$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil

Women receive regular vaginamoney checks from the government.

Is it wrong that I love the perpetually incoherent Christian J. – the self-proclaimed Male Renaissance Agitator behind What Men Are Saying About Women – as much as I do? If it’s wrong, I don’t want him to be right! Fortunately, he’s never right about anything.

Here, to celebrate today not being tax day, are some tasty quotes from some of his most recent posts. (He really churns those suckers out.)

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil:

You have to wonder how the opposite sex can easily make the claim about how “Strong” and “Independent” they are when in actual fact the majority of those making that claim are either receiving child support, vaginamoney as well as copious handouts from the state, their very own standby sugar daddy is on call 24/7. One who has been trained to behave like a defacto ATM, specifically trained to drip feed cash when required, without asking too many inappropriate questions and to hide when anyone or anything approaches..

Come on and take a free orifice ride:

[W]hat do women actually bring to the table besides their genitals and reproductive ability. Why do they now increase and expand their value as human being rather than relying on the state for enforcement of their will and they free ride their orifice affords them..

(That one was so incoherent, even by Christian J. standards, that I’m thinking there must be a typo in there somewhere. Maybe “now” should be “not?” Obviously the “they” near the end should be a “the.”)

Inglorious Slut Basterds:

[W]hile the slut feminist hoards continue with their manufactured bastardry, the response will be tailored to nullify it..

Too many slut feminists spoil the broth:

How many times have you heard those slut feminists and their cowtowing (sic) white knights and manginas claim that all the MM and men in general want to do is put women back into the kitchen. …

 They make that claim whenever any mention is made regarding all those anti male laws and sexist actions that governments have introduced to nobble men, take away our fundamental human rights and turn us into third class citizens, whose sole activity is to be forced to act subserviently, like a slave, to the opposite sex. …

Now just think for a moment about the fact that women can’t even cook anymore, they are totally useless in the kitchen … They have problems even making a sandwich, even that task is beyond their capability, a proven inability. So why would any man want to “Put women back into the kitchen”, it just doesn’t make any sense. It’s just stupid..


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12 years ago

RE: Elodie

That’s interesting! I knew the bettas as fighting fish as a wee childthing, and it’s cool to know the etymology, so thanks for that!

As for the rest of it… what’s wrong with being a fat femme? I know some. They’re awesome.

I WISH I had vaginamoney. Then I wouldn’t be agonizing over my healthcare costs right now. 🙁 Seriously, Christian J’s understanding of “government handouts” reminds me of my granny. She was saying about how going on food stamps must be a hoot, and then stopped dead with shock when she realized that I, Mr. Poverty Line, got roughly $140 a month in food stamps. She seriously couldn’t imagine buying so few groceries for herself in a month.

(Admittedly, back when I lived in Texas, that would’ve been more than enough. But now I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country.)

12 years ago

I was trying to get food stamps, for a brief period in 2009, when I had a short term gap in any available money.

I didn’t qualify. Not because I had too much income (I had none… absolutely none), but because I was enrolled in college. I was waiting for the GI Bill to kick in. It was going to be several months, and I needed to eat.

But being a full-time student meant I needed a job, 20 hours a week, or I wasn’t eligible. If I wasn’t a student, I could have gotten it (about 340USD a month) if I went on enough interviews, and took the first full-time offer I got.

All that “gov’t money” those people are living on.

12 years ago

Congrats, Viscaria!

12 years ago

Congrats, Viscaria!

12 years ago

Yay Viscaria!

12 years ago

Oh yeah… Way to go Viscaria!

12 years ago

Thanks everybody *blush blush blush*.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Way to go, Viscaria! That’s great.

12 years ago

Congrats, it take courage to works in this day and age when you know you could have just lived on your vaginamaoney. 🙂

12 years ago

The alt-right politics and some commenters’ undercurrent of anti-semitism really drive me nuts sometimes. Roissy, Virgil Kent, and Roosh accomplished something apparently very difficult, they managed to have lots of hetero sex as single men in a town where people are almost-exclusively job- and career-focused, and where bloggers (Jessica Cutler, j’accuse) use sex as titillation and social one-upmanship. I feel rather short-changed because DC could use a real sex blog about sexy fun times by someone who genuinely likes his/her partners. VK comes close, because he seems to like women a lot more, even with the cool persona. The negative energy gets to me, I’d like to see some PUA blog be about fun sex. Maybe the new Project Hollywood will yield something, even behind a paywall.

12 years ago

There was antisemitism on ManBoobz?
Anyway, you should get better heroes, single straight men having sex in America aren’t exactly rare. Or brave, or smart for having sex.

12 years ago

Congratulations, Viscaria! YAY, job!

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Having heterosexual sex in DC is a major accomplishment? Shit, my aunt and uncle do it, and they’re boring as hell!

12 years ago

Speaking of bettas, one can keep them in brilliant color (and as happier fish; that they can live in poorly oxygenated water doesn’t mean they like it) by keeping them in a larger tank, and having a long-tailed guppy, or two, in with them.

They aren’t bettas, so they don’t, fight, and they react to the guppies display by going all out with the long tail and fins.

You have to watch them, though. I kept a betta with a couple of long-tailed goldfish, and he chased the goldfish around and bit chunks off their tails until I separated them. Guess they looked too much like other bettas.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

…I don’t know for sure or anything, but my aunt and uncle’s neighbors are married and have kids so I bet they had het sex in DC too.

And I’m talking neighbors on both sides, here.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Yay viscaria! Congrats on gainful employment!

…@ Eurosabra- What do sex-bloggers you don’t like have to do with your (and anyone else’s) chances of getting laid? *is confused*

12 years ago

Roissy and MRAs are such badass non-conformists that he writes entire essays about bourgeois morality (the embrace of the Normal and the banal) being biological essentialism.

I was thinking that, reading his post. One thing that consistently depresses me about MRA talk (especially on the PUA side, they’re awful about it) is the disparaging of people for being fat, gay, trans, disabled, too feminine, too masculine, the wrong ethnicity, just kind of weird, or whatever. It just seems like an unappealing way to live, driving off anyone who might be interesting.

(And they’ll pick on the dumbest things, like grade-school bullies. I’m supposed to worry about having an insufficiently feminine jaw now? I don’t think so.)

12 years ago

Congratulations Viscaria!

Shaenon: It really makes me happy to know that I can piss someone off SO MUCH simply by going about my everyday routine and being happy.

12 years ago

Yeah, I really wonder sometimes if Roissy et al. have… older parents, or aunts and uncles, or brothers and sisters and cousins and shit. Like, clearly in a family you have people of all different shapes and sizes and attractiveness levels, and usually you manage not to throw up in their presence, and *GASP* you might actually care about some of these people even though they’re not HB 10s.

Jumbofish and I were talking and it seems like Roissy must have a secret tunnel from his house to the club or something because he really has an incredibly distorted sense of what is average, what is normal, etc. Does he run around screaming whenever he has to go buy a new toaster because of all the hideous monstrosities (a.k.a. people who dare to have a wrinkle or fat roll or any vaguely normal human variation)? Sounds like an incredibly inconvenient way to live.

12 years ago

Also congratulations Viscaria!

12 years ago


Being a man having sex in DC is an accomplishment?

All other problematic stuff about sex being a game where you accomplish stuff aside, this is also weird because DC has the highest women to men ratio in the country. In the insane logic of PUAs and MRAs, wouldn’t this make it the least impressive?

12 years ago

Oh wait, I just looked it up, and I guess it’s actually just a myth I heard sometime. My bad. Still, it’s no Alaska.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Roissy, Virgil Kent, and Roosh accomplished something apparently very difficult,

Lied about having tons of sex with models on the internet? REally? Are you sure about that one being hard? ’cause I can do it in less than 20 seconds, if you want. Oh wait, I forgot, you morons think any woman can snap her fingers and get laid.

and where bloggers (Jessica Cutler, j’accuse) use sex as titillation and social one-upmanship.

WHat the fuck. It’s the internet. There is porn on it in vast amounts. If a blogger is turning you on with anything less than outright porn, u r doin it wrong

The negative energy gets to me,

Yet you rabidly follow assholes.

12 years ago

Congratulations Viscaria!

12 years ago

@Ozymandias42: Shaenon: It really makes me happy to know that I can piss someone off SO MUCH simply by going about my everyday routine and being happy.

I know–that’s ONE of the reasons I enjoy MBZ! It gives me such a sense of WOOT I AM DOIN IT RITE! AHAHAHAHH!

All the time.

Plus, the poetry.

A few years ago, I became addicted to sestinas and have a hard time writing anything else, and as soon as school gets out, you all are so getting to see mocking misogyny sestinas!

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