creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

Pharyngula is actually a blog chock full of pseudointellectuals, mediocre grad students, and pervasive assholery. In other words, it’s an arrogant douchebag collective for people who want to think of themselves as “better” than other people. But in the end even Myers himself is not all that impressive. He’s published some work, definitely respectable work (I’ve read it) but he mostly teaches Biology 101, and the supercilious atmosphere in the comments section of that blog is fucking awful. It’s probably one of the worst places on the internet, right after deviantart and Fuck I hate that place.

12 years ago

Ruby: Flib, here’s the credentials of the scientists I’ve cited:

Good on you for making one direct response to a person.

Now how about responding to the content.

Let’s try a thought experiment.

1: Is it possible for someone to be wrong?
2: Is it possible for them to be wrong in their field of expertise?
3: Have you heard of Pons and Fleischman?

Those three questions have the answer to all the problems you are having with your, “credentialed” scientists.

12 years ago

deviantart? What’s wrong with it? I’m asking seriously, since I’m not an user of this website, but I’ve never heard anything especially bad about it. On a scale of 0 to “let child porn be posted”, how bad is it?

News flash: Ruby is a troll!!

Dumb asses!

Amused, it’s fine to disagree, but some people can’t do it without being disagreeable.

12 years ago

Just in case Ruby doesn’t believe Flib, I know ze irl, and I can confirm ze’s comparative sociology degree, considering ze introduced me both to Manboobz and this side of general feminism (along with my partner, they’re besties). Flib also has helped me to develop an understanding for critiquing articles and viewpoints, and the importance of holding viewpoints based on evidence, and being able to quote them (if not the entire citation) to any who question you.

Tl:dr, Flib knows a ton about sociology, development (especially early childhood), and anything else ze talks about on the internet because ze belives in being the same person online as offline. Ze shouldn’t need any backup, but here it is.

12 years ago


I’m a deviantART user. It actually doesn’t allow child porn, not even drawn. However, such things do get uploaded. They’re reported and removed pretty quickly, but yeah.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Pharyngula is actually a blog chock full of pseudointellectuals, mediocre grad students, and pervasive assholery

Dude, how pathetic of a banned troll are you if you have google alerts for any mention of it at all? Seriously, this kind of thing doesn’t speak well of you, especially since you don’t have anything on the OP or the current thread topic. Not that you’ll post again.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Sure scientists can be wrong, but when several different scientists (from different parts of the world) come to the same conclusion, I’m not going to just dismiss it.

12 years ago

Sure Ruby, because we all know its only a small pocket here and there who have problems with viewing women as humans and making sure that women have the same access to good role models that show what women are really capable of, or that men are happy to nuture friends and family or take take of the household tasks. Or that the opportunities are totally equal regardless of gemder!

I mean, silly me! Looking around and seeing that MOST OF THE FUCKING WORLD only values women as sex objects and maid service and therefore puts both implicit and explict pressure on both genders to keep women from leaving the house!!

I mean its not like scientists are human or something and can be influenced by something silly like their own culture.

12 years ago

Ruby: Sure scientists can be wrong, but when several different scientists (from different parts of the world) come to the same conclusion, I’m not going to just dismiss it.

Yes, yes you are.

Because I posted four studies, five scientists, from four countries.

You refuse to read them.

So I can say, without any reservations, you DO dismiss them; out of hand. You won’t even entertain the idea of reading them.

Why not? Because you don’t like me? Because I wrote limericks to mock you for not reading them?

Cry me a river. You want to discount the evidence, you have to read it; and then explain why it’s no good.

You don’t do that. You stamp your feet and say, “I have SCIENCE!”. Any scientific evidence provided by us… no good. You called dibs, or something.

Arguments needed.

Citations needed.

12 years ago

Ruby knows her science is best
Because she read it, before the rest
Other peoples studies,
They’re not her buddies
Give them to birds for their nest

12 years ago

Anthropology, or Sociology
Are at their best when on TV
Papers and studies
are for fuddy-duddies
Don’t even show them to Ruby

12 years ago

Ruby, one reason men may go for looks than money? Because even when the woman doe the same identicle job as him, she will likely get paid less, or over time make less because mom is usually the one to sacrifice work hours or a career to take care of the family. Not just the kids, but aging parents, sick relatives or drop out because the stress of trying to keep shit together is too much much for the family to function in a happy well knit fashion.

12 years ago

Flib: You do fandom stuff?

So do I!!!!

If you’d like to talk more (I’m working on collaborative grants with a psychologist, two sociologists (one a stat dude), two linguistics, and two librarians! And some of these involve work at more than one site!), email me: ithiliana [AT]!

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

deviantart? What’s wrong with it? I’m asking seriously, since I’m not an user of this website, but I’ve never heard anything especially bad about it. On a scale of 0 to “let child porn be posted”, how bad is it?

He’s freaked out by all the Furry pr0n and badly Photoshopped emo art that gets posted there.

12 years ago

“I say we just ignore the shit out of Ruby from here on out, no matter what she’s posting. Maybe she’ll get the hint and go away.”

Seconding or thirding or whatever.

She’s getting way beyond boring into stultifying.

12 years ago

I don’t think any discussion of what the assend of the Internet is is complete without mentioning 4Chan.

I don’t read the comments, but none of the Freethought Blogs people seem THAT assholish to me. I mean, they’re staunch social-justice-ers and atheists; but you know that when you enter the site. I mean, I don’t go to some random evangelical site and complain that they’re mean when they insult me for being an atheist, you know?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I don’t read the comments, but none of the Freethought Blogs people seem THAT assholish to me.

Just for the record, my sunny disposition with trolls and civil attitude were honed there, so there’s a reason I didn’t actually gainsay that part 😀

12 years ago

Not a banned troll, and I don’t have Google Alert set up. I’m just someone who loathes that community. Nothing against atheists; I’m an atheist, although I have zero desire to associate with the larger community because, well, of people like the Pharyngulites.

Whether Myers himself is bad for atheism is a matter of opinion- he’s a bit of an ass, but he usually manages to keep it within the bounds of reason, and I suppose it could be argued that atheism needs its confrontationalists. But his followers are just awful.

Seriously, whenever one of the Pharyngulites talks about how the blog is a “safe space”, I just laugh. The community may not use certain words- and that’s great- but the atmosphere itself is one of the most unpleasant, abusive communities I’ve ever seen on the Internet. Even 4chan is less off-putting because at least there’s the implication that everyone is joking, whereas the Pharyngulites are dead serious. Newsflash guys: there’s a difference between being a “freethinker” and just being a rude douchebag. As a general rule, it seems a lot of atheists haven’t really figured that out yet. If you want semi-tolerable atheist space, I’d recommend Skepchick, or really you’d be better served just to read Dawkins’ books, inform yourself, and skip the shitty community entirely. Don’t bother with r/atheism, they’re just as bad, only less pretentious.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Seriously, whenever one of the Pharyngulites talks about how the blog is a “safe space”, I just laugh

Keep laughing, jackass, ignore the feelings of actual trans people, gay people, women, etc, who use that term (and post there). That’s really going to help your case.

but the atmosphere itself is one of the most unpleasant, abusive communities I’ve ever seen on the Internet

You’re pretty sheltered, aren’t you? That’s putting aside the point that the jackassery is pointed at primarily assholes and their enablers (The latter being a relevant

Even 4chan is less off-putting because at least there’s the implication that everyone is joking,

Do you actually visit 4chan at all?

Newsflash guys: there’s a difference between being a “freethinker” and just being a rude douchebag

True,a nd that difference is actual skepticism. Nothing says you have to be nice about that.

or really you’d be better served just to read Dawkins’ books

….See, this gives me even less reason to believe you actually understand concepts like safe spaces. Granted, he’s not as bad as Hitchens was, but…

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

*The latter being a relevant distinction that many people fail to grasp. Just because you don’t use curse words doesn’t mean I’m going to be nice to you, if you advocate or cover for things that are ultimately harmful to me and mine.

12 years ago

DKM never uses curse words, as far as I can remember, and he’s one of the worst person (alive) that I know of.

12 years ago

Rutee: To be fair, I’m working off “most of the people I know who comment regularly on Pharyngula are perfectly nice people.”

Eurotrash: Dawkins? REALLY? What’s wrong with Bertrand Russell?

12 years ago

Holy misrepresentation Batman! Like I said:

The community may not use certain words- and that’s great

It’s admirable that the community makes an effort to excise hateful words from their vocabulary; I’m just pointing out the irony in that Pharyngula is also probably the most aggressive, obnoxious, verbally abusive circular firing squad I’ve ever seen on the Internet.

You’re pretty sheltered, aren’t you?

I’m not really, that’s the thing. 4chan is in it for the lulz, it’s in their mission statement to be as obnoxious as possible. Likewise Encyclopedia Dramatica. I suppose you could be forgiven for thinking Pharyngula shares the goal, but I’m told they don’t.

Don’t get me wrong, most other atheist hotspots are pretty obnoxious as well, r/atheism or whatever, but they just don’t have that magical combination of unwarranted pretension, annoying self-righteousness, and imaginative assholery that the Pharyngulites do. Maybe Pee Zee just brings out the best in people.

….See, this gives me even less reason to believe you actually understand concepts like safe spaces. Granted, he’s not as bad as Hitchens was, but…

I meant just to get informed on atheist thought, and then skip the community aspect of it. If you want a safe space, yeah, a bunch of popular science books probably aren’t the best place to look.

The latter being a relevant distinction that many people fail to grasp. Just because you don’t use curse words doesn’t mean I’m going to be nice to you, if you advocate or cover for things that are ultimately harmful to me and mine.

a. It’s not about cursing, per se.

b. Sure, you’re entitled to attack whoever you want. And depending on what or who you’re targeting, I’m entitled to consider you an asshole, or justified. With Pharyngula, as a collective, it’s usually the former.

True,a nd that difference is actual skepticism. Nothing says you have to be nice about that.

Fair enough. They’re freethinkers and rude douchebags.

Not saying Pharyngula should cease to exist. If you’re a Pharyngulite (apparently you are), fine, whatever, have a good time.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

It’s admirable that the community makes an effort to excise hateful words from their vocabulary;

Yeah, see, you’re not understanding what a safe space is. It’s not just about ‘hateful words’, it’s about not perpetuating real, vastly important harms, and letting people feel safe. I’m not a survivor of rape, but from the ones I know there, as well as how I’ve felt as several minorities, I can back that.

I’m just pointing out the irony in that Pharyngula is also probably the most aggressive, obnoxious, verbally abusive circular firing squad I’ve ever seen on the Internet.

…’circular firing squad’? Laden, what the fuck are you doing here being so low key in your trashing? Shouldn’t you have the intestinal fortitude to stand by your opinion openly, since you don’t generally use a pseudonym anyway?

More seriously and to the point, aggressive, sure. So what? You laugh because you don’t have to deal with the shit they’re trying to prevent, it seems, in being a safe space. It is a small thing to you because the concept does you no good. To those of us who care, the effort is greatly appreciated; true, I am already abrasive, but I far more appreciate genuine, constant effort to root out racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, regular sexism, and the like than I do a ‘pleasant’ atmosphere where people can and will spew forth garbage that demeans me and my girlfriend.

Jesus fuck, for someone complaining about how ‘aggressive’ they are, you do realize I mentioned them as part of an argument against pseudoscience that hurts women, right? Did you care one tiny bit about that? Did you perhaps see fit to comment on the substantially more harmful and more widespread evopsych bullshit? No, you did not. You only saw meanie atheists not being sufficiently bashed, and just had to let forth your whinge. And you call them aggressive? You *dare* question (backhandedly) the purpose of confrontationalism when you are more interested in attacking meanie atheists than misogyny? Can the white, shining horse you rode in on assist you in making a gracious exit, that you may go fuck yourself in private?

4chan is in it for the lulz, it’s in their mission statement to be as obnoxious as possible

Right, that answers my question, you in fact do not visit 4chan. Anonymous is not 4chan, anonymous has no one mission (The ones who hacked the Syrian government’s site were not in it for lulz, off the top of my head), and 4channers as a whole are not one great big mass; At any given time, many, if not most, are being entirely serious. Hence why there’s shit like this post, which is a warning regarding the patterns of a particular brand of flamewars on nerd stuff.

But 4chan’s just in it for lulz, and I’m sure the /m/en and wo/m/en it’s warning, as well as the fa/tg/uys it’s warning against are all in it as performance art. Lackwit. No comment on ED, I don’t read them at all, but I strongly suspect you’re as wrong there as you have been elsewhere.

I suppose you could be forgiven for thinking Pharyngula shares the goal, but I’m told they don’t

Are you illiterate? I said you don’t actually understand 4chan either, not that they were similar somehow.

but they just don’t have that magical combination of unwarranted pretension

Like enterring a completely unrelated space for the sole purpose of shooting down a meanie atheist site when there’s much bigger targets glaring out in front of you, and pretending to only care about places being good?

annoying self-righteousness

Like considering yourself better because you’re not ‘rude’, while purposefully ignoring real good that is done?

and imaginative assholery

That one I’ll give you

b. Sure, you’re entitled to attack whoever you want. And depending on what or who you’re targeting, I’m entitled to consider you an asshole, or justified. With Pharyngula, as a collective, it’s usually the former.

And I’m free to consider you one of those asshat enablers (See: focus on meanie atheists, as opposed to, you know, misogyny) I mentioned before; You might as well call me PC Police for how much I give a fuck about your opinion.

I meant just to get informed on atheist thought, and then skip the community aspect of it. If you want a safe space, yeah, a bunch of popular science books probably aren’t the best place to look.

You don’t remember what Dawkins said and did during elevatorgate, among other times, I suspect.

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