$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil

Women receive regular vaginamoney checks from the government.

Is it wrong that I love the perpetually incoherent Christian J. – the self-proclaimed Male Renaissance Agitator behind What Men Are Saying About Women – as much as I do? If it’s wrong, I don’t want him to be right! Fortunately, he’s never right about anything.

Here, to celebrate today not being tax day, are some tasty quotes from some of his most recent posts. (He really churns those suckers out.)

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil:

You have to wonder how the opposite sex can easily make the claim about how “Strong” and “Independent” they are when in actual fact the majority of those making that claim are either receiving child support, vaginamoney as well as copious handouts from the state, their very own standby sugar daddy is on call 24/7. One who has been trained to behave like a defacto ATM, specifically trained to drip feed cash when required, without asking too many inappropriate questions and to hide when anyone or anything approaches..

Come on and take a free orifice ride:

[W]hat do women actually bring to the table besides their genitals and reproductive ability. Why do they now increase and expand their value as human being rather than relying on the state for enforcement of their will and they free ride their orifice affords them..

(That one was so incoherent, even by Christian J. standards, that I’m thinking there must be a typo in there somewhere. Maybe “now” should be “not?” Obviously the “they” near the end should be a “the.”)

Inglorious Slut Basterds:

[W]hile the slut feminist hoards continue with their manufactured bastardry, the response will be tailored to nullify it..

Too many slut feminists spoil the broth:

How many times have you heard those slut feminists and their cowtowing (sic) white knights and manginas claim that all the MM and men in general want to do is put women back into the kitchen. …

 They make that claim whenever any mention is made regarding all those anti male laws and sexist actions that governments have introduced to nobble men, take away our fundamental human rights and turn us into third class citizens, whose sole activity is to be forced to act subserviently, like a slave, to the opposite sex. …

Now just think for a moment about the fact that women can’t even cook anymore, they are totally useless in the kitchen … They have problems even making a sandwich, even that task is beyond their capability, a proven inability. So why would any man want to “Put women back into the kitchen”, it just doesn’t make any sense. It’s just stupid..


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Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If it makes you feel better, Euro, I can’t fuck 18-24 models either.

while subby sub is closer to my natural personality it’s a turnoff to women who are into caveman-seduction-as-kink.

Then why would you… oh right. Because all women (or all hot women, amirite bros) are into caveman-seduction-as-kink, clearly.

No, God, don’t listen to what women say they’re into! That’s for fools! Women are secretly all into caveman seduction which definitely doesn’t mean rape by the way, it’s consensual negotiated caveman seduction except they don’t really consent to or negotiate it.

[note to David: disregard previous comments in moderation, I was having login troubles]

12 years ago

Eurosabra in a nutshell:
Women are shallow because I can’t have sex with able-bodied younger woman (18-24) with model-quality looks.

12 years ago

Eurosabra: When I was in DC I had no problems in the sex dept. I even had someone I’d not met prior to my arrival make a most decidedly sexual overture*.

I was flirted with by women. I had my flirtations responded to. In short, I (at least) didn’t see the problem you allege.

Perhaps it’s your technique. I just go about my business, treating the women I meet as people. If they are interesting, I talk to them. If I am interested, I let them know. Works a treat.

*this was while I was visibly debilitated, and something less than my usual self. I was at the peak of my Reiter’s, incredibly underwieght, hobbling about, and more than a trifle distant/lacking in affect, because I was suffering from a mix of culture shock (being in a non-war zone) and early onset PTSD). Didn’t seem to matter. I chalk this up to my being a basically decent person who actually likes women.

12 years ago

Polliwog – you could get one of those t-shirts saying “this is what a feminist looks like”. 🙂

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I am working on not being a raging a-hole, unfortunately I haven’t found a middle ground yet between raging a-hole and subby sub who wants to fawn on someone, and while subby sub is closer to my natural personality it’s a turnoff to women who are into caveman-seduction-as-kink. I don’t have an answer to that yet and being “true to myself” left me single for a very long time.

Aaaaannd once again, women who top don’t exist. Nope, nada, nothing to see here!

Also dude, just DON’T BE A RAGING A-HOLE. I think more of your problems stem from *that* than being short or wanting a top.

12 years ago

I don’t think there is a single city in the WHOLE WORLD where nobody is having hetero sex

The Vatican? *ba-dum-PSH!*

Also, man I’m so glad I’m not straight or cis. Getting laid sounds so awfully hard! I mean, Jesus, if you straight cis folks are something like 85% of the population and you can’t manage it, I can’t imagine how I pulled it off!

Hetero sex rarely happens between me (38) and an able-bodied younger woman (18-24) with model-quality looks, simply because I’m very high-maintenance.

Ohhhhh. Gotcha. Never mind.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I don’t think there is a single city in the WHOLE WORLD where nobody is having hetero sex

The Vatican? *ba-dum-PSH!*

I’m sure the Swiss Guard are getting it on somehow! 😉

12 years ago

Molly: Not only getting it on, but with affairs and scandal. There was a jealously fueled murder a few years ago.

12 years ago

Christ, man, I’m able-bodied and 18-24 and I still haven’t slept with any able-bodied 18-24 models! It is possible to have totally enjoyable sex with women who look like normal people!

Also, most models, when you strip away the lighting and the makeup and the Photoshop, look basically like normal people too.

12 years ago

I mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re PRETTY normal people. But if you’re looking for perfectly flat stomachs and flawless skin, you’re going to have a long time to wait.

12 years ago

I don’t sleep with models either. My life is hard, people.

Fun fact: most models look much more like average good looking humans than like the pictures of themselves, when there is no make up, no photoshop and no lightening. At least they do in my limited experience.

12 years ago

The models I’ve met have looked like, indeed BEEN, very tall thin goodlooking people with good skin. I’ve never shagged’em.

Although I know someone who’s met Kate Moss and according to him she is unbelievably breathtakingly beautiful to the point that everyone in the room states at her in a daze and nobody can think about anything but how beautiful she is. Which strikes me as some kind of weird Midas-style curse, but she has probably learned to cope with it by now.

12 years ago

I’ve slept with a few people with model-type looks. I also went to high school with a rather successful model. Like most people, she had days where she looked kind of crappy due to being really tired, having the flu, etc, and days when she looked great. Not once did she ever look the way she does in magazines, because Photoshop exists.

I still don’t understand why Eurosabra feels the need to come here and perform this odd little dance that’s a combination of boasting and self-pity, since nobody here cares about either aspect of his performance.

12 years ago

You were busy talking about Roissy and making distracting incorrect assumptions about his background, which I felt honor-bound to correct.

For the rest, this has been a valuable site from a PUA perspective. I remind my students that they are doing a scene and they need permission for everything, including explicit meta-consent that they are doing a scene.

I did have kind of a charmed life, for a while. It was fun. I miss it. I miss my past partners, even as “just friends.”

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I remind my students that they are doing a scene and they need permission for everything, including explicit meta-consent that they are doing a scene.

I suppose it would be sort of refreshing to have a guy go “excuse me, I’d like to do a pick-up scene with you,” although frankly I’d still say no. I’m not into heavy humiliation and mindfuck.

12 years ago

You were busy talking about Roissy and making distracting incorrect assumptions about his background, which I felt honor-bound to correct.

I’m sure your douchelord thanks you.

12 years ago

I have a feeling that Eurosabra’s idea of “meta-consent” bears very little resemblance to actual consent.

12 years ago

So how does the getting consent to run a PUA script work?

12 years ago

So far it look like something between “lack of no means yes” and “lacks of “I told you know 9 times already, so fucking STOP OR I’LL CALL THE COPS” means yes”.
Did I get that right?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

…If someone agrees to a pickup scene, haven’t you pretty much picked them up right there?

But I’m pretty sure Eurosabra is just making up this “no, it’s just like BDSM, we consent and negotiate and everything” deal out of whole bullshit, the way he’s making up having “students.”

…Why would you study pickup from someone who admits it hardly ever works for him? I thought it was traditional to claim you pull 5 models a day before opening up shop as a PUA guru.

Need to know
12 years ago

Attention PUAs everywhere- explicit mega-consent != having boobies in public.

12 years ago

Well, so as not to waste too much time on infidel unbelievers who will just snark, I would say it runs along the lines of constructing any BDSM scene with verbal power exchange: “I would like to flirt with you in a sexist manner, do role-play in which you are a bratty ingenue who succumbs to my wiles, and initiate touch with you in a dominant manner, for example by turning an ordinary handshake into a dancefloor spin move. Is that okay? And your preferred safeword is ?” That would cover about the first 20 minutes of PUA.

I dunno, I haven’t ironed out the kinks of PUA as kink, yet. I tend to err on the side of rather boringly asking for consent for every small thing, Antioch Rules.

And we refer to the boss as The Overdouche, BTW.

12 years ago

As a domme I would categorically reject any sub with low enough self-esteem to consent to participation in a PUA scene.

Not that I believe him about getting “meta-consent”, I’m just saying that I can’t imagine wanting to be around anyone who would consent to that.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Eurosabra, if you’re going to lie to us, can you make it a little less blatant?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

“I would like to flirt with you in a sexist manner, do role-play in which you are a bratty ingenue who succumbs to my wiles, and initiate touch with you in a dominant manner, for example by turning an ordinary handshake into a dancefloor spin move. Is that okay? And your preferred safeword is ?”

This is a thing he totally said out loud in real life for real in a situation that actually happened.

Also I am a unicorn.