Men of America! You face a grave threat today: Evil feminist slutwalkers are working tirelessly to enslave men by conning them into marrying secret porn-star whores! Over on The Spearhead, an unnamed “Featured Guest” explains the whole dastardly scheme in a post with the intriguing title “Whore is just a label.”
With slutwalkers working hard to remove the stigma of sex for women, you see,
young women in porn face far less stigma than they ever have. So much so that for that young women the leap from wanton behavior at a drunken college party to getting double teamed followed by a full facial in a porn shoot may not be a far leap at all.
Exactly. Because if you’re going to be having sex anyway, why not do it on camera with strangers?
The dollars and cents is that you have a huge growth porn industry demanding a huge number of sex workers who blend invisibly into the population because there is no longer any stigma attached to the world’s oldest profession.
Wait, I thought that prostitution was the world’s oldest profession. I guess porn and prostitution are the same thing now?
Not that it matters, because if you’re a man the evil ladies will keep their sordid whoring from you:
Unlike men women know how to keep a secret. Women don’t brag to their girlfriends, in fact they’ll lie even to themselves. You really have NO IDEA where even that conservative and very virginal girl you’ve proposed to has been until the night she thought she forgot shows up on Youtube.com. Where does that leave an increasing number of American men?
So YouTube is a porn distribution hub now? Or is he suggesting that any woman who has sex is by definition a whore?
Evidently he is, as Mr. Featured Guest then goes on to warn of the dangers of those who are:
Trying to turn a whore into a housewife.
Yes, there are terrific women out there. But single women are angling for a man to pay for their lives, and given that incentive there’s a huge temptation for a woman to present herself falsely, to tell a lot of lies and to make a lot of “stay at home, cook and raise kids” promises she has no intention of keeping. Under US and ESPECIALLY Canadian divorce laws, women are almost never accountable for bad behavior or broken promises. For all the men who thought their betrothed was only slutty the night she met you and who are steaming mad that you’ve been sold a bill of goods, does the marriage contract needs a “false advertisement” clause?
Or do women who have sex with men other than their betrothed – possibly on video, possibly on YouTube — simply need to have the word “whore” tattooed on their foreheads?
The regulars at The Spearhead respond to this sophisticated analysis of contemporary marriage with their usual good sense.
Quentin, in a comment that got 50 upvotes, notes with some alarm that
A lot of women don’t feel bad abut their sexual escapades. In fact, they take pride in them. “Ladies” are an endangered species, and are on the verge of going extinct. All this slutty behavior has really made me lose interest in women. I don’t want to be with a woman who has had sex with a lot of men. If she is easy to get into the sack, then she is a liability in a relationship. I have lost a lot of respect for women over the past several years. Sex, along with marriage, is something most women view as a get-rich-quick scheme. It is disheartening to think I live in a world where being a whore is considered empowering, while being a supportive wife is frowned upon. This world is upside down. … If you act like a whore, then you are going to get treated like a whore. If women were pleasant to be around and were loyal, more men would probably stick around. You reap what you sow, women.
Napoleon (24 upvotes) urges his fellow men to be cautious when dealing with the wily female:
Women these days are increasingly trying to have the best of both worlds and present themselves as wholesome nice girls to the public while hiding a lot of whoring that goes on behind the scenes. There is really no way to know whether a woman is a part-time prostitute or not but a good rule of thumb is to assume that she is until proven otherwise due to the prevalence of such antics.
Silent warns men to be especially suspicious of any woman who seems to know what she’s doing in bed:
Just be careful about the super-sweet girlfriend who knows a little too much about how to do that thing you like, without you having taught her. She may have had a mouthful. But hey, maybe it’s all “in the past”.
YoungMan shares his tale of woe:
Back in my plugged in days I dated a girl for over a year before I found out she used to play with herself on camera for money. I was incensed I had been taken advantage of like that.
Keyster, a bastion of morality who once boasted about dating a 14-year-old (when he was 25), warns men to stay away with women who don’t keep silent about their sexual pasts:
Any woman who feels compelled to reveal her debaucherous past has no intention of having a serious relationship with you.
It’s not a shit test.
It’s meant to show a certian amount of disdain and disrespect for you as a man who doesn’t quite measure up to her standards. Don’t ever forget that.
Yes, because if a woman has had sex with anyone other than you, it’s all about disrespecting you.
And then he adds:
If she says she can’t even remember how many guys she’s f*cked in a rather “matter-of-fact” tone, you’ve entered the Futrelle Zone. Go home and video tape your cat on a Roomba and post it on YouTube. It would be time better spent.
I guess I should be flattered? But alas it was not my cat on the Roomba. I wish I had a Roomba. (Also, I wish I had my cat back, but that’s a whole other and much sadder story.)
Alan Vaughn writes an impassioned defense of pedophiles – sorry, “pedophiles,” in scare quotes – that I’m frankly too tired to bother to cut and paste in here. Check it out yourself if you dare.
Eric has a sad about the poor quality of American women:
Women are presumed to ‘have all the power in relationships’. Really, it’s her choices alone that matter. Women choose to be with thugs and idiots when there are numerous better and more responsible options open to them. The fact that women overwhelmingly terminate relationships with good men and pursue worthless ones is proof in itself that the responsibility lies with them and not with us.
Men, on the other hand, are very limited in their field of choices (unless they expat out). The abysmal quality of American women; women’s complete lack of interest in responsible men; and the ever-impending consequences of acting contrary to misandryist legal and social norms considerably constrict men’s options. Most men, if they were honest about it, would admit that their choices are pretty much limited to the least objectionable—not the most desirable—of available women.
Life is apparently very tough for American men who hate the very idea of women ever having sex with anyone but them. And doubly tough for those who don’t see the inherent hilariousness of cats on Roombas.
Men with “traditional” values no doubt.
“my plugged in days?” is this a MGTOW reference? Men Going Their Own Way are… Roombas? Y UR METAFOR NO MAKE SENSE??
Yeah! I know I guy that got fucked by the system in Canadian divorce court too! The wife got everything! Both kids, the house, the whole nine yards…
…he was unemployed… and, well, he did beat his kids… and, uh, his wife…
…he was also not hounded by the court to pay the child support he couldn’t’ pay… there wasn’t much point to pester him…and he never did make any payments but…
So, if a woman tells you her sexual past it’s disrespectful and a sign that she’s not comitted to your relationship, and if she doesn’t tell you every detail of her sexual history she’s disrespectful and using you?
All of this is of course, why MRA’s are completely thrilled to find a woman who won’t even cuddle until they are married right?
And also why they are so vocally against using porn?
My husband was quite the tomcat before we started dating. I am totally okay with this and don’t understand why anyone would feel he was “disrespecting” me. He didn’t KNOW me! How the fuck could he be disrespecting me by… having fun? Loving other people?
He has always been open about his “debaucherous past” with me, and I’m cool with that. Why would I want to marry him if I wasn’t cool with it?
RE: drockthecasbah
Is that a… chinchilla in your icon?
OK. First: When they use “thug” it really grinds my gears. Dudes, we all know what you mean by now, and fuck off.
Second: If guys like yourselves are the better, more responsible option, yet you have no takers, it’s time to sit down and figure out exactly what you’re bringing to the table besides a penis and an overblown sense of entitlement.
Third: Time to get over your Madonna/Whore complex. You complain when we have sex or when we don’t. Get it together, you can’t have both.
Always relevant: http://everydayfunnyfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/funny-revelation.jpg
(Unless this particular sample of commenters holds no such double standard, but given the usual opinions of the subject, I sort of doubt it.)
Ha! Nope. It’s a kitten.
He does understand that being “double teamed followed by a full facial in a porn shoot” means that there are also men participating in this activity, right? It’s not actually HIS dick in that camera shot. It’s another dude, who is also a porn star, and apparently not as dirty as the women who are there in the same room, having sex together.
RE: Drockthecasbah
Oh noes! Lazercatz has become mobile artilleryz!
I don’t get why he describes a sexually active woman as being in the Futrelle zone. This is the most baffling thing Keyster has said, and that’s saying a lot.
Considering their red pill obsession, I’m guessing it’s another Matrix reference
You want me to feel bad about fucking you? Dude, that’s fucked up.
No, of course, he wants me to feel bad about fucking everyone except him.
Unfortunately, there’s more than one guy who feels this way, which means this creates a math problem.
I can’t. I had a list at one point, and it was somewhere in the teens, and then I lost the list and never bothered to try and recreate it.
For various reasons:
1) Sex is an activity I have. It’s not something that fundamentally changes me. I wasn’t a different person after 3 partners than I was after 2. And I’d put up James Randi’s million-dollar prize for anyone who could tell, by any means other than asking, how many sexual partners a person has had.
2) Sex is tricky to define. If I only had oral sex with someone, do they go on the list? What if they’re female, does that change it? If oral counts, how about handjobs? How about groping that touches the genitals but doesn’t go to orgasm, is that a handjob? It gets messy.
3) Some of my sexual partners were random one-nighters. Some were years-long deeply emotional relationships. Counting them each as “one notch” seems awfully skewed.
… what is this? If you want to hold her accountable put that shit in a pre-nup or gtfo. I absolutely cannot abide by this bullshit logic. “She said she’d cook for me, but she didn’t, she lied, she should get the book thrown at her in court for lying!” Yeah no, marriages don’t work like that. And especially not marriage laws. Why is this even a thing?
I don’t get why he describes a sexually active woman as being in the Futrelle zone. This is the most baffling thing Keyster has said, and that’s saying a lot.
He’s accusing David of having lots of sex with women who aren’t virgins. THE MOST TERRIBLE INSULT OF ALL.
You know what’s really, really sexy to me?* Sullying my partner by having sex with them. Yes, nothing turns me on more than thinking of my genitals as some sort of poison dispensers that ruin everything they come into contact with. Furthermore, I get off on the idea that the activities I’m willingly engaging in are somehow making my partner a worse human being than zie was before, someone who doesn’t deserve the same respect or a chance at ever finding love again.
Sadly, as a woman, any partner I would have is either going to be a man, in which case he’d be sullying me, or someone of a different gender, which… come on, straight people are the only people that exist, that’s ridiculous. So I can never experiencing the pure joy of knowing that, by having sex with someone, I’m making their lives and their souls a little bit worse.
Seriously though, several of those guys are describing their sexual experiences with their girlfriends. Girlfriends, not wives. So these are people who believe that a woman is a dirty slut for having a sexual history before marriage, and yet they’re totally okay being a part of that sexual history. What the ever loving hell? Why would you ever, ever want to help turn someone into a shameless harlot? I’d like to think that my partners’ lives are improved my having sex with me, because sex is a fun thing I want to share with them. I could not have sex with someone if I felt that I was corrupting them, because… ewww.
I left in a mystery asterix that goes nowhere so I’m going to say it leads to this:
*Sex can be fun, and/or a good workout, and/or decent physio, and/or functional for would-be parents! You should have it if you want to with other people who want to as well! Yaaaaaaaaay!
Ah, classic MRA rant. Concept of women and sex derived entirely from watching porn, paranoia of being tricked by wily hypothetical women, Stage IV madonna/whore complex, bizarre cluelessness about the world in general (YouTube hosts sex videos?). I needed this.
My favorite part is the terror of sex workers “blending invisibly into the population.” Unlike in the past, when sex workers went around wearing giant CHESTER BROWN HAS UNDERPAID ME FOR A BLOW JOB signs around their necks.
I just lurrrve how Napoleon eased the “rule of thumb” in there. Nothing like quoting a ‘rule’ that allows you to beat your wife with a stick as long as it isn’t bigger than your thumb. *eyeroll*
Whatever the Futrelle Zone is, it must be narrated in Rod Serling’s voice.
As a heterosexual male, I am…rather confused by this list of things I am supposed to be horrified by. I know, I know, I’m a white knight mangina, but even if I’m sublimating my natural male feelings for the sake of being rewarded with Teh Feminist Pussy, I should still feel them, right? Instead, I’m just kinda bemused.
“Wow. Huh. That sounds like a rough day on the job. Are you okay, honey?”
To be fair, I’d have some safety concerns if I was in a sexual relationship with an active porn actress, but those concerns would become irrelevant if she was retired. I insist on both partners getting tested before the beginning of a new sexual relationship anyway.
Used to. Play with herself. To earn money (that he supposedly wouldn’t have to shell out). How is she taking advantage of him?
“Really? How much does that sort of thing pay?”
Historically, aren’t there a lot of women who did both? Sometimes the family needs a bit of extra cash, after all. As for the rest of the paragraph, I don’t see how sexual experience conflicts with cooking and childcare skills.
Seraph – Historically, hell. Lots of married women right now do sex work on the side. (Generally with their husbands’ knowledge and approval, because not all men conceptualize sex in terms of territory defense.)