beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rape jokes rapey trigger warning tumblr violence

The worst “nice guy” rage comic in the history of the universe

[TW: Rape]

Have you ever said to yourself, “my life won’t be complete until I see a reprehensible rage comic in which a ‘nice guy’ decides to solve his ‘friendzone’ problem by violently raping women?”

If so, it’s your lucky day! I found this lovely comic on the Tumblrverse; the dude who put it up has since taken it, and his Tumblr, down. Be warned: this really is the worst rage comic I’ve ever seen. Click here to see it. Or don’t click; that might be the better choice.

This is why “nice guys” can’t have nice things. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REALLY NICE.

Below, something of a palate cleanser. No trigger warning for this one. Just some lovely schadenfreude. (Thanks to blitzgal for posting this in the comments.)


EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed this lovely discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit about my post. You may notice that many statements in the discussion are not what you might call “true.” Also, they deliberately misspell my name in a most hilarious manner! (If you are 5 years old.)

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12 years ago

Diane: Not cool. Lots of the people in psychiatric hospitals are perfectly ordinary people who just have a problem; there’s no sense in stigmatizing it. Stigma actually keeps people from getting the help they need.

12 years ago

RE: the ‘le Noun’ thing, I presume it comes from that old flash cartoon ‘The End of the World,’ where the following exchange happens in France:

Or from almost anywhere. Pepe Le Pew springs to mind. Le meow. Le purrr.

12 years ago

PS: Hey Jumbofish, was that you who friended me on LJ?

haha yes that was me

Sorry that it was so random! I was on lj yesterday and I remembered you had one so I was like why not friend you. XD

12 years ago

It’s an actual thing that happens in Twilight. Apparently Stephanie Meyer’s ideas of “super romantic relationships” include “I used to think I was in love with your mom, but having met you, newborn infant, I realize I was in love with you the whole time! So now I will be your best childhood friend and loving uncle figure who is totally going to fuck your brains out once you’re legal, and also you don’t get a say in any of this because destiny!”

You know… as horrifying as that sounds, it also sounds horrifyingly familiar.

Oh shit! Now I remember, It was someone dissecting Elsie Dinsmore!

Deep veins of creepy to be mined in the Christian Patriarchy community.

12 years ago

Sorry to keep babbling on about Buffy, but it occurs to me that early on in the show while Xander was obsessing about Buffy, Willow was passive-agressively yearning for Xander’s affections. So they had a kind of Nice Guy/Nice Girl chain goin on.

12 years ago

Kyrie: I’m kinda torn. I mean, bonding with baby puts Jacob over the top for creepiness, by far, and I can’t believe Stephenie Meyer was actually surprised that people felt that way. On the other hand, that kind of creepy is so obvious that even Twilight fans notice it and are turned off by it. Sparkly the Obsessive’s creepiness is insidious, and a frightening number of people mistake it for romantic. That causes actual harm.

Are we sure Meyer didn’t just reprint the Necronomicon?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Of course, where the fandom and even the show really went off the rails was in turning Ron into the Real Hero and Kim into a supporting character in her own show, but that’s another topic.

That’s the season they had the decency to introduce with Ron jumping a line of sharks, isn’t it? Glad I missed it; It was good for the dude to have the mostly useless superpower for once (A perfect grasp of monkey kung-fu, only useful against monkeys.)

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh, people are still unfamiliar with Twilight’s horribleness? GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD! A safe and hilarious way to learn about it!

12 years ago

It was good for the dude to have the mostly useless superpower for once (A perfect grasp of monkey kung-fu, only useful against monkeys.)

No, no – monkey kung-fu was genuinely useful against any opponent. Monkey Fist was a serious threat. I think the idea was a loose, chaotic style that was hard to predict. Even early on, Ron got “day in the spotlight” episodes more than you’d expect. But it was only in the finale that it turned him into a Super Saiyan.

12 years ago

Just so you know: MRAL has written me and said that he is NOT Goku/Shade47. (He has acknowledged posting with a bunch of sockpuppets after being banned, but not them.)

Did he write to you and say that or did you write to him and ask?

12 years ago

I guess the female version of the ‘red pill’ would be the realization that every male friend they have that they aren’t regularly servicing is pretty much thinking what’s depicted in that comic.

Well in that case I’m not sure what was going on when a male friend of mine turned me down because he didn’t want things to get awkward.

I’m really glad I know some actual men in the actual world and have actual conversations with them, because if I believed everything MRAs tell you about how men’s minds really work I’d be the biggest misandrist on the planet

12 years ago

Can I just say that I’m both amused and amazed that so many people (who are not me or MrB) liked Kim Possible.

12 years ago

And obviously zoned out – that should end with a question mark. a tired, i haz one.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

But I have no proof that Goku/Shade47 is MRAL.

Uh, unsolicited writing informing you that it isn’t really MRAL would appear to qualify.

12 years ago

Jumping Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, I think I faced palmed so hard my entire arm went through my head after reading that comic.

Wow……just….Wow. Seriously, I don’t understand why this whole “Treating women like Human Beings” thing is so hard for some guys, I mean it seems like common sense to me, but then again, I’m certain I’d be considered a “Beta” because I’m not thumping my chest like a cave man every five seconds when a woman passes me on the street.

To the point of “Friendzone” nonsense, I was almost certain that was something people grew out of after High School when they realized “Oh Hey, I can be friends with people who don’t have a penis, and not have any sexual attraction to them” but apparently people are in fact as stupid, if not stupider than I initially thought.

I’ve honestly never understood what was wrong with just you know, having a female friend that you felt nothing physical/sexual for, and not even just in the (very obviously stupid) sense of “I have a partner so my brain tunes out all other females” mindset. Single or not I’ve managed to have completely normal conversations with women and *Gasp* maintain friendships without the thought of “I want to nail her” cross my mind. I’ve never comforted a friend (male or female) with the ulterior motive of “If they see how awesome I am, she’ll totally fall for me” because you know…I’M NOT A SOCIOPATH.

Ugh, MRA’s disgust me so much, then again, I probably disgust them because I’m a “White Knight Mangina Beta Male” or whatever the hell they call Men who don’t agree with them.

12 years ago

Kim Possible is fucking AWESOME.

12 years ago

MRAL has always been such a paragon of honesty in the past.

12 years ago

MRAL has always been such a paragon of honesty in the past.


I am more suspicious that he contacted you specifically. He would have had to been following both threads pretty close to know that a.)we suspected both of the trolls were him and b.)he was banned. Why would he care about you opinion of him now or if those two were banned under suspicion of sockpuppeting?

12 years ago

Kim Possible is pretty awesome. Although the ho yay between her and Shego is sometimes a little much.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Kim Possible is pretty awesome. Although the ho yay between her and Shego is sometimes not enough


And I thought Monkey Fist was supposed to be generally useless except against Monkeys, which is why he spent the first two seasons being generally useless except against monkeys…

12 years ago

Hi…decided to check back to see if there were any more “not cool” comments. I was not stigmatizing mental illness! My exact words were “committed” to a psychiatric hospital, against their will, like a criminal would be because there is no way these MRAs spewing hatred on the Internet are even remotely self aware enough to admit they have a problem & desire to get better. Instead I see vile self righteousness and disrespect to girls & women beyond comprehension. All behind the cloak of anonymity. The people around them may have no idea, or just a vague sense something is off. The person who wrote that comic is a sick monster. They deserve to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital involuntarily. If that is “stigmatizing” mental illness and “not cool” I am sorry to offend.

12 years ago

Why don’t you want to lock him in a prison then, “like a criminal would be”? Instead, you want to lock him up in an hospital, the way people with mental illness were for centuries. Why do you want to put him in an hospital at all, what “sickness” could they treat? “Being a rapist” isn’t a sickness, neither is “fantasizing to rape a friend”, or “being a terrible person”.

12 years ago

I was not stigmatizing mental illness!

yes you were actually

My exact words were “committed” to a psychiatric hospital, against their will, like a criminal would be because there is no way these MRAs spewing hatred on the Internet are even remotely self aware enough to admit they have a problem & desire to get better

That changes what you said how? You are still calling mentally ill people criminals who deserve to be locked up.

Instead I see vile self righteousness and disrespect to girls & women beyond comprehension. All behind the cloak of anonymity. The people around them may have no idea, or just a vague sense something is off.

That does not make them mentally ill. You have no idea what you are talking about.

They deserve to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital involuntarily.

People you disagree with don’t deserve to be locked up.

If that is “stigmatizing” mental illness and “not cool” I am sorry to offend.

Spare me your nonaplogy of “I am right but I am sorry I offended you” crap.