So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.
Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.
At Nameless, who has graced us with his presence yet again:
He is totally not trolling:
Oh wait
Well actually he is but he just has to do it because we won’t listen to his super intelligent ideas which no one has thought of before!! Because he is smart you see he needs to troll us.
Massive blockquote fail! And I actually typed “at” instead of @, which is frikkin’ weird. Attempt #2, sorry for the double post:
@Nameless, who has graced us with his presence yet again:
I’ve never been raped and I’m not in any way suggesting that my experience is the equivalent of rape, but my ex used to play with my breasts in annoying and sometimes painful ways, even after I told him to stop. It sure seemed like it was because he felt entitled to do what he wanted with my body, especially since he said things like, and I quote, “I’m your boyfriend, so they’re my boobs to do whatever I want with.” But I guess it wasn’t entitlement at all? Since entitlement doesn’t even exist, somehow?
I get the distinct — and absurd — impression that you think feminists will agree with your support for the abuse of boys. If you’re looking for a community of people who believe that girls are delicate flowers that need protecting from lecherous men, but boys LOVE sex and if they can have sex with a “hot teacher” or something they’re lucky, you need to move the fuck on.
anddddd he admits to being ok with some forms of child abuse
You disgust me.
Misandry does exist, but it’s usually wielded by the patriarchy. Assuming all men want to have sex with underage girls and will take advantage of them, given half a chance, IS misandry. Loathing the handful of men out there who are entitled, whining fucks for projecting their own personal preferences onto the entire male gender is not misandry. It’s deserved loathing directed at entitled, whining fucks.
I can’t help but wonder how they figure this plays out reversed. Are women just as likely to try to take advantage of underage boys who might just happen to look 19? Yeah, yeah, I know, we don’t have DUDE HORMONES which are apparently the worst things ever, ladeez don’t like sex so of course most of us don’t have the overwhelming urge to seduce little boys, and besides, it’s only ok when men do it, because, what are you, a misandrist or something? Don’t you know that DUDE HORMONES are so much worse than lady hormones?
Oh, I see, troll did address that, my bad. For realzies dude, this is not the place you’re going to find people rooting for of age ladies to take advantage of underage boys. Because, wait for it, we don’t actually hate men.
Ah yes, there are only two possible modes of existence: offensive or boring.
Shaenon, agreed. Men and women aren’t so different that we don’t have anything to talk about. My husband and I share many interests, so we always have something to discuss. We talk each other’s ears off sometimes. LOL.
Same idea as Nameless, but expressed much more eloquently by JtO:
Sooo does that mean you didn’t marry your husband for money/power? and he didn’t marry you for your looks? You married him because you share interests and like talking him like most normal people do in their relationship?
Oh, come on, Jumbo. That would make her a total hypocrite. Not our Ruby!
For the record, I never endorsed knowingly having sex with minors. I don’t think that’s a good thing. I’m just saying, it’s a gray area because it’s not always a crime that is knowingly committed. I’ve seen tons of 17 year olds that look like twentysomethings. It happened to my friend once, he met someone at a bar, they were into each other, consensual sex, etc., and then she revealed her age. She didn’t do anything and as far as I know everything is amicable, but it really bugged me how she now essentially has him by the balls. She could send him to jail at any time, simply because she happened to be one year below the age limit.
There’s a big difference between pedophiles and ephebephiles. Come on people.
OMNOM, I really don’t care whether a child is boy or girl, underage sex with them is wrong. I’m not going to condone boys being exploited this way anymore than I would girls. And like everyone else here, I don’t care what gender the perp is either, they deserve whatever punishment the law demands.
And why are radfems ugly, but you don’t make any comment on the physical appearance of MGTOW? Sexist, much?
I’m sure he has a good reason for it. I understand he has a high IQ.
No sympathy here Smoker. As an adult, it is the adults responsibility to ensure that the partners we sleep with are of age to consent BEFORE we sleep with them.
I won’t deny that appearance can be deceiving but a teen “having him by the balls”? Really?
Do you think there is a bunch of minors out there looking to seduce older men and then throw them in jail for the fun of it? Have you met anyone under the age of 18 or do you get your info from mra sites on how teens act?
Kavette —
I thought the video was charming. But I was appalled by the number of creepy comments in the Reddit thread, and the 60+ upvotes that the comment I quoted got. The girl was only 12, at her oldest in the video. I would really hope that any discussion of the video by adults would contain ZERO pervy/pedo remarks and jokes. I don’t think I misrepresented the discussion.
If there are any MGTOWers here pondering the “what island should we go to,” I would highly recommend this book.
Oh, these islands won’t necessarily be pleasant to live on. As the author says:
Also, many of them are close to Antarctica, and very windy. Or have only “brackish water” to drink. And their guano deposits have in many cases long ago been worked out, so no guano left over for you guys!
I have my own copy of the book. As someone who used to fantasize about having my own island country (when I was 12), it’s a useful reminder of the benefits of civilization,
Anyway, these islands may suck, but they absolutely will be free of ladies.
Also, FWIW, MSN is posting from an IP address on the other side of the country from MRAL. (And not from any weird “forest in Germany” IPs.)
Anyway, they’re both obnoxious but in pretty different ways. (expect for the “look at me, I’m so smart”)
It’s always happening to a friend, like a really shitty urban legend.
Hey, I’ll even throw in the book my dad has about how to live on a small atoll, by a dude who took his wife off to one and lived there for like a decade! Although you wouldn’t have a wife.
I really do wonder how the “why don’t you mock misandry?” trolls get through life. Do they rent Star Wars and complain that William Shatner isn’t in it? Do they write letters to the author of the Hunger Games explaining that it would be so much better if she explained what Hogwarts was doing the whole time? Do they go to a cupcake store and demand equal time for pie?
Smoker, I’m not gonna blame your friend… If you meet someone at a bar it’s reasonable to expect that they’re of legal drinking age. But how is it that she “has him by the balls”? Okay, there ARE crazy people out there, but normal people don’t enjoy going through a rape trial with all that it entails (the inevitable victim-blaming etc). And even if the girl for some strange reason just dreamed about being at the center of attention at a rape trial, you need some kind of evidence to send people to jail. People aren’t put in jail just because somebody goes to the police and report a crime.
pretty much
I mean it’s so perfect for him to use. A 17 year old sneaked into a bar and tricked his friend into thinking she was older than she was. Then his friend slept with her and for some reason she decided to tell him she was underage afterwards. Not too unlikely just very convenient. (though I can’t figure out why she would tell him she was underage after they slept together. Teens girls just love threatening older men with false rape accusation amiright?)
Yet here you are commenting on a post about redditors (of unknown ages, I suppose) talking about a girl they KNOW is 12 in a sexual manner. Is that a “gray area”? How about the many stories that commenters here have related, where they were aprroached by a much older man, they told the man that they were 14 or so, and the man continued to harrass them. Is that a “gray area”?
In these “gray area” cases you’re talking about, what you you think should happen? Do you think it should be legal for an adult to have sex with a minor, as long as the adult didn’t know to a certainty how old the minor was? Would that be a good result for everyone?
jumbofish, my husband and I met at work. I saw that he had a good job and was responsible, therefore would be a good provider. Had he been unemployed living in his parents’ basement, I probably wouldn’t have dated him.