creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

I think people get confused when they think certain physical attributes equal maturity. I was mistaken for being in my mid twenties from the ages of 14-16, not because I had adult features, but because I had pretty thick facial hair, which was very rare in Africa. When I moved out to Canada OTOH, people were quick to age me much closer to my actual age, although still a couple of years older than I was.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Drst – I’m not trying to victim-blame kids for hanging out with adults, more blame adults for hanging out with kids and pretending they didn’t know.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

How is that even a joke? Is statutory rape a lovable foible in these dude’s minds?

12 years ago

No. That’s bullshit. A 13 year old girl does not look like a 20 year old woman. Anyone who claims they do has an agenda.

12 years ago

is there anything…ANYTHING women and girls do that isn’t intended to destroy men? anything at all? how about taking a shit? is that a conspiracy plot to throw men in prison too?

how do these people even exist? is there any self awareness, any logic, any sense of reality…anything other than blind hatred going on in their heads when they type such stupidity?

12 years ago

I used to have a female friend that looked more than her age: at 16 you could have easily believe she was 18. She was also a very pretty tall and very pretty teenager. But to my knowledge, she didn’t lie about her age, and who have sex around that age without even asking for an age?
If you don’t care about morality, please at least care for the legality.

12 years ago

I had some well-developed secondary sex characteristics as a young teen. My bra size hasn’t changed since I was 12. I started buying pants to accommodate the widening of my hips when I was 14 or so, and I still wear some of my jeans from high school today. (I really need to buy some modern jeans — why are they so damned expensive?) Sure, my body has changed since then; my curves have softened, flowing into one another in a gentler way. I have a roundness to my stomach that didn’t exist in my teens. But my overall body shape looks much the same.

But you know what? If you’d had a conversation with me, you would never, ever have thought I was an adult. I was a young girl, with a young girl’s interests. I had a young girl’s mannerisms and speech patterns. If you wanted to meet me down at the mall, I would have to check with my mom to see if it was okay, and to beg her for a ride. Even if we didn’t talk, it was obvious from where I was, who I was with, how I carried myself.

And I do not believe, not for a single second, that the grown men who were creeping on me at that age thought I was an adult. It didn’t escape my notice that the same men who were leering at me would, if they spoke to me at all, speak to me like I was too young to understand conversation on their level. They would try to use manipulative tactics to get me close to them that absolutely would not work on a woman in her 20s; tactics that tried to appeal to my ignorance, my deference to adult authority, my desire to seem grown-up and worldly. Perhaps they might have tried to justify what they were doing to other people by saying that I looked older, but they weren’t fooled. They knew I was still a child, and they liked it, because it made me an easier target.

12 years ago

I get mistaken as underage sometimes, luckily no one has creeped on me due to it nor did they when I was actually underage. At most it was the usual honking from cars and stuff like that.

it doesn’t really bug me if an adult sees a physically adult developed 16 or 17 year old as attractive, but if they try to cross the line and have sex with them, yes that is fucked up and illegal. Is 18 really that old for some guys? that is creepy.

12 years ago

If a woman is in the forest and does something that isn’t all about men (and in particular, all about a particularly predatory version of straight male sexuality), does it make a sound?

Nope. Everything women do, including automatic bodily functions, is entirely about men.

12 years ago

Speaking on behalf of baby-faced people everywhere (I spent the entirety of my early-to-mid-20s being mistaken for a teenager), I am TOTALLY okay with all adults following a policy of not fucking anyone unless they are really damn sure that person is an adult. I am pretty sure most other baby-faced people would back me up on the fact that asking us to prove our age in some way is vastly superior to raping kids. If we want to have sex with you, we will totally deal with the mild annoyance of showing you an ID or something.

Given that fact, even if we accept that you could genuinely mistake many young girls for adults (which, honestly, I don’t – there are a very, very few who might fool you at a glance, but the overwhelming majority of teenagers look and act like teenagers), there is no damn reason you would somehow be “entrapped” by kids, because you can ask them to prove that they are adults. It is not that hard! Actual adults will almost certainly be able to offer SOME evidence of their adulthood.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

You know a story I’d like to hear from these guys sometime?

“I was going to sleep with this girl, but I wasn’t really convinced she was 18, so I didn’t go for it. Can’t take that kind of risk!”

(I’d also love to hear “I was going to sleep with her, but I wasn’t totally sure she was consenting, and shit, I don’t want to go to jail!” and ditto “but I wasn’t totally sure she was sober.”)

You can just not sleep with someone, y’know.

12 years ago

@quackers, polliwog

as dead on as your comments are, you’re forgetting the part where these guys have absolutely no clue what consent is

12 years ago


If we want to have sex with you, we will totally deal with the mild annoyance of showing you an ID or something.

And here is where the crowd will come in and tell you that they know someone who was of legal age, was asked for ID once, and got offended and didn’t have sex with the person who asked. It’s the same argument we hear all the time from people who don’t bother to get explicit consent. “If I ask if they want me to have sex with them, they might decide they don’t! And then I won’t get to have sex!”

The number of people who would rather take their chances that they’re raping someone (whether it’s an adult who is capable of consent, but hasn’t given it; or an adolescent who is too young to consent to sex with an adult) than risk not having an orgasm is astounding. Fucking sickening, and astounding.

12 years ago

And here is where the crowd will come in and tell you that they know someone who was of legal age, was asked for ID once, and got offended and didn’t have sex with the person who asked. It’s the same argument we hear all the time from people who don’t bother to get explicit consent. “If I ask if they want me to have sex with them, they might decide they don’t! And then I won’t get to have sex!”

Oh, I know. I just keep hoping maybe one of these days a few of them will accept the revolutionary idea that the risk of not-getting-laid-right-this-second is more acceptable than the risk of raping someone. Hope springs eternal… 🙁

12 years ago

I confess: I developed early so that I could put some guy in jail. I willed my body to change so as to ensnare some poor thirty-year-old shmuck would have no choice but to jump me. But that was just a warm-up. At the age of 12, as part of my fiendish plan to send a man to jail, I had the temerity to enter the lobby of my own apartment building wearing nothing but an ankle-length skirt with winter boots, an oversized sweater and a heavy overcoat. I was practically naked! And what was I doing in my own apartment in the middle of the day anyway, might you ask? Know this, men, any adolescent girl who enters the lobby of an apartment building where she resides is up to no good. Whereupon a man who was not a resident and just kind of innocently loitering there and thinking about world events had no choice but to grab me, pin me down under the staircase and grope me while calling me a “moron” and threatening to cut me. Now that was one hell of an evil plot on my part! Don’t you think?

12 years ago

OT but this is interesting

Using computer programs to analyze what the men said, the researchers found that those with psychopathic scores showed a lack of emotion, spoke in terms of cause-and-effect when describing their crimes, and focused their attention on basic needs, such as food, drink and money.

Psychopaths appear to view the world and others instrumentally, as theirs for the taking, the team, which also included Stephen Porter from the University of British Columbia, wrote.

hmm…which movement often harps on about hard-wired basic needs to spread their seed? which movement compares sexual relationships with economic theories? which movement says feminism causes men to snap? which movement sees women as nothing but objects to fuck or wives to make house slaves?

12 years ago


yeah that’s true…and disturbing as hell

12 years ago

I would hesitate to try to associate the MRM with psychopathy. I think it’s extremely unlikely that every single man in the MRM is a psychopath, for one thing; and for another, when we see despicable or dangerous behaviour and try to pathologize it, we end up demonizing the mentally ill.

12 years ago

true…I definitely don’t think they’re all psychopaths but some of them seem to fit the criteria based on their writings. I wasn’t being really serious with my post, its just that they fit those traits mentioned in the study.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

A lot of MRAs seem very emotional and very concerned with their social status, which doesn’t strike me as psychopathic at all.

12 years ago

Viscaria, I was going to post my experience as an earlier developer, you beat me to it. And yes, I had the same measurements at twelve as I do now. And even when men KNEW I was just a little girl it was incentive for them to grope fondle and grab me. They thought it was very amusing to do this no matter where I was, even in front of my mother, who they thought was just my big sister. Youthful looks run in my family. Mom of course tore a strip off their backs, asked me how often this sort of thing had been going on and then taught me how to deal with it in memorable ways.

The sad thing is, my daughter is also going to be an early bloom, she’s nine and I can already see the changes. Now I think I understand why I wasn’t allowed to play outside like my other friends did when I was that age. My daughter is excited about the changes her body has begun, because like all children she’s eager to grow and become an adult. There’s only the barest hint of her having any awareness about human sexuality, and that’s because I’ve started talking more openly about it. She’s still in the “boys have cooties” stage and has zero desire to go further than that.

I’d like to thank all the perverted asshats out there who insist on stripping children of their freedom, innocence, positive body image and sense of personal safety/trust. Especially all the men who became fathers of daughters and only then grasp just how much damage they did with a swift kick to the ass. Thank you for making my introduction to womanhood so humilliating with your jokes about free samples.

Pull this shit with my daughter and I will make you wish you were never born.

12 years ago

@Quacker, yeah, I figured you were saying it largely in jest :). I just get leery of Internet diagnoses, since they’re a) usually wrong and b) a way of associating poor behaviour with having a mental disorder. Psychopathy’s used for this a lot, since a lot of people think “psychopath” is a synonym for “bad person who is bad because they’re crazy.”

12 years ago

Amused, that’s horrible. Did he at least get arrested?

12 years ago

Whoops, how long did I let this thread sit here?

Pillowinhell, just wanted to say, your experience sounds dreadful too, and good on your mother for tearing strips off hides and on you for teaching your daughter.

12 years ago

Huh. I was taught in school to report someone if they touched me inappropriately.