creepy dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

New Reddit theory: Girls develop early in order to entrap guys and send them to prison

So someone on Reddit posted a video showing time-lapse video of a girl from infanthood to 12 years old. Naturally, Redditors responded with creepy pedophilia jokes, and one Redditor (speaking for many, judging by the numerous upvotes) took the opportunity to complain about just how hard it is for dudes to not have sex with underage girls. Apparently these girls deliberately develop earlier than boys as part of an elaborate plot to entrap guys and send them to jail.

Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this latest bit of egregious Redditry.

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12 years ago

Actually, sounds like a lot of angry liberal dudes. I mean you basically just described Daily Kos.

12 years ago

And assholery directed toward assholes is, in my estimation, justified.

Ha. Yet pseudo-MRAL doesn’t seem to get why, reflexively, he just justified the reason his irrelevant trolling of a completely different blog isn’t being tolerated here.

Take your ranting to where it matters, i.e. Pharyngula, asshole.

12 years ago

Shorter Eurotrash: only I’m entitled to decide when someone is an asshole and only I’m entitled to be an asshole to them, unless I give you permission.

Almost there. In actuality, what I said is that I (along with everyone else) has the right to decide for themselves if someone is an asshole.

I do think tone matters; however, since the whole concept is somewhat subjective, we each need to think for ourselves on the point.

Radical notion, I guess.

12 years ago

Ugh, pack up your tone arguments and go tell it elsewhere, asshole.

12 years ago

Trust me, sweetums, nothing that you’ve said in this thread is in any danger of being described as “radical”.

12 years ago

Man, looking back, I really destroyed you people. I’m kind of impressed with myself.

12 years ago

Exactly how did you destroy us? If by destroy, you mean derail, don’t try to get muscular patting yourself on the back, that happens all the time.

Go to bed, MRAL.

12 years ago

Good thing your impressed with yourself, no one else is.

12 years ago

With that amount of projection going on, I gather asshole must work in a cinema.

You destroyed us? Ha. Weak.

12 years ago

Well, I can certainly see why someone so determined to pat themselves on the back for being mediocre wouldn’t feel welcome at Pharyngula.

12 years ago

“destroy”?? What is that even suppose to mean in the context of this place. I guess it must mean you successfully managed to be a titty baby and whine about some other site.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Man, looking back, I really destroyed you people. I’m kind of impressed with myself.

TSTKTS. The best argument you used came from me, and it was still not actually valid X3

“I’m not responding to anyone making accusations of being MRAL”

Truly, your terrible attempts at sock puppetry only improve due to other people, and it never ceases to amuse. SEriously, go read a book, you might actually learn something XD

12 years ago

I find it funny that you are impressed you managed to whine about some other site. Thats not a big accomplishment at all.XD

12 years ago

I’m really mad about the commenting policy at They’re really mean, and I worry that it might make people hate ponies.

12 years ago

Eurotrash: For me, I’m not so arrogant as to make a “rule” one way or the other;

Wow… comprehension fail of your own rules. You’re entire schtick has been that Pharyngula is violating the rules of civility.

And likewise I’m free to consider you the biggest asshole of all.

Am I supposed to care? Seriously? A hypocrite who can’t keep his own story straight thinks I’m the “biggest asshole of all” because I don’t agree with his, conveniently self-serving definitions of civility?

Fetch my smelling salts, lest I swoon.

I really don’t feel obligated to justify myself any further.

But you did it anyway.

And assholery directed toward assholes is, in my estimation, justified.

Unless you don’t like the people who have made that decision for themselves. Then they are supposed to listen to you about who the real assholes are; the one’s who are “really” deserving of being at the receiving end of what you think is rude.

Another one who needs to work on their reading comprehension. In re comments about your statement that you aren’t complaining. That response wasn’t to your desires to, “improve the atheist community”, it was in response to I’m an atheist, not someone who really stakes a lot on it or gets involved in any community. I’m not “complaining” per se, I don’t really care. I just find Pharyngula obnoxious, and oh by the way, it’s not doing atheism any favors in the PR department.

So, you are complaining, and you are talking about how Pharyngula isn’t doing the atheist community any favors.

Which is the opposite of what you are now saying you said. It’s all there in writing, for those who have either memory, or the wit to read.

In short… you think you are a special snowflake, and ought to be deferred to in the arbiting of who should be treated well, and who should not.

How’s that working out?

12 years ago

David, he might be floating on a buoy in the Atlantic, with a Verizon Hotspot strapped to his head. You’re just mad because he totally destroyed us people. 🙂

12 years ago

Eurotrash why not just start your own blog where you can moderate it however you like? Seems more productive than coming to a site dedicated to mocking misogyny and carrying on about atheism.

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