So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.
Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.
See, here’s what you’re not getting, Ruby: These views of yours not only erase the experience of many people here, they erase the fucking existence of many people here. That is not being a good person. It’s being a massive jerk.
Lady Zombie, dicipres has come over here and shit on the rug already.
You really need to get through your head that this shit in not impersonal.
Hellkell, where? I’ve been a long time lurker only recently started posting so I’ve probably missed quite a bit of the various rug shitters.
*is not*
Actually, I’m a good person. I just happen to have different views than you guys, which obviously you can’t handle. You can’t just disagree with someone without demonizing them? My opinions are hardly out there. After all, I gave evidence from three different universities.
Maybe you are a good person.
You are not an honest one. It’s not that you have different views* it’s that you lie about what has been said, both by yourself, and by us.
You have not “given evidence from three universities”. You referred to academics from two, who were quoted by Discovery TV, and you cited one study.
You called us liars for telling you that referring to a TV show wasn’t citing actual evidence. You lied about how we disagred with you, and why.
You have ignored, wilfully, and repeatedly, people who cited studies which disagreed with yours, and continue to pretend that your assertions are the same as proof.
Your opinions may be perfectly common. So too is the belief that any sex outside of marriage is a terrible thing, or that evolution is a myth, or the idea that women don’t need to earn as much as men; for the same work, because men need to be able to provide for a family.
Argument ad populam is the fallacy of thinking one is right, because, “lots of people think so, fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong.”
They can, and you are.
But you don’t seem to be able to handle that. Evidence which is presented… you ignore. You lie about it, and then lie about what we have said.
So, you may be a decent person, but you are still a liar.
*Contra your claims, we are not monolithic. We have lots of different views.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
You have childish views that demean most of humanity, whether on grounds of social class, race, or gender, when it manages to take them into account at all.
I didn’t call you a monster or hitler. I said you were a terrible person, and you are; you have spouted sexist, classist, racist things, and most of those were worse than what I could expect from the average person. You persist in these sexist, classist, and racist beliefs despite clear evidence to the contrary.
…Which we shot full of numerous holes, because your studies didn’t say what you wanted them to say or were terribly conducted.
Actually, I’m a good person.
function SetGoodPersonValue(byval statement as string) as boolean
if statement=”I’m a good person” then
return 1
return 0
end if
end function
Not how it works, Ruby.
So Ruby, my friends, is a lackwit
Pretending that we never say shit
Her arguments frisky
Should be taken with whisky
Be certain you’ve more than a wee bit.
Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at Rutgers University who has studied romantic love extensively, said studies have widely shown that women like men with resources: They have since the beginning of time because they need someone to help take care of their young.
Men with lots of fancy cars who live in the right part of town are sending an evolutionary message that they can provide. And while this study showed that the conspicuous spenders didn’t have a long-term advantage, Fisher argued they weren’t at a disadvantage either.
“The bottom line is when you take a look around the world, women — if they can win over the Porsche guy — they’d rather have the Porsche guy,” Fisher said.
But LadyZombie, he has charts and everything! See:
Don’t pay any attention to how he misspells monogamous, even great scientists make mistakes sometimes. Also don’t pay attention to his lack of sources. Or his lack of explanation as to how he ranks lions, hyenas, and wolves on the same 1-10 point scale. He LINKS to STUDIES, it’s SCIENCE!!!11oneuno
I think we should exercise self-control and not respond to her until she reads something someone else has said somewhere in this thread.
Rubes, I noticed you didn’t grab this from that article:
You are so full of shit.
Honestly people, try to have more tolerance for those with different opinions. It’s not like my views are based in hatred like the MRA idiots. I’m a Feminist. I want to see more women in government, scientific fields, business, wherever their passion leads them.
Lady Zombie, I can’t remember the thread he was on, sorry.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do more recently, though I admit sometimes I’ve had to walk away from my computer to stop myself. I suspect I would succumb pretty quickly to my need to respond if the rest of you weren’t doing such a good job of it. 🙂
If at any point you can ACTUALLY ADDRESS ANY OF THE POINTS PEOPLE HAVE RAISED, INSTEAD OF JUST REPEATING YOURSELF, then maybe we can talk here. Until then Ruby, just fucking knock it off. You’re barely even saying anything anymore.
Ruby, your views are based on what you can see from having your head crammed up your ass. They are essentialist, erasing, lazy, and poorly thought out.
I’m starting to change my mind about that whole banning thing.
Ruby still hasn’t refuted the damning study done by the Prestigious Journal of Scientific Psychology, either.
Damn, Katz, you’re good. I almost choked on my water.
Sometimes things happen that are not genetically programmed.
I don’t have a fancy degree from a fancy university, but I’m pretty sure my kindergarten diploma qualifies me to assert that I was not genetically predestined to type these words. I’m not wearing shoes because shoes are genetic. I had noodles for dinner and I don’t think they were Genetically Destined Noodles.
So you need more evidence than “women marry rich men” to prove that women are biologically programmed to marry rich men.
@Lady Zombie & hellkell, dicipres appeared here:
And maybe more places, but that’s where a google search for dicipres found him. I’m not sure Google is indexing all of the comments.
hellkell, women knew those guys were only after a fling. Personally, I wouldn’t take a chance on them. I would never think I was so wonderful that I could turn a womanizer into a family man. I would go for the guy with the Honda Civic.