a voice for men antifeminism antifeminst women crackpottery evil women FemRAs hypocrisy I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA MRA paradox patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts the enigma that is ladies

Calling women names = human rights advocacy: A visit to A Voice for Men.

So the other day I was perusing the front page of the angry dude blog – sorry, “human rights organization” – A Voice for Men, looking for something inspiring to read. My eyes hit on a promo for a recent AVFM radio show. It was on the topic of feminism, and, apparently, women in general:

Flatworms, eh? You know, those “relatively simple bilaterian, unsegmented, soft-bodied invertebrate animals” without brains, with primitive eye spots that allow them to sense light?

As you know, human rights organizations are widely known for comparing large categories of humanity to primitive worms.

I am reminded of the inspiring words of Martin Luther King:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. And by the fact that they’re not slimy, dirt-eating worms, like all those damn white kids.

This is, of course, from King’s famous “I had a dream – a really weird dream, where all the white people were worms” speech.

Oh, perhaps JohnTheOther and GirlWritesWhat have some highly clever explanation for that whole “flatworm” thing, but in order to find out I would have to listen to their “radio” show. But life is short, it is a lovely, if a bit chilly, Saturday in April, and I would rather have ferrets chew the flesh off my bones while I am still alive than listen to an hour or more of those two, so I guess I will never know.

But no matter, because there was another post on A Voice for Men that caught my eye:

Yes, I said to myself, I will have to find out what Cooter Bee thinks about the differences between intellect and emotionalism. In the course of my day to day life, I often find myself pondering the deeper philosophical questions of human existence, and when I do, I always wonder: What does Cooter Bee think of that? It is rare that I actually get to learn what Cooter Bee thinks on a particular matter of philosophical import. So naturally I clicked on the link.

Here’s what I learned from the esteemed Professor Cooter Bee:

Endless citation, refutation of fallacy and Socratic pursuit of truth are the tools of reason. Men tend to understand them. Women, generally speaking, don’t because indignation, outrage and gut level distaste are rooted in emotionalism. Women do understand base emotionalism and do respond to it in a more predictable way than they could ever respond to reason. They are also more likely to respond appropriately because the message is more clearly understood. Emotionalism is their language.

So, really, there’s no point in actually arguing anything with those flighty ladies.

No need to waste words or knock yourself out reasoning with feminists or even your wife, for that matter, when a short and visceral pronouncement from on high will do and is more effective.

For example, you can just call them sluts:

Sluts are against slut shaming because sluttiness is, indeed, shameful. Say so. Your position would be unassailable because they too believe it. They invoke moral relativism and slut pride marches as a means to escape the inescapable.

Actually, it’s better if you call the ladies sluts over and over and over again:

Slut Walks, “Sex in the City” and the self esteem cult are all attempts to reassure women that even when they behave abominably that the bad behavior has the sanction of the collective and they face no risk of expulsion if they engage in it. To modify the behavior of women, reimpose that risk. The good news is that it can be done in relatively short order. … A stark and unvarnished remonstration from someone in closer proximity will undo the propaganda swiftly. Declarations of “that is disgusting” accumulate. Hearing it once may not overcome Cosmo and she can dismiss it as an isolated raving of a lunatic. If she were to hear it more often, however, she begins to doubt herself and wonder about her status within her more immediate collective.

You can also modify chick behavior by praising them when they act the way you like them to. It’s really quite simple:

Chick language provides us with a construct that we can use. To women something is “nice” or it is “mean”. They use that simple, emotionally based dichotomy because that is what chicks understand. They use it with us and they use it with each other. That is how they evaluate the world. Use it. …

Most women want to be good so tell them what good is in a way they can grasp easily.

What if they disagree with your assessment of what is good? Doesn’t matter, because you are a man, and therefore right:

Who is to decide what is good and what is evil? Simple. You are. Some men might think it arrogant to anoint themselves as the final arbiter of all moral issues. Not true. As a man, nature equipped you to make decisions based on merit alone without respect to consensus. … You know right and wrong when you see it.

Are there any good women out there? Yes, Cooter Bee tells us. Indeed, there are several women who contribute to AVFM, so there’s them. Beyond that, Dr. Bee, tells us,

I am of the belief that most women are good, if somewhat misled. They only resist righteousness because they think that any behavior that the collective endorses IS righteous. The rare woman who is capable of moral judgment will select good herself and would not be on the receiving end of harsh moral criticism.

Then again, you still might have to yell at the good women from time to time. Really, it’s your duty – it’s for her own good.

Good women are human too. Even in the seldom occurring event of a temporary moral lapse by a decent woman, your diatribe will be no more severe than the one she administers to herself. Would you do less in the case of a man whose judgment falters?

Thank you, Cooter Bee, for your insights!

I had no idea that going around telling women that they’re sluts was a form of human rights advocacy, but apparently it is. The next time I see a woman standing on the streetcorner trying to get me to sign a petition for Amnesty International, I will simply tell her what a dirty whore she is. I will accomplish more with these words than she will in a day of collecting signatures and donations!

NOTE: Since you bring it up all the time, fellas, you might try to remember that the name of the show is Sex AND the City. Also, it ceased production eight years ago.

This post contained some

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12 years ago

As someone who has seen (but luckily never experienced firsthand) how debilitating depression can be, I am too angry to engage with Ruby on this subject. Glad you are all doing so. Ruby, read and really THINK ABOUT the things people are telling you here.

12 years ago

yeah… occupation is neccessary, not “work”, but something to actively occupy oneself doing. It’s good for mental health, it’s good for physical health. Getting remuneration for it is double-plus good.

But somethings, such as writing, or photography, or coding, etc. are thigns one can’t just suddenly be making a living wage doing, so people who could learn to do it, are denied the option.

For some things (woodworking, lutening, photography), one could make it self-sustaining, but one can’t afford to do it for free.

The systems are broken.

12 years ago

When my brother and I were kids, our mom signed us up for free lunch at school. For a few years we got free lunch, yet during those summer months we never went hungry. So basically, we were mooching off the government. My brother, who is now in his forties, never bothers having a job when he can claim he’s depressed and get disability. You don’t think there are moochers among the poor? I’ve seen them first hand. And they hurt those who are truly in need. Shame.

On behalf of your family, I’d like to tell you to fuck yourself.

12 years ago

@pecunium, are people on benefits in the US able to access tuition for free, especially if it seen as ‘vocational’? in the UK and Oz (where i now live), people are able to attend college whilst claiming back to work/disability benefits to retrain. i know people undertaking a huge variety of educational courses which are at least free or very heavily subsidised. of course, there is no guarantee of work at the end but they will come out qualified at least.

12 years ago

So…would Ruby rather her brother be broke and homeless, or what? Even if he was somehow faking, should that be a death sentence?

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

The pre-frontal cortex of the brain is the last area to reach masturbation

That’s totally what I read. #contributingnothing

Oh I’m sorry. Heh. What, should I leave this blog?

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

There you go again with the strawman argument, jumbofish. I never said all poor people were lazy. But people like my brother are. Everyone in my family thinks my brother is capable of working. He just doesn’t want to. I remember when our grandmother was still alive and he used to manipulate her into giving him money by talking about suicide. And my grandparents lived on Social Security.

The first 12 years of my life, my mom, brother, and I lived with my grandparents. My grandma was basically like a live-in babysitter. My mom could have worked fulltime no problem, but she preferred partying. Yeah, our free lunches were mooching off the government.

And BTW, moochers don’t just come from the lower class. The biggest moochers there are happen to be rich. If these people would take personal responsibility, so much money could be freed up for those truly in need. Weird how you guys take up for people who put undo stress on our safety nets.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

The biggest moochers there are happen to be rich. If these people would take personal responsibility, so much money could be freed up for those truly in need.

Well, a-frickin’-men.

Too bad the rest of your post is all–look, even if you think your mom and brother are moochers (something you’ve hardly proven), surely you understand non-moochers exist? Any plan to get out the moochers has to allow for the possibility that some people really can’t just decide to not be poor anymore.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Gee, are we back to the argument about sexual attraction? Basically, men get the prettiest women their money can afford, and women get the wealthiest men their looks can afford. This explains perfectly why Donald Trump can attract sexy women. It’s not his looks or personality, it’s his money and power. Yeah, we women are attracted to money and power. This isn’t to say all women are gold digger, we’re not. But we are practical, and we want our children to have every advantage.

12 years ago

I think, once again, Ruby is not actually going to read anything.

12 years ago

Everyone in my family thinks my brother is capable of working.

Is everyone in your family trained to recognize the symptoms of depression? Since family members probably shouldn’t diagnose other family members, this is actually irrelevant. I have no faith that you will read this, or other comments, because you seem to be totally incapable of being self-critical.

12 years ago

So why bring your brother into this at all, if you aren’t immediately associating poor people with lazy moochers? Did your brother somehow become multiple man ?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Basically, men get the prettiest women their money can afford, and women get the wealthiest men their looks can afford.

Gee, let me check my Pretty Account and compare it to the exchange rate… oh wait there is no such goddamn thing because prettiness is unquantifiable and anyway real-life couples don’t remotely work like that.

12 years ago

I think, once again, Ruby is not actually going to read anything.

And even if she does, she isn’t going to THINK about it.

12 years ago

Oh look, another FeMRA, all nicely trained to talk about hypergamy.

Maybe you can explain the cock carosel to us too.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Holly, of course I can’t prove that my mom and brother are moochers, but never mind because we know moochers exist, and this isn’t saying that non-moochers don’t exist. Who do you think I’m referring to when I mention those who are truly in need? But getting back to the moochers, how about that woman who won a million dollars in the lottery, but kept on collecting food stamps?

12 years ago

Ruby, men like Trump are outliers. He’s got more money than God and a sexist attitude. Small surprise that hed attract sexist women who’ll take the wealthiest man their looks can buy.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I wonder how this works with polyamory. Like, my boyfriend was dating me and another woman for a while, and (in my slightly neurotic opinion) we were not at identical Prettiness Ratings.

…How did that work?

And how is my roommate (part-time guitar-shop clerk) dating a girl who is Prettier (well, younger and skinnier and femmier) than my boyfriend (electrical engineer)? Has there been some sort of clerical error?

Wait a second. I used to date my roommate. But we broke up. Did I… did I get prettier?

12 years ago

So Ruby, how’s about responding to the many questions asked of you? Instead of like, talking about the rare few outliers who mOoch and focus on the real problem of the vast majority you’d like to see dead of neglect.

12 years ago

Seriously, why the fuck do you keep bringing up Donald Trump as though he’s anywhere close to representing the common run of humanity?

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Again, I can’t respond to everyone. I’m not going to be on my computer all night. I’ve got to hang up some laundry, do some dishes, feed the pets, then go to bed.

12 years ago

Yes its time to run away coward, rather than stick around to prove just how full of shit you are.

12 years ago

I’m once again proven right! How depressing. Quick, no matter what the subject is, bring up something stupid like who Donald Trump is dating.

12 years ago

@Ruby, what do you want? Should there be government assistance for poor and disabled people? Do you want for there to be a more stringent application process for aid? Because it looks like you are arguing that some people cheat the system, therefore there should be no system.

12 years ago

And like evereyday someone on welfare wins millions in the lottery, but they just won’t get their asses off the system….oh wait…that does happen for corporations.