So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.
Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.
That’s it. At 10 years old, little girls are plotting and skeeving to have some poor sucker put in jail. I didn’t play outside with other children or focus on doing well in school. All my time and attention was focused sorely on growing breasts so I could have someone arrested. Shit, these guys are on to us!
Geeze, that’s an inventive way of letting pedophiles off the hook.
That’s likely what I’d here from all the middle-aged men who used to try to proposition my 11-year-old cousin at the mall. She looked about thirteen.
Or if you squint really hard, maybe an extremely underdeveloped 18-year-old. How is a guy supposed to know?? /sarcasm
I’ll surely be anticipating the MRA’s next *scientific* find on how remarkable the gravitational pull around their penises is.
Seriously? From a person who had the displeasure to “blossom early,” these were exactly the kind of peons I had to thoroughly convince, do you really have to stoop so low to bed a 14-year-old?
Hey, r/MRs. Maybe Nature’s “trolling” you is her way of saying CUT THE EVO PSYCH BS OUT.
I am honestly baffled by the suggestion that you can’t tell a 14 year old from a 20 year old like 99.9% of the time.
If a woman is in the forest and does something that isn’t all about men (and in particular, all about a particularly predatory version of straight male sexuality), does it make a sound?
You know, this site and SRS really just like to latch on everything that isn’t ramrod ass PC.
Are we not allowed to make jokes? I seriously doubt anyone in that thread is an ephebophile. The guy in the comment simply stated a fact- girls mature faster than boys, and that’s led to problems for older men if they have sex with them by accident. I’m not saying it happens all the time… but it happens. I’ve seen 9 year olds with like C cup boobs, and obviously it’s easy to tell at that age, but what about when she’s like 15 or 16 and her face has matured?
It’s a problem, and it’s no one’s fault, but it’s a real problem.
It’s wasted effort to even suppose this: But I’m betting it just never occurs to them to, you know, ask the age of the girl in question and then proceed to NOT sleep with her if she’s under the age of consent? No? I didn’t think so.
But then, it’s also creepy that they’d have to ask. People over the age of consent *typically* have grown-up, obvious things. Like driver’s licenses, debit cards, maybe even cars of their own, college course loads, sometimes full time jobs (which people under 17 in most places are legally barred from having- or were where I grew up), apartments, and so on. You know, things that signal financial independence/higher education which must terrify these guys.
I mean, if I’m off base here, tell me. I’m also not trying to disparage people who don’t own cars, are unemployed, or any other range of circumstances. Marks of adulthood are just very economically-oriented here.
The grammar in that post makes me kinda think it’s a troll, but the upvotes means people didn’t realize it was…
At what point does a troll stop being a troll and start being what ze tries to mock? (BTW is it spelled xe or ze? I’ve seen both, and would appreciate clarification)
Thinking about my post, i’d like to amend this to it: I also don’t want to be ablist- I know some disabled people wouldn’t have those things either, But I also know that to the MRA’s, these people would be invisible. I really am sorry if I come off that way adult people who are not able-bodied or no less adult if they don’t have the things I mentioned, it was narrow-minded of me.
This is just a pathetic attempt to justify perverted behavior.
FoSF – I always wonder where these guys are meeting all these fourteen-year-old girls in disguise. I don’t have any high-schoolers in my social circle and I don’t run into a lot at the bar, you know?
I suppose a fourteen-year-old COULD have a fake ID, and parents who give them money to go out and don’t care when they come home, and a social circle composed of college-age people, and the ability to speak like they’re college-aged, and lie about their age… But now we’re stacking up a whole lot of unlikely factors (none of which justify statutory rape anyway!) to ignore the more likely possibility that these guys are perving on OBVIOUS little girls out with their families or coming home from school.
@Cliff Pervocracy – Again, I’m not saying this kind of thing happens all the time. But there exist mature-looking young teenagers- that is, physically mature, not emotionally. They’ll go out to a bar (where, of course, the mangina bouncers will let ’em in), and later regret their decision.
I say, the solution is to kidnapp Jim Parsons or Alyson Hannigan and make them give their elixir of youth so we can make all girls, teen and kids, looks like they’re 7 until they’re 18.
I see no flaw in this plan. None.
Pervocracy- Exactly. I’ll be 25 next month, and at 14? I looked/acted/sounded/was NOTHING like I am/do now. Not even me of you know, 3,4, 5 years ago whatever was like 14 year old me. Neither were any of the 14 year olds I knew. I started working more than 10 hours a week at 18, lived in dormitories and then apartments, had a vehicle and full time college classes, and then when I didn’t have classes, i worked full time or close to it. I had my own money, and frequently had to break fun plans to continue earning it. I would see people I knew at work and at class. It’s just so glaringly obvious to my eyes, the differences that would HAVE to crop up between “14-year-old-pretending-to-be-20-something” and “actual-average-20-something”. It boggles my mind how (supposing they’re being honest here), these guys could make that “mistake”.
Like I said- it’s wasted effort to even make up hypotheticals or deconstruct any of these guys boosh, because these jerks aren’t being hoodwinked, fooled, or having the wool pulled over their eyes in any other way, they just wish they were or want people to think that so that they can get away with their creepy creepy gross problem.
But reddit is A W E S O M E, mags told us so.
So let me get this straight – this screechbox is insinuating that girls only develop secondary sex characteristics before the age of consent solely to send men to jail? I was unaware that girls had control over how their bodies develop. I sure as hell didn’t. I would have loved that. I hated my breasts, my menstrual cycle, and my hips and I would have delayed their development as long as I could. I wonder why. Perhaps it’s because of society’s fucked up attitude towards women and misogyny that increases exponentially as soon as you begin looking like a woman? Nah, couldn’t be that! [/sarcasm]
Seriously, is everything everywhere all about their pensis and privilege? Don’t answer that. I already know.
Grinner: As I told Ruby, the internet is a low-bandwidth medium. People only get to see the sides of yourself you choose to share.
Which means that if you present yourself as a troll… you are a troll.
See, it’s all part of human evolution, girls develop early so that all the undesirable beta males will get locked up in jail leaving only desirable alphas in the breeding pool. SCIENCE.
A gem from lower in the thread:
Because 18 : 22 :: 14 : 18, amiright guys? It’s MATH.
It’s totally like this one time I met a forty-five-year-old who looked sixty, so clearly anyone could mistake a five-year-old for twenty.
Hm, I’d heard it was hormones in milk that’s making girls develop earlier. WAIT A MINUTE, the DAIRY INDUSTRY is trying to send this nation’s fine young men to jail? Where’s NWOslave???? He’s got a lot to answer for!
re “fooling”. Context matters. So does the experience of the observer.
When I was about 19, I saw a very attractive young woman I thought was about 16. It was at workshops for the faire. She was with people who were in their latter teens. She was being an active, and interested, and contributing, member of the workshops we were sharig.
She was getting a lot of attention, and she enjoyed it. At 19, I didn’t think 16 was completely out of bounds (it was a long time ago, and I recall being 16). So sometime in the next couple of weeks one of us found out she was a bit shy of 14.
The first thing he did was tell all the other guys who were seeming to show an interest. We didn’t blame her. We didn’t do anything to make her change the way she was acting. We did look to see that other men, didn’t get to take advantage of her. So too did the group she was working with.
Why? Because at 14 she didn’t have the experience to know that people might be taking advnatage of her,and the Faire, for all it’s virtues, is a very sexual place to be a performer, and she could have made choices that left her more vulnerable than she was in her everyday life.
But never did we think she was, “out to put men in jail”. She didn’t. I am pretty sure that when she decided to have sex, she did. It was probably before she was 18. She grew up to be a sensible person, has a couple of kids, and seems none the worse for any of it.
Did I feel protective of her? Yes. Was I attracted to her? A bit. Did I wan’t to have sex with her when I found out she was 13? No. When she, later, made a pass at me, I told her to wait. If was still interested in a few years, we could talk about it then.
Because you don’t take advantage of children.
Posts like that make me want to kill all men within a five mile radius of my daughters. I know that most men are not like that, and that the ones who post that horrible crap and who upvote it are a minority, but geez.
Wow… seem as though a lot of people in this thread are simply loathe to face biological reality.
I’m not saying it’s a good thing to have relations with underage people. I’m saying it’s difficult to tell. This is why we need a marker, or something.
This is reminding me of the victim blaming of the 11 year old girl who was gang raped in Texas for “dressing older than her age” and hanging out with teenage boys, some of whom raped her (some of the rapists were adult males. Link comes with a fairly obvious trigger warning: ). There are plenty of situations where children and young teens may come into contact with older teens and adults who aren’t safe to be around, much as we’d like to believe otherwise.