$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil

Women receive regular vaginamoney checks from the government.

Is it wrong that I love the perpetually incoherent Christian J. – the self-proclaimed Male Renaissance Agitator behind What Men Are Saying About Women – as much as I do? If it’s wrong, I don’t want him to be right! Fortunately, he’s never right about anything.

Here, to celebrate today not being tax day, are some tasty quotes from some of his most recent posts. (He really churns those suckers out.)

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil:

You have to wonder how the opposite sex can easily make the claim about how “Strong” and “Independent” they are when in actual fact the majority of those making that claim are either receiving child support, vaginamoney as well as copious handouts from the state, their very own standby sugar daddy is on call 24/7. One who has been trained to behave like a defacto ATM, specifically trained to drip feed cash when required, without asking too many inappropriate questions and to hide when anyone or anything approaches..

Come on and take a free orifice ride:

[W]hat do women actually bring to the table besides their genitals and reproductive ability. Why do they now increase and expand their value as human being rather than relying on the state for enforcement of their will and they free ride their orifice affords them..

(That one was so incoherent, even by Christian J. standards, that I’m thinking there must be a typo in there somewhere. Maybe “now” should be “not?” Obviously the “they” near the end should be a “the.”)

Inglorious Slut Basterds:

[W]hile the slut feminist hoards continue with their manufactured bastardry, the response will be tailored to nullify it..

Too many slut feminists spoil the broth:

How many times have you heard those slut feminists and their cowtowing (sic) white knights and manginas claim that all the MM and men in general want to do is put women back into the kitchen. …

 They make that claim whenever any mention is made regarding all those anti male laws and sexist actions that governments have introduced to nobble men, take away our fundamental human rights and turn us into third class citizens, whose sole activity is to be forced to act subserviently, like a slave, to the opposite sex. …

Now just think for a moment about the fact that women can’t even cook anymore, they are totally useless in the kitchen … They have problems even making a sandwich, even that task is beyond their capability, a proven inability. So why would any man want to “Put women back into the kitchen”, it just doesn’t make any sense. It’s just stupid..


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12 years ago

Why does Roissy care if David is fat? Surely according to the Roissy Theory of Life a man’s weight/looks should be totally irrelevant.

12 years ago

because along with manjaws on women, he irrationally hates fat people. All this guy does is hate. I thought having tons of sex makes you kinda happy?

maybe he’s not having as much sex as he’d like us to think. THAT would be a shocker wouldn’t it?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

…whose sole activity is to be forced to act subserviently, like a slave, to the opposite sex.

Oh, you mean like this?

The woman’s work within the home gives her no autonomy; it is not directly useful to society, it does not open out on the future, it produces nothing… That is, far from freeing the matron, her occupation makes her dependent upon husband and children; she is justified through them; but in their lives she is only an inessential intermediary… Woman is not allowed to do something positive in her work and in consequence win recognition as a complete person. However respected she may be, she is subordinate, secondary, parasitic.


MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Why does Roissy care if David is fat?

Because fat hate is WAY TOO FRACKING PERVASIVE in the US. /fat rant over

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Frack. My second blockquote fail in 24 hours!

12 years ago

Not that I believe his claims of how much sex he’s having anyway (he seems a bit confused about the mechanics of it, for a start), but let’s pretend for a moment that it was all true. If what we see now is a Roissy who’s having lots of sex, just imagine what a lovely person he’d be if he was celibate.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

I just want him to come over here and spend a half hour or so defining “normal people.” My family is composed entirely of normal people, who are married with kids and jobs and mortgages and normal people problems. They don’t hate me for being a feminist. And some of them are even *gasp* feminists themselves!

12 years ago

He might be nicer if he were having all this sex with someone he actually liked, instead of just thinking of women as holes.

It’ll be interesting (in a trainwreck sort of way) to see what happens to him and views as he ages out of being able to attract young women (if he can now). He clearly doesn’t think it will happen to him.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

I also love how basically the entire post can be summed up by, “well ur UGLY LULZ,” especially since feminists as a group are trying to take the emphasis away from harmful beauty standards in our society. Dude, we don’t CARE if we are ugly. We are awesome, far more awesome than you, and that is what matters.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

It’ll be interesting (in a trainwreck sort of way) to see what happens to him and views as he ages out of being able to attract young women (if he can now). He clearly doesn’t think it will happen to him.

I think his whole reasoning for the way he acts is that one day he *won’t* be able to attract women. Which, if we take that to its rational conclusion, means that Roissy thinks his average hate-filled day is the best it will ever get.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

Shit @MollyRen, that adds a whole new layer of disturbing. It’s not that he’s doing this because he’s too arrogant to realize that it will screw him in the future, it’s him trying to make some quota of awful and hateful to last him in his twilight years *shudder*

12 years ago

I hope that he keeps writing as his life gets more and more empty and he gets more and more bitter, because schadenfreude is delicious.

12 years ago

I think his whole reasoning for the way he acts is that one day he *won’t* be able to attract women. Which, if we take that to its rational conclusion, means that Roissy thinks his average hate-filled day is the best it will ever get.

Maybe, but that would entail a greater level of self-awareness than the one he’s evidenced so far.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I was looking for specific quotes to back up my assertion but I got sidetracked by this:

IX. Connect with her emotions

Set yourself apart from other men and connect with a woman’s emotional landscape. Her mind is an alien world that requires deft navigation to reach your rendevous. Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the arid desert of logic. Be playful. Employ all your senses. Describe in lush detail scenarios to set her heart afire. Give your feelings freedom to roam. ROAM. Yes, that is a good word. You’re not on a linear path with her. You are ROAMING all over, taking her on an adventure. In this world, there is no need to finish thoughts or draw conclusions. There is only need to EXPERIENCE. You’re grabbing her hand and running with her down an infinite, labyrinthine alleyway with no end, laughing and letting your fingers glide on the cobblestone walls along the way.

12 years ago

I feel like that paragraph should be preceded by the words “you’re getting very sleepy”.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I am still giggling over “Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the arid desert of logic.” Women: just like giant bodies of water, only with fewer sea creatures inside.

12 years ago

It’ll be interesting (in a trainwreck sort of way) to see what happens to him and views as he ages out of being able to attract young women (if he can now). He clearly doesn’t think it will happen to him.

He ain’t young, if you’ve had the unfortunate chance to view his pictures. Just another misogynist who tries so hard to look young and prove he’s still got it.

12 years ago

Well, I hope they don’t catch on to the fact that the vagina money is hidden inside boxes of tampons. Why, just the other day I bought a box and there were 100 dollar bills rolled inside. Idiots.

12 years ago

Ugh. Why does everything he write about trying to connect with women read like Harlequin romances? Next his throbbing brain will pentrate her moist mental defenses or some shit.

12 years ago

Women: just like giant bodies of water, only with fewer sea creatures inside.

Speak for yourself, MollyRen!

I have lots of sea creatures inside me.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Next his throbbing brain will pentrate her moist mental defenses or some shit.

Weirdest. Migrane. EVER.

12 years ago

Weirdest. Migrane. EVER.

I just gigglesnorted.

12 years ago

GS: “…The ideal woman has no arms, legs, or eyes. You know those sex toys that are just a torso with orifices? Roissy’s perfect woman…”

That so funny. Reminds me of running a cadence we did in Marine Corps recruit training, MCRD, San Diego. It went a little sumpin’ like this:

“My girl’s a vegetable,
She lives in the hospital

She has no arms or legs,
all she has are hooks and pegs

she has her own TV
They call it an EKG

Some days I play a joke.
I pull the plug and watch her choke

ect. ect. ect.”

Upon reflection, that is one weird cadence.

12 years ago

I have to give him credit though, I saved the post The Feminism Shit Test. If any guy I meet uses any of those replies or similar he’s out the door.

Then again I do enjoy my beta males (and beta fish! 😀 ) so I doubt I’ll come across any of those douchebros.

12 years ago

That is totes hilarious, Mags. Have you ever thought about taking your act on the road? No, seriously.