$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men sluts vaginas white knights

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil

Women receive regular vaginamoney checks from the government.

Is it wrong that I love the perpetually incoherent Christian J. – the self-proclaimed Male Renaissance Agitator behind What Men Are Saying About Women – as much as I do? If it’s wrong, I don’t want him to be right! Fortunately, he’s never right about anything.

Here, to celebrate today not being tax day, are some tasty quotes from some of his most recent posts. (He really churns those suckers out.)

Vaginamoney is the root of all evil:

You have to wonder how the opposite sex can easily make the claim about how “Strong” and “Independent” they are when in actual fact the majority of those making that claim are either receiving child support, vaginamoney as well as copious handouts from the state, their very own standby sugar daddy is on call 24/7. One who has been trained to behave like a defacto ATM, specifically trained to drip feed cash when required, without asking too many inappropriate questions and to hide when anyone or anything approaches..

Come on and take a free orifice ride:

[W]hat do women actually bring to the table besides their genitals and reproductive ability. Why do they now increase and expand their value as human being rather than relying on the state for enforcement of their will and they free ride their orifice affords them..

(That one was so incoherent, even by Christian J. standards, that I’m thinking there must be a typo in there somewhere. Maybe “now” should be “not?” Obviously the “they” near the end should be a “the.”)

Inglorious Slut Basterds:

[W]hile the slut feminist hoards continue with their manufactured bastardry, the response will be tailored to nullify it..

Too many slut feminists spoil the broth:

How many times have you heard those slut feminists and their cowtowing (sic) white knights and manginas claim that all the MM and men in general want to do is put women back into the kitchen. …

 They make that claim whenever any mention is made regarding all those anti male laws and sexist actions that governments have introduced to nobble men, take away our fundamental human rights and turn us into third class citizens, whose sole activity is to be forced to act subserviently, like a slave, to the opposite sex. …

Now just think for a moment about the fact that women can’t even cook anymore, they are totally useless in the kitchen … They have problems even making a sandwich, even that task is beyond their capability, a proven inability. So why would any man want to “Put women back into the kitchen”, it just doesn’t make any sense. It’s just stupid..


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12 years ago

How about I just do what I am doing today-trying to arrange for a very troubled man to get the help he needs with no cost to him.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

AFAIK, “Vaginamoney” is another Leykis-ism. It’s usually pronounced “vagina-moaney,” as in “alimony,” the point of which is that alimony is just paying a woman for her vagina. Which, if it was just about her vagina, why did you marry her? As you can see, it reveals more about the person using it than those it describes.

@Lady Zombie:

Nobble may in fact be the most perfect word for MRAs, MGTOWs, and PUAs to use, ever. They literally think women/feminists do all those things as a matter of policy. Who needs to choose between meanings? They do it all!

-went to the post office. all women are whores.

I think Sharculese just won Manboobz. Pack it up, everybody, it’s over.

12 years ago

Huh. I figured “nobble” was a typo of “hobble”, but I like the kidnapping/racehorse disabling imagery better.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Very well then. I’m obviously going to have to start writing my congressman to tell him that we need more racehorse drugging and menz kidnapping because I want more vaginamoney.

12 years ago

Say, is there any way you can post that speech from the conference about how misogynistic sex myths lead to bad sex? I’d like so share it with a feminist I am having mutually awesome sex with.

12 years ago

Now I regret someone here locally not winning a primary because his reaction to such a letter would be awesome to watch.

12 years ago

Hurrah! Getting my vaginamoney tomorrow.

Oh wait, actually I’m getting my salary for my job. That I do with NO help from my vagina. At all.

12 years ago

Oh wait, actually I’m getting my salary for my job. That I do with NO help from my vagina. At all.

True story: I had a job interview on Monday, and I had a brief chat with the guy behind the desk where I printed out my resume and references. I told him I had to run so I could get to the interview on time, and he said “Oh, don’t you worry, you look so good I’m sure they’ll want to keep you around!” Because that’s how ladies get jobs.

12 years ago

@Viscaria: That sucks. How did the interview go?

GRA - Gen's Rights Activist. Gynocracy works too.
GRA - Gen's Rights Activist. Gynocracy works too.
12 years ago

“Nobble” made me think of Cecil Wormsborough St John (aka Nobby) Nobbs. Seemed strangely appropriate.

12 years ago

@Falconer, Thanks. The comment wasn’t terrible or anything, just annoying. Funny that he thought I would take it as a compliment 😛 I’m actually pretty sure he was trying to pick me up. Even if I was available, reducing my value to my looks would be the wrong technique, behind-the-desk dude.

Anyway, interview went quite well, thanks for asking! My old boss (who’s a friend) said they called her for a reference and she gave a good one, so that’s pretty good news. I’m supposed to hear tomorrow *crosses fingers*.

12 years ago

You know, I don’t think I’ve seen a penny of this government issued “vaginamoney”. Am I screwing something up on my taxes?

12 years ago

Did you fill out Schedule V?

12 years ago

@Viscaria: Good luck!

12 years ago

Seconding the good luck!

12 years ago

Good luck Viscaria!

12 years ago

Did you fill out Schedule V?

Shoot, I knew I kept forgetting something. I forgot to claim my vagina!

12 years ago

Yes! Good luck! I wish you job acquisition!

12 years ago

You’re all very sweet :”>

At least if it doesn’t work out, I can depend on my vagina-money stipend! And if it does work out, I’ll be stealing a job from a no doubt much more worthy male candidate! Muahahahahahaha!!

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

I know what you mean Viscaria. Me and my vagina are laughing all the way to the bank!

Mangina Jones
Mangina Jones
12 years ago

“Why don’t you come with me, little slut/On a magic orifice ride”

Great. Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day.

12 years ago

They have problems even making a sandwich, even that task is beyond their capability, a proven inability.

Yet another ultra-convincing fact from the MRA-argument app?

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

Now just think for a moment about the fact that women can’t even cook anymore

My wife is an excellent cook and cooks for me all the time. I don’t cook at all.

Yet she and I are both feminists.

[sound of Christian J’s head asploding]

12 years ago

I’m hungry and I have a headache 🙁 This was the wrong site to look up right now.
I want sammich.

12 years ago

aww Holly! I like your roommate too!
“When my roommate cooks for his girlfriend, he’ll say things like: “Woman, get back in the kitchen and have a seat at the table, I’m going to feed you something nice!”

I like my roommate.”

How lovely.

Christian J. on the other hand is unbelievable. If he takes the same tone with waitresses or lady bartenders, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gettin’ some extra fluids on the side with this orders.