So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.
Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.
I keep forgetting to say the age of consent is not 18 years old in all states in the US (I thought you said you were in the US so correct me if I am wrong). In fact if I remember right the majority of the states have age’s of consent below 18 (like 16/17 mostly).
I am sure your husband would appreciate hearing you say that. XD
I was almost sure a big part of feminism was that men are not the automatic providers and women should be able to provide for themselves if they want. I don’t remember hearing that women are just naturally attracted to men so they can provide for them because women can’t really provide for themselves.
Well, her husband will divorce her once she is no longer at peak sexual attractiveness, so there is that.
Wait unless you are one of those “feminists” who assure people that men and women are equal in their own opposite way. Like women are equal because women work by taking care of children while men work by providing for the whole family. The same people who assert this is the natural order of things.
Actually that would make a lot of sense if ruby was.
lol how could I forget
Her husband could probably “afford” more attractive women after she gets old. Right ruby?
is there like a special school where they teach you how to make life this cold, joyless, and uninteresting?
Ruby- really? I started dating my spousal unit because he was smart and kind and funny as hell. His abilities as a provider didn’t enter into it and I would regard it as a courtesy if you stopped trying to say your beliefs trump other people’s lives.
Once were together we stayed together even during periods of under-employment, disability and changing careers. I guess we’re doing it wrong, which is a real blow to me after being with this guy for more than 20 years.
I hate those “feminists”*, possibly more than I despise MRAs**. So often they’re women in power, and they owe it to feminism, and yet they want to reduce me to my uterus and my supposed femininity. Fuck you all, fakminists.
*I’m in general all for people choosing their all label, eg I won’t call a misogynist a MRA unless he identifies himself that way, or maybe has huge ties with prominent MRAs, same thing for feminists, I don’t want to kick out of the “club” those I consider bad feminists (racists, transphobics, classicists, ableists) I just want them to be better feminists. But sexist feminists? That make no more sense that claiming I’m a fish.
**which is not completely illogical, since they’re less extreme but more pervasive and much more numerous.
All right, now I get it, Ruby is just trying to project her personnality on EVERY SINGLE woman. Girls, don’t do that.
“spousal unit” 0_o That’s the first time I hear such an expression.
Btw Ruby, Need to know makes me wonder: what would happen if your husband was suddenly loosing his capacity to provide: if he was fired and couldn’t find another job, or got a disability that prevented him to be a provider. What then?
Ruby’s whole provider thing also only makes sense if said couple wants kids. I mean that is her thing right? A woman wants a rich dude to provide for her and her kids?
It’s funny that your evopsych explanation for the world sure does exclude a lot of people.
Yeah, Ruby, I met my husband at work, too, but his ability to be a provider didn’t really factor into it. I made more than he did at the time.
Damn, Ruby really is the female Br__n.
Jumbo you’re right. Me and Mr. HK don’t want kids, so I guess in Rubyland, why bother, right?
that’s not fair. ruby does actually believe in things. some of them are petty, childish things, but she still has beliefs. that puts her a few steps over b____n
Until I got to the number, this was giving me a VERY different mental image than was originally intended. I think I’ve seen too many horror movies…
Kyrie: Classicists make bad feminists? (clutches Plato to zir heart)
Ruby: I’m dating three unemployed people, at least one of whom is considering living in his parents’ basement. Am I ugly, or am I making up my attraction to them? Or because I’m nonbinary (but with tits!) am I allowed to date people because of their personalities?
Great. So you’re a shitty, mercenary human being. Why am I not surprised?
<blockquote.Addendum: Maybe I’m too reasonable and moderate for someone on this blog with a dissenting opinion….
I just want to point out that I’m fuuuugly and my boyfriend has a pretty nice job.
…Also, he got a promotion earlier this year, and yet somehow I didn’t get prettier and he didn’t dump me. Magic.
Aww you’re not fugly silly Cliff!
*check word reference
*hides under her desk in shame
what’s the word, classist? Anyway, if I remember well, Plato was hardly a feminist… (not saying he didn’t have good ideas, just not so much on women)
For the record, I never endorsed knowingly having sex with minors.
Filed under “disclaimers you shouldn’t need to make.”
It’s always happening to a friend, like a really shitty urban legend.
MRAs should take a leaf out of drug message boards’ books and use SWIM.
Snowy – I don’t feel bad about my looks, but except that I’m young and white, they’re very far from The Official Standard. And you can’t believe in a “money is exchanged for prettiness” scheme unless you believe prettiness can be measured as objectively as money can.
Gee, wonder what Ruby makes of me? I lived commonlaw for three years with a guy I met at work. He was living in his friends basement, broke. Well, we moived in together even though I was making far more than he did, and when his job got really shitty and caused him to have a breakdown I told him to quit. He stayed home and cleaned house and I went to work.
We broke up because he lost interest in the relationship, not because hypergamy.
Currently, beloved makes far more than I do, but he also has more expenses and two daughters to support. Which means that really we break even in terms of free cash. Sorry, but I aint kicking him outta my bed over something as stupid as money.
Cliff! What a shockingly uneducated thing to say! Of course prettiness has been objectively codified! Just read Heartistes post on how to rate women!
What’s that you say? Hahahaha? Well yeah, most people don’t continue to think that way decades past thirteen.
Kyrie- spousal unit made its way into my speech via looking for a way to indicate no assumptions were being made without having to keep saying “husband and/or wife, as appropriate” when talking to a very diverse and accepting community with some non-standard relationship structures.
I just couldn’t resist trotting it out when talking to Ruby about her oddly transactional view of marriage.
I never got the whole “good provider” thing. Nobody’s a more reliable provider than yourself.