So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.
Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.
“Tolerance” is not in my vocabulary for assholes who say hateful things, like you have. You say ‘it doesn’t come from hatred’, I say I don’t give a shit; it is hatred.
You don’t even know that it’s 4 different universities. You didn’t fucking read the studies, you read science reporting on those studies.
Seriously, I just got permission to go ahead and say this, so… “Sorry, what was that about all women wanting provider men, I was too busy fucking my girlfriend to catch it”
Everyone knows that evolution never happened. Science.
I wasn’t going to be the first to say it but yes. These idiots still support anti-vaxxers and ‘alternative medicine’.
@Precunium Well, shit. Since that’s the case, one can expect WEEKS of this.
@katz, I have a submission for Prest. J. Sci. Psych.! If I ever decide to apply for grad school, it’ll look great if I’ve been published XD. Okay, here goes:
Sexual attraction and love can be great. Lots of grown-up people feel attraction or fall in love for lots of different reasons, in lots of different ways, with all sorts of different grown-up people. No one kind of attraction or love is inherently better, or worthier, or sciency-er, and decent people don’t tell others that their kind of attraction or love is wrong or doesn’t even fucking exist.
red locker: Depends.
1: Is she no more self-aware than Brandon?
2: Is she as persitant in the face of steady response?
3: Will we be as willing to respond to her as we were to Brandon.
Brandon, for all his faults, managed to find new ways to present his solipsism. Ruby seems to pretty much a Johnny One-Note, riding on her one-trick pony.
If I’m resorting to writing limericks, as well as lengthy replies, she’s wearing out my patience. Sooner or later it will be nothing but risible rhyming, and derisive doggeral. Apart from the random person who wanders in, it’s not as if the rest of the readership needs me to keep repeating the same points.
So she will either get her act together, or move to the level of inspirational irrelevance of an NWO, or Antz, or Preggo Punchout.
I mean seriously, I could be doing something with a more productive end result; I could be sharpning an axe, or a sword. I could be stripping a Griswold dutch oven.
I’ve got a sourdough starter I began today, so I could sit and watch the yeast grow.
I could open a can of paint and watch it dry. That can take weeks and the skin will wrinkle, then it will shrink, might even crack and let some wet paint well up, like a lava-field splitting open from subterranean presssures.
The possibilities are endless.
To the support of Ruby…
Partner wealth predicts self-reported orgasm frequency in a sample of Chinese women
and thanks for finding a typo
Definition of pseudo-science: science that is not supportive to feminist ideology.
I know people think it a joke to watch paint dry; but I must admit to being addicted. I paint dye on silk and as long as it is wet it moves and changes. We sit around watching it dry and saying ooooh shiny, and making jokes about the fact that we are watching paint dry.
Sorry for the OT, but you tickled a favorite of mine, Pecunium.
ahhhhhhh you summoned him!!
Sweet jesus it’s the candyman!!
Can you say, “Google Alert”?
Shit. Did we say his name three times? I didn’t know we were playing Bloody Dipshit.
His blog gets almost no comments, but has Google Alerts set up for mentions. How sad.
He and Ruby should get along just fine, they have the same grasp of science.
A grepping loon! There’s a term that didn’t deserve to fall out of use (God knows the behavior hasn’t fallen out of use).
No google alerts, I just saw that I got traffic from here. There are no comments to the new post, but hundreds of page views to my new “politically correct” post already.
I checked manboobz since I am just curious to see your reactions… It is always interesting to converse with the lobotomized retarded schizophrenic feminist NOW members, with a Tourette syndrome, which frequent this site.
That would be a cool time lapse thingy to watch. Maybe not so much in real time. 🙂
*uses phoenix down* *is brought back to life*
Oy not sure whats wrong with any of the stuff you lists 😛
Awww, he’s so precious! Can we keep him? He followed us home!
…Only if the entire thing also indicates increased group fitness. You idiots really need to read about Devobio, because it does what evopsyching idiots such as yourself pretend to do.
I was playing video games, which definitely is.
Speaking of people who obsess over whether or not people are talking to/about them online, I found this a kind of sad exchange on r/mr: