I guess that really is the best you can do.

Monsieur sans Nom
Monsieur sans Nom
12 years ago

What’s up your butt, hellkell?

12 years ago

Great insult there. For a 5 year old I mean.

12 years ago

oh, cool, everyone’s favorite boring reactionary pseudo-intellectual is back.

12 years ago

I believe that these guys on reddit wouldn’t mind to have sex with underage girls if that was legal. It doesn’t bother them that these girls (even if they have developed bodies) still have a mind of rather a child and are not mentally ready to have sex. And that makes me sick…

12 years ago

There once was a troll named Monsieur sans Nom
He pretended to not understand where the focus on MGTOW came from
When an answer was provided
His response was misguided
His words were only about ones bum

12 years ago

And no, I am not MRAL, an MRA or even a MGOTW. However, you sound like a typical internet mangina.

Well, that’s just what MRAL wouldsay!

Associating me with genitals isn’t going to hurt me, because I actually don’t think genitals are dirty or disgusting. However, it does reinforce the idea that women are Less Than because it tells them that being a woman is an insult. So … yeah. Sorry about your lack of sex life.

Sexual assault really has nothing to do with entitlement. It has to do with a desire for power and dominance. Men who rape women use sex as tool of aggression.

The men discussed upthread who made inappropriate comments to or actually laid hands on underage girls have exhibited a massive dose of entitlement along with their aggression.

Just because something is X doesn’t mean it isn’t also about Y. And my statement about entitlement is not defeated.

Try harder.

12 years ago

Crud, there was supposed to be a [/sarcasm] tag after “what MRAL would say” but I used the wrong brackets.

12 years ago

Troll harder, MSN. Troll much harder, baby.

12 years ago

@Pecunium: If you still think I’m an aspie poser, the shrink who gave me my diagnosis back in ’91 was Dr Alan Unis. You can google him; assuming you know how to use it.

And I was awarded a degree in computer science by Dr. Turing.

And Dame Goodall thanked me for my generous assistance in raising awareness of chimpanzees kept in abominable conditions.

And I scouted for Geronimo.

You can Google all those people, if you want. You can’t prove they didn’t exist, so therefore each of my claims is substantiated.

As for you being Aspberger’s, M. Je faire l’ane, I can’t disprove it but just because I can google someone doesn’t mean you actually are one. But I don’t need to disprove you’re an aspie because the burden of proof rests with the claimant making a positive claim (psst — that’s you).

12 years ago

“Or helicat. Which makes me imagine a helicopter/cat hybrid. That would be kind of awesome actually!”

Like Catbus from Totoro!

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

You know, if you were really Going Your Own Way, not only would we not disapprove (bye! seeya! don’t send postcards!), but you wouldn’t care if we disapproved.

Isn’t the whole point of GYOW that women won’t like it? So why the hell are you all “no I have to GMOW and women have to approve”? That’s just silliness.

12 years ago

I think I’m missing some backstory. Why does it matter whether or not M. sans Nom has aspergers?

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

The idea of MGTOW gaining popularity is laughable. Most men aren’t going to be happy with just Thumbelina and her four sisters. And life size dolls are expensive.

12 years ago

@Falconer: Sexual assault really has nothing to do with entitlement. It has to do with a desire for power and dominance.

You really think these concepts are mutually exclusive? You’re honestly saying saying that desire for power and dominance is in no way related to feeling you have a right to that which is not yours, such as access to and control over someone else’s body?

Congrats, you’re even more stupid than I thought.

12 years ago

My problème with MGTOW: they don’t go their own way. They just whine about women on the internet, which is far for original.
Actually, that’s also my problem with noname. So pshh, go, go your own way. Far from here.

12 years ago

So women who Go Their Own Way are “butt ugly hairy mary’s” (good lord, don’t they teach punctuation anymore?) and are being big old meanies, but men who Go Their Own Way are “simply men” and are being unfairly persecuted for their courageous choice.

Oh, misogynists. I love how you guys aren’t capable of writing a sentence without sticking in random slurs, even when it undermines the entire argument you’re trying to make.

Anyway, no one feels threatened by Men Going Their Own Way, but it’d be nice if they’d finally shut up and go. They’re like vegetarians who turn every conversation into an opportunity to complain about how awful meat is. After a while, no one wants them at the barbecue.

12 years ago

And the thing is, you can feel the desire for dominance without working under the assumption that you deserve it.

But if you ignore consent, and take what you want by force or coercion, then yeah, you damn well feel entitled to it. That’s what feeling entitled means. If you didn’t feel that way, you’d just fucking ask.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

I proposed we designate a nice tropical island for the MGTOWs. One Manboober insisted that we stock it with food and supplies because those brave MGTOWs, who are of the gender who built society and who don’t need women, would quickly starve to death since most of their time would be sitting around on the beach complaining about how awful women are instead of gathering coconuts or some shit.

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