creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

So SRS has a troll, Smoker. The real question is: do they mostly sound like that, most of the time?

I suppose you could present quotes from NWO as “real quotes from a Manboobz commenter!” if you wanted to play like that. (Oh god no one do this.) But does he reflect the prevailing milieu of this community?

Also I’m kinda all on board with “I’m all for women acting mean and vulgar, but society currently likes to punish women for doing so.”, and I think it’s telling you lumped that in with “feminist terrorism.”

12 years ago

NWO: For 5000 years of recorded history in virtually every diverse culture, it was normal for men to marry girls aged 13 to 16. It’s really only been the last half century or so that men have been vilified for what was considered natural and good since the dawn of time.

Wrong again, as usual.

stics indicate that the mean marriage age for the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras was higher than many people realize. Data taken from birthdates of women and marriage certificates reveals mean marriage ages to have been as follows:

1566-1619 27.0 years
1647-1719 29.6 years
1719-1779 26.8 years
1770-1837 25.1 years

12 years ago

Sorry, Bee! I was Bee, and then WordPress changed its dealie and I was abeegoesbuzz. And then I learned that WordPress would allow me to change my name, so I changed it back to Bee. That’s confusing! 🙁

Two Bees or not two Bees, that is the question.

We shall have a swarm of bees! And it will be A W E S O M E (just like reddit). Didn’t we used to have a Firebee?

Cooter Bee cannot join our hive, though. Bees have standards, you know.


And their attitude towards MRAs, etc. is pretty nasty.

What would be a good attitude to take toward people who deny that rape or DV is a problem for women and generally demonize and threaten women and blame women for everything?

12 years ago

It’s okay Bee! I’m BlueBee now!

And I like this swarm idea!
What do MRAs think of bees? Since they have that queen and all.

12 years ago

NWO, here again to champion the cause of enslaving women and raping children.

12 years ago

Smoker: That’s one commenter (and I don’t find her on SRS, but 2XC). How is she to the entire collective?

The thing which is different there from here, is that the overall commentariat is 1: truly diffuse, and 2:that the “leadership” Here, feministing, etc.) isn’t making hatred of men the focus of the sites.

Compare that to the content of the sites listed as being, “moderate”, like AVfM. Or the more “mainstream” one’s like The Spearhead.

Apples and oranges. Where is the call for, “fucking men’s shit up”. Where are the comments saying men should have their voiceboxes cut out.

Until you can show me those sites, and that mainstream/moderate feminists (the kind we are always told we ignore when discussing the things the MRM says) are supporting that… your whinging about how “nasty” feminists are, is just that… you being upset that people are talking about the things your movement likes, and condemning them for it.

Cry me a river.

12 years ago


/Eddie Izzard

12 years ago

Meh, okay, looking at his recent history, maybe sorry_WHAT’s abandoned SRS. He used to post there a lot.

But I’m pretty sure he’s not a troll; he’s for real. And I bring him up because he’s really not that out of line at SRS… only difference is he’s kind of stupid on top of everything else, so he doesn’t couch his bullshit in intelligent-sounding terminology. There are others who aren’t much better, they’re just smarter and avoid coming right out and saying what I’ve quoted above. They just imply it.

I recommend AntiSRS. They get overrun with the r/mensrights guys sometimes, but I’d take them over people like SW.


Also I’m kinda all on board with “I’m all for women acting mean and vulgar, but society currently likes to punish women for doing so.”

Could you elaborate? I generally don’t think that it’s very nice for people to act mean and vulgar.

12 years ago


I’m not saying this kind of thing happens all the time. But there exist mature-looking young teenagers- that is, physically mature, not emotionally. They’ll go out to a bar (where, of course, the mangina bouncers will let ‘em in), and later regret their decision.

I’m 24 years old and still get carded. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

12 years ago

It’s interesting Alex, because in my experience hot young girls actually get carded less than twentysomethings…. because the bouncers want them in the club. They want the twentysomethings, too, but they know they’re of age by looking at them, so no harm done. But if they asked for Sweet Sixteen’s ID, they’d have to turn her away.

It’s about business.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Wouldn’t a mangina bouncer want to protect girls from sexual exploitation?

This “mangina” concept is so flexible!

12 years ago

And their attitude towards MRAs, etc. is pretty nasty.


^^ That’s the world smallest violin playing “Hearts and Flowers” for you.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Cliff: Wouldn’t a mangina bouncer want to protect girls from sexual exploitation?

Those mangina’s are helping them oppress men by letting the underage girls seduce normal, manly, men to send them to jail.

It’s not that sex with them is bad, it’s that right now statutory rape laws are a tool of the matriarchy to keep men in their place, and stifle their normal urges.

12 years ago

Can we use our army of bees to defend ourselves? We could totally keep the trolls in line by threatening to unleash bees on them.

12 years ago

@Amused, Ruby, and pillowinhell,

Sorry to hear that happened to you. 🙁

12 years ago

@hellkell- Well, no, not with the politically correct police (otherwise known as SRS) constantly breathing down everyone’s backs. It’s obnoxious.

Oh, you poor, poor babies. It’s so sad that there are people out there that want you to be accountable fo rthe shit you say. I weep for you, truly I do.

I kinda like the PI folks myself–it’s right up there with the use of “female” to let me know that I’m dealing with a complete asshole.

12 years ago

If a woman is in the forest and does something that isn’t all about men (and in particular, all about a particularly predatory version of straight male sexuality), does it make a sound?

Nope. Everything women do, including automatic bodily functions, is entirely about men.

Also, the only reasons a woman would go out in the forest alone in the first place are (a) to deprive some man of sex with her, and/or (b) to find a man who is also alone in the forest, sleep with him, and then (falsely, of course!) accuse him of rape.

Because women have no independent interests in nature or in getting the fuck away from other human beings for a while, natch.

/ sarcasm

12 years ago

I would take MRAs far more seriously if they didn’t come running to the defence of people who rape children. It’s like listening to the Catholics defending rapist priests… if your beliefs mandate that it’s more important to protect abusers than to protect children who are being actively harmed by them, then you seriously need to sit down and think about your priorities.

12 years ago

Aww, poor Reddit people, being mocked just for saying relentlessly stupid and awful things. Won’t somebody think of the pedophiles? Where’s their parade?

The original video is so sweet. I can’t quite wrap my head around the mindset of someone who would react to footage of a child’s face by calling her a bitch and/or making creepy comments about having sex with her, because those are the only ways they can possibly imagine relating to anything female. But I guess it’s all good when you’re on the A W E S O M E website.

12 years ago

And eight year old boys get boners because…

extraterrestrial biological entity princess

There are moments when I wish it were possible to delay puberty until age 20 for both boys and girls, because it might be easier for young people. As i understand it, there is no way to do that safely.
This discussion reminds of something I heard a grown-up say when I was a teenager, that statutory rape laws were largely intended to protect 16-year-olds from 35-year-olds. 30 years later, the dirty old men still don’t get that children are not adults and adults have to act like adults and be responsible because the child can’t take care of, or fix the mistakes of,an adult.

12 years ago

The original video is so sweet. I can’t quite wrap my head around the mindset of someone who would react to footage of a child’s face by calling her a bitch and/or making creepy comments about having sex with her, because those are the only ways they can possibly imagine relating to anything female. But I guess it’s all good when you’re on the A W E S O M E website.

I know, all of this stuff about, “But sometimes a 9 year old has C cups, so why can’t I have sex with them,” is particularly asshole-ish when you view the video that prompted the discussion and see what is clearly a 12yo girl. No person who isn’t just rationalizing their attraction to children could make the argument that they were fooled into thinking she was 18 or over.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Statutory rape is usually one of those (hence the term statutory)

Leaving the chew toy alone for a moment, statutory is ‘usually’ nothing. I mean come now, look at what you quoted, it included a fake ID. Only so much due diligence is ever expected. Defenses to it vary by jurisdiction.

Yes, some crimes don’t require any mens rea, but most require at least negligence. If it can send you to jail directly, it almost certainly requires that much

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

NWO: For 5000 years of recorded history in virtually every diverse culture, it was normal for men to marry girls aged 13 to 16

Um, no, actually, cultures varied wildly, that’s why they’re diverse. Besides, since when do you care what anyone what white people do? Don’t lie to us and act like diversity is great to you now.

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