creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

oh dear. Is it ok if I ask what it was about?

12 years ago

I don’t like pandagon for various reasons and I am not a fan of marcotte but I don’t complain about her/her site whenever she is mentioned. I can think of a million other examples of websites I don’t like but don’t randomly complain about when they are mentioned. It’s not that hard to do. Practice self restraint dude.

12 years ago

@ Jumbo

Eh, it was his usual stuff about creep being a slur against men, how I’m a privileged prefect, etc. He also repeated the “I have a visible disability but I won’t tell you what it is because it’s none of your business, so there” stuff. Maybe he’s reached the point in his trolling career where he can’t even remember which lies he told to which group of people any more.

12 years ago

Thanks, Rutee. Aaaand…I got funding for research travel this summer. My milkshake now, officially, brings all the history majors to the yard.

(And yeah, MRAL has been busy lately. When he sent me a private message on Jezebel that was a perfect example of his unfortunate issue with not being willing to accept boundaries, in my opinion.


12 years ago

You’re not the only person here, and I am aware of the limitations of incivillity; you’re not the audience, mediocrity. You’re my stage prop.

Okay, and I just enjoy bashing Pharyngula, so I guess we’re both justified. I got a bit carried away, but such is the Internet.

And I got a “mediocrity”! Man, this feels like Pharyngula away from Pharyngula.

But I’ll withdraw, so if it makes you feel any better, think of yourself as the victor. Or at least the stubborn ass who always has to get the last word.

(And seriously, people- not MRAL).

12 years ago

how I’m a privileged prefect, etc.,/blockquote>
Most prefects are privileged, it comes with the office.

12 years ago

Anyway, I do sort of enjoy talking shit about Pharyngula, so I care about that.

Okay, so here’s the deal, you namby-pamby cowardly cutlet. Go and post something along these lines over in the shark pit, and come back here with a link to your comment. (This would also establish whether you’re the recurring waste of oxygen known as MRAL, since as “matriarchy” he received the blunt end of the Squidly Overlord’s ban hammer at Pharyngula.)

12 years ago

But I’ll withdraw, so if it makes you feel any better, think of yourself as the victor. Or at least the stubborn ass who always has to get the last word.

flounce two!

12 years ago

Also, I can see bringing up issues with a particular blogger/blog if it’s thematically related to the discussion at hand. For example, Hugo attempting to kill his ex and/or fucking his students is relevant to a lot of conversations, and the fact that Heart is a raging transphobe is relevant to discussions of transphobia in feminism. But I feel no need to mention Heart’s issues with trans people in, say, a blog discussion about Reddit’s pedophilia problem, because it’s just not relevant and it would be a weird non-sequitor.

12 years ago

But I feel no need to mention Heart’s issues with trans people in, say, a blog discussion about Reddit’s pedophilia problem, because it’s just not relevant and it would be a weird non-sequitor.

Not if you’re super-duper upset about the blog in question, so very very upset that you might be forced (forced, I tell you!) to do something terrible, you’re so angry. Then you bring it up every chance you get.

12 years ago

Not like we know anyone who argues like that.

12 years ago

Speaking of people who’re forced! to do things that they don’t want to! but people make them!, we haven’t heard from Meller for a while.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

He can’t even keep his lies straight on one sock; I don’t think he’s capable of keeping them all straight anymore XD

And I got a “mediocrity”! Man, this feels like Pharyngula away from Pharyngula.

No no, stealing flourishes from RPGs is not exactly uniquely mine, but is most certainly not a pharyngula trait. Really now, just because they also insulted you, MRAL (Hint: the game is up) does not mean every insult is ‘like pharyngula’. This is why you are a shitty writer.

Not if you’re super-duper upset about the blog in question, so very very upset that you might be forced (forced, I tell you!) to do something terrible, you’re so angry. Then you bring it up every chance you get.

Or keep going back to it no matter how many times you’ve been banned XD

12 years ago

I’m not really a reader of Pharyngula (they rarely cover topics that I’m interested in), but I wish other blogs were as firm with the banhammer as they are. Apart from anything else, it’s awesome because it makes people like our friend here so hilariously pissy.

12 years ago

Let me get this straight–MRAL came here to bitch about Pharyngula because he’s butthurt that the Horde chewed him to pieces. Goddamn, that is pathetic.

12 years ago

“Goddamn, that is pathetic.”

And also hilarious.

12 years ago

Eurotrash: A real “safe space” should at least endeavor to make the discussion something approaching civil.


Ok, perhaps not. It depends on what you mean by civil. If you mean no one says anything harsh, nope. I don’t have to be accepting of intolerant assholes.

I have to tolerate their existence. I don’t have to make them feel comfortable. I don’t have any incumbent duty to make them feel “safe”, if that makes the targets of their intolerance feel threatened.

This is the same issue BASTA is trying to pretend we are being hypocrites about. He thinks that adding a step to the feeding of men is just the same as women being deprived of food.

It’s not. If he could show that men were starving, he would have a better case, but he can’t, and he doesn’t.

You are in the same place. Some rude motherfuckers who are being nasty to vulnerable people are being treated to harsh judgements of their behavior. I care. I care more for the people they are targetting than I do for their privilege to be rude in my presence.

We’ve got an “illiterate”! I was waiting for that. Isn’t that classist, by the way?

C for effort, F for comprehension. It’s not classist. It’s evaluational. Rutee either thinks you weren’t paying attention, or completely failed to understand. It’s an interesting question which of those judgements is the more flattering to you.

In either case your rejoinder demontrates (yet again) that you fundamentally fail to understand her criticisms of your analysis.

The interesting question; perhaps the only relevant question is:

Why are you complaining about it here?

Do you think making an irrelevant snit here is going to change the culture there?

I’d have to say that coming to one party, so that you can bitch about how some other party is full of assholes and rude people, is incivil.*

It’s pointless too. It will not win you friends. Even people who may agree with you about Pharyngula aren’t going to be impressed with your, moderately hypocritical, rants here. People who might agree with you, were they familiar with Pharyngula, are; perhaps, going to more sympathetic, if they head that way, because you have been a dick.

It shows a lack of wisdom, to so poorly choose both the battle, and the battleground.

*You also seem to have a blind spot, or a ranking system for what passes as a lack of civility; that or you think ,I would imagine he’s got more important things to worry about than a bunch of butthurt internet people.” is a perfectly reasonable description of people who have a complaint about someone else failure to correct an asinine, and offensive, statement. Coupled to this No, not really, because I despise the atheist community and want no part of it. I could give a fuck about your inclusiveness; I have to say that the, “civility” you pretend to want is just a false flag you wave so you can get a wedge in to complain about how the things you don’t like seeing criticised (sexism, apparently) should be ignored in the interest of a group you despise doing something you don’t care about.

You are a liar, and a hypocrite, and a fool. As well as being an asshole.

12 years ago

Eurotrash: (whom I am inclined to think is MRAL; there are some turns of phrase, and it’s certainly true that he was roughly handled there, though not out of keeping with the culture of the place, and in some ways more gently than many If you are’t MRAL… Well it’s something that you manage to sound so much like him, and ride at least one of his hobby-horeses).

I’m an atheist, not someone who really stakes a lot on it or gets involved in any community. I’m not “complaining” per se,

No, you aren’t complaining, “per se”, you are complaining outright.

12 years ago

Eurotrash: If you are MRAL this is a really weak effort; because you don’t really understand what you are trying to pull off, and the arugments are pathetic.

If you aren’t, well that makes it worse, because you aren’t posing, and that’s really how well you think.

12 years ago

@Eurotroll: I’m not “complaining” per se, I don’t really care. I just find Pharyngula obnoxious, and oh by the way, it’s not doing atheism any favors in the PR department. But I don’t really care about that,

Not complaining?

Don’t really care?

If I weren’t all lazy and about to go see a pirates movie, I’d count just how many words you’ve spewed around in your SO NOT COMPLAINING AND SO DON’T CARE posts.

Dude, you do care for whatever reason, and you sure as hell the fuck are complaining, and not even on the blog, but on another blog. You commented ONLY because somebody here mentioned the blog in passing.

Caring. Complaining.

That’s you and pretending otherwise isn’t even faintly convincing or amusing.

Troll better. We have high standards around here.

12 years ago

Ok, perhaps not. It depends on what you mean by civil. If you mean no one says anything harsh, nope. I don’t have to be accepting of intolerant assholes.

You’re right, you don’t have to be accepting of assholes. You don’t have to be accepting of anyone. And likewise I’m free to consider you the biggest asshole of all.

Now, it’s not that I think assholery is always unwarranted; but you seem to want to lay down some kind of fundamental law of social interaction to the effect that tone is (or should be) irrelevant, and any level of vitriol is acceptable over even the slightest disagreement.

You don’t get to do that.

I mean, I suppose you do, in the sense that you can think whatever you want, but I would consider you sort of an idiot. For me, I’m not so arrogant as to make a “rule” one way or the other; it depends on the situation. For instance, I doubt many people would have a problem with rudeness toward a neo-Nazi, even if s/he was as polite as could be.

Whether abrasiveness is warranted in a given situation… that’s something I get to decide. For myself, at least. And in my opinion, based on a few years of reading the comments, Pharyngula’s assholery is generally unwarranted. They’re obnoxious and unpleasant, and I suppose it might be fun to be on the side of the abusive majority (which is why, I would suspect, Rutee enjoys the blog). I really don’t feel obligated to justify myself any further.

You also seem to have a blind spot, or a ranking system for what passes as a lack of civility; that or you think ,I would imagine he’s got more important things to worry about than a bunch of butthurt internet people.” is a perfectly reasonable description of people who have a complaint about someone else failure to correct an asinine, and offensive, statement.

Not really, because the thing is, as established, I consider Pharyngula to be one giant, wet, jiggling anus. And assholery directed toward assholes is, in my estimation, justified.

Another thing is that the main beef I have with Pharyngula is the dogpiling and circular firing squad mentality that creates a generally abusive atmosphere. The people there literally have no sense of moderation. Since I’m just one person, I can hardly approximate the Horde.

If I weren’t all lazy and about to go see a pirates movie, I’d count just how many words you’ve spewed around in your SO NOT COMPLAINING AND SO DON’T CARE posts.

Another one who needs to work on their reading comprehension. I don’t care about improving the atheist community, because fuck the atheist community. I do, however- as I’ve explained- enjoy talking shit about Pharyngula, and so I care about that. Which is why I am here.

It’s not classist. It’s evaluational.

So all of a sudden, intent is fucking magic? “Illiterate” has a meaning, and generally people are illiterate because they are in poverty or mentally disabled. Ableist AND classist. Check your privilege, Rutee. And check your idiocracy, Pecunium.

I’m not MRAL. This is the last time I will address that bullshit. Further accusations will be ignored.

12 years ago

Another one who needs to work on their reading comprehension. I don’t care about improving the atheist community, because fuck the atheist community. I do, however- as I’ve explained- enjoy talking shit about Pharyngula, and so I care about that. Which is why I am here.

Fuck off ya whiner

12 years ago

So, not MRAL, why come HERE and bitch about Pharyngula? Oh, it was mentioned once, and you wouldn’tbe lurking or anything. Oh, not at all.

And you are TOTALLY MRAL with that “check your privilege” line. HAHAHA.

12 years ago

Shorter Eurotrash: only I’m entitled to decide when someone is an asshole and only I’m entitled to be an asshole to them, unless I give you permission.

Yeah, sounds like MRAL.

12 years ago

“I’m not responding to anyone making accusations of being MRAL”

Okay MRAL.