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I’m beginning to have my doubts about the gynofascist ladytopia

Up until now, as you all know, I’ve been a strong supporter of the gynofascist ladytopia. But after watching the following video I am beginning to reconsider. Three seconds is too short. This lady is too bossy. And I really, really don’t want to have to learn how to line dance. Also, why does everyone have to wear a white shirt? Watch, and you’ll see what I mean. If this is the ladytopia, I want none of it!

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12 years ago

RE: indifferentsky

Do you know how cool this would be?

Well, I don’t mean to brag, but.. yes. Yes it is.

12 years ago

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an orgasm while clothed (if you count still wearing a T shirt or socks in bed while otherwise naked, say, as ‘clothed’). Certainly, definitely not from wearing attractive clothing in public. I agree with peeps that it would be cool. And messy.

12 years ago

It would, however, by very amusing to see random women stop in their tracks, moan and shudder for a while, and then just casually go about their post-orgasm business when you were walking around on your lunch break.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

A proper woman with feminine traits = childish, vapid, heartless, gold-digging whore
A woman who isn’t feminine = fat, ugly, hairy, shrieking, feminazi dyke bitch

MRA logic. Go figure.

12 years ago

Go to the mall and tell me I’m wrong. Every woman there is in a bikini.

I was in the mall today, actually. Nary a bikini in sight. I’m feeling pretty disillusioned right now, slavey.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Is this Courtney Stodden’s mom? Her aunt? There has to be a relationship there.

brian thomson (@bnt0)
12 years ago

“gynofascist ladytopia”? Is that the new album from Lady Gaga?

Elodie Arryna
Elodie Arryna
12 years ago

Does anybody have the energy to help play with the trolls at the Who Needs Feminism facebook page? There are big ones, small ones, some the size of your head…

12 years ago


Do you know why I wear makeup? It’s because chemotherapy has ruined my skin. I wear it because it embarrasses me to be seen in public with mottled, thin, pockmarked skin. It also kills my sex drive so I can tell you with complete certainty that I have, at the moment, absolutely no interest in sex, even if I do choose to wear makeup and put on a pretty dress and take my husband out to dinner.

12 years ago

Can’t you just block them or something? I was going though the weird bodybuilder troll site and I doubt you’re going to lose valuably comments from those people by blocking them.

12 years ago

Oh, the wild, paranoid, miserable alternate reality of MRAs. They created their angry, hateful world for themselves. Also, the way they read into things is mind-blowing.

12 years ago


NWO has openly stated his desire to see women be enslaved. Trying to appeal to his sense of compassion is futile because he has absolutely none. He’s one of the most despicable people I’ve ever come across.

12 years ago

Pecunium, what I’m seeing is about four different types of MRAs, depending on how extreme their views are towards women. And strangely, most of them don’t appear to be religious conservatives, which has the greatest likelyhood of saying sex before marriage is not good for either gender, hence their white knight status.

They are promoting the color code system to defend their arguments with. Seems Captain Sorebottom has really caught on with them.

12 years ago



NWO has openly stated his desire to see women be enslaved. Trying to appeal to his sense of compassion is futile because he has absolutely none. He’s one of the most despicable people I’ve ever come across.”

Crumb, I do think you’re right. His view of the world is so narrow that he’s incapable of seeing any of us as individuals, with “made to measure” sets of circumstances. He and his brethren see us a dolls, slaves, children or prostitutes, never as human beings with our own needs and our own desires. Unfortunately, even in small numbers, scattered randomly in the general community such people are dangerous sociopaths. Fortunately, there creeps are pretty much confined to small groups on the Internet.

What do you want to bet that he doesn’t even bother to reply to me? To do so would mean he’d have to accept me as a human being and address my problem and I bet you an emerald he won’t do that.

12 years ago

@seranvali: I think NWO will quote your comment in a comment of his own, but what he has to say about your comment will be a complete tangent if not a total non-sequitur. I think that will be the furthest extent of his acknowledgement of your situation.

On the other hand, he’ll probably blargle something about the privileged class (i.e., women) and try to stick a fish head up his nose, finally concluding that his failure to do so is a stunning victory against the misandrists.

12 years ago


I think I know what happened. Owlslave saw the mannequins in a swimwear store and thought they were actual women. And he became so transfixed that he wasn’t even aware of the mannequins in other stores, let alone the real actual women.

He and DKM should compare notes.

12 years ago

I think he should just stop wearing x-ray glasses to the mall.

12 years ago

karalora, mannequins are such sluts nowadays….

12 years ago

I keep wanting to defend the class of “women” by reference to myself, but that doesn’t work because I also deny that I am a member of the class “women”. So I can’t use myself as a counter-example of nonsense like women signalling readiness to breed by wearing lipstick, even though I’m certain that our delightful interlocuters would consider me a woman. It’s very frustrating.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure these days most women in America express their desire to reproduce with variations of “honey, I want to make babies”. Some other times they lies, and more than a few pregnancies are accidents, but most people don’t equate lipstick with stopping using bc.

Fun fact! Sometimes women have sex without trying to reproduce!

12 years ago

Owlslave seems to have this curious all or nothing approach to women – they’re either perfect little angels or completely evil whores (guess which end he leans toward!). A realistic balance where women – just like all human beings – cover the whole scale of human experience from a really good person to a really bad person with most women being in the middle and just being, y’know, human is completely alien to him.

12 years ago

He doesn’t need to use semaphore or special code or ANYTHING. It’s AMAZING.

I must admit that I read that and saw “spermophone.” Several times.

I’m … not sure what that would even be. Maybe it’s just because I go here and expect to find people talking about sperm.

I guess my work requires me to look and dress nicely to make straight men horny. Which is funny since probably 98% of my customers are women. And the vast, vast majority of people who comment on my clothes, accessories, appearance, etc. are women. Or gay men.

I suppose Mr. Owls would explain this away with some kind of false rape accusation whine. Like, “MEN CAN’T TELL YOU YOUR BAG IS PRETTY OR YOU’LL ACCUSE HIM OF RAPE!!” Or maybe (straight) men don’t give a shit about my pretty bag and my pretty bag exists to please me with its prettiness, not to give men boners?

Maybe a bag is a bad example. But even still. Even still!

12 years ago

I guess my work requires me to look and dress nicely to make straight men horny. Which is funny since probably 98% of my customers are women. And the vast, vast majority of people who comment on my clothes, accessories, appearance, etc. are women. Or gay men.

I curious, what kind of job is that?

12 years ago


12 years ago

OW my brain >.<