beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rape jokes rapey trigger warning tumblr violence

The worst “nice guy” rage comic in the history of the universe

[TW: Rape]

Have you ever said to yourself, “my life won’t be complete until I see a reprehensible rage comic in which a ‘nice guy’ decides to solve his ‘friendzone’ problem by violently raping women?”

If so, it’s your lucky day! I found this lovely comic on the Tumblrverse; the dude who put it up has since taken it, and his Tumblr, down. Be warned: this really is the worst rage comic I’ve ever seen. Click here to see it. Or don’t click; that might be the better choice.

This is why “nice guys” can’t have nice things. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REALLY NICE.

Below, something of a palate cleanser. No trigger warning for this one. Just some lovely schadenfreude. (Thanks to blitzgal for posting this in the comments.)


EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed this lovely discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit about my post. You may notice that many statements in the discussion are not what you might call “true.” Also, they deliberately misspell my name in a most hilarious manner! (If you are 5 years old.)

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12 years ago

Unrelated, but did anyone else notice in that comic that it wasn’t just “friendzone” it was “Le Friendzone”?

Don’t ask me where it comes from, but the cartoon in the OP belongs to a widespread meme that basically reuses, like, a dozen faces and people arrange them to tell their narrative and put in their own words.

And attaching “le” to nouns is part of this meme. It didn’t start with this jackass, and it’s not always attached to negative concepts. I’ve seen “le mother” meaning “my mother” used in these cartoons, for instance.

So I don’t think it was a dig at the French, just part of the meme.

But he probably buys into the cheese-eating surrender-monkeys meme, too.

12 years ago

Shade: Wow, I had no idea I was on this site. That site is, to paraphrase a female ally, “locker room talk”. It’s a place where we can be loud and boisterous and shoot the shit without the fempolice on our backs. Lesbians probably are real, but it’s something that does make you think. So I thought.

So let me get this straight.

There is some place, on the internet, where MRAs hang out to, “shoot the shit” and talk shop without the fempolice on your backs, and you are somehow surprised that it’s not sooper-seekrit, and your juvenile musings about how sex works are available for others to find*?

You are further surprised to discover that when, with all the acuity of other people, ignorant of how sex works, teaching each other how sex works, you are wrong, and other people; who would like to think that by the time people reach the age of adulthood they would know better than that, or that, were it, “something that does make you think”, that you might have gone to people who actually knew; as self-aware people do, when faced with their own ignorance; you are surprised to discover that people who do know how it works, people who know that they ought to ask informed people when they have question, you are shocked that those people mock you.

But the MRM expects us to believe they are better thinkers than feminists?


*and why are are all you MRAs, whom we are told are oppressed, not in rooms with more security, lest you be discovered by the “fempolice” and sent to re-education camps?

J. Michael Mount
12 years ago


Adding “Le” in front of terms and phrases is the norm for rage comics. I don’t believe the author was (intentionally) trying to insult the French.

12 years ago

Yes, a lot of rage comics start by “le me” “le girlfriend”, so it’s not meant to be offensive, it’s just annoying as fuck. And mostly used in a very wrong way.

12 years ago

I guess the female version of the ‘red pill’ would be the realization that every male friend they have that they aren’t regularly servicing is pretty much thinking what’s depicted in that comic.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

So it was MRAL all along, eh? You know, I’m beginning to think that he, and the rest of the regular MRA trolls here, have some pathological need for the negative attention they receive. I mean they have to realize that everything they say here is destroyed repeatedly and then ridiculed. In MRAL’s case, he gets banned then attempts to come back. Is it just that he can’t stand to lose, or is he really so needy that he must have attention even if it’s mocking attention?

12 years ago

Arks, not really. In this society there are so many messages about “what women are for” that it doesn’t come as much surprise that a few men think this way.

12 years ago

Damn Arks, that makes men really pathetic if that’s true.

12 years ago

Another good take on the “Nice Guy” in pop culture: Hal Stewart, aka Titan in “Megamind”.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I guess the female version of the ‘red pill’ would be the realization that every male friend they have that they aren’t regularly servicing is pretty much thinking what’s depicted in that comic.

Holy fuck, and y’all call us misandrists.

If I thought all men were really like that I’d live on a very small island.

Rachel Maud
12 years ago

Really? All my male friends are thinking about violently raping me? Well, shoot. Apparently I’ve been hanging out with a bunch of sociopaths. That’s awkward.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Putting my finger in my ear feels nasty all round, altho I LOVE getting my ears syringed to a ridiculous degree, albeit not in a sexual way o_O

12 years ago

i have never thought about raping anyone

12 years ago

just fyi

12 years ago

Hey man, don’t drag men down with you genetic mistakes. We tend to function just fine without wanting to rape our friends (or rape in general really, but clearly saying that would cause many messy headsplosions in the MRM)

12 years ago

Xander is also a nice guy, and gets to be often treated as the moral center of the show anyway.

Xander did a lot of questionable shit, including a mass Criminally Negligent Homicide, and still got treated as the moral center of the show. Joss was not subtle about his favoritism.

12 years ago

And Arks – that is the most viciously misandrist statement I have ever read. I’m ashamed that I have anything at all in common with you, even if it’s just a Y chromosome.

12 years ago

Arks: …Including the ones who have said no to sex with me?

12 years ago

Y’know Arks, I realize you’re desperate to justify yourself and your shitty, hateful, pig-ignorant attitude, but I promise you this; not all men, indeed, not even most men, are anywhere near as much of an asshole as you.

12 years ago

Hey Arks, in your warped little mind, do gay men want to rape their platonic male friends? To bi/pansexual dudes want to rape all of their platonic friends? Or is this strictly a man-on-woman thing, because you can’t see any use for women beyond sexual release? If so, news flash: lots of men see women as more than just sex dispensers, and value their friendships with women in the same way they value their friendships with men, no matter what kinds of people they enjoy fucking.

12 years ago

“Le” – ok, maybe not anti-French, obvs I missed that memo. But yes annoying. “Le me”? What? Am I just really not on the up and up with the French language, or are they in fact saying “the me”??

Yeesh, that would get old fast.

12 years ago

Yeah, that’s what they’re saying. They’re also saying “the mother” when they mean “my mother”.

12 years ago

And even that’s not right, since it would be “la”, not “le”.

12 years ago

ostara: they are saying “the me”. It doesn’t make any sense.


Xander did a lot of questionable shit, including a mass Criminally Negligent Homicide

What are you referring too?

and still got treated as the moral center of the show. Joss was not subtle about his favoritism.

He was? I always felt he was kind of a pathetic character, and mostly felt sorry for him not having any cool power and not being especially smart or brave.
Ah, good old times, when vampires where cool, scary and occasionally sexy instead of just sparkly and creepy.

12 years ago

I guess the female version of the ‘red pill’ would be the realization that every male friend they have that they aren’t regularly servicing is pretty much thinking what’s depicted in that comic.

Jesus H. Christ, that’s a fucked up thing to say.

Others have already covered how incredibly insulting that is to men, most of whom are basically decent, reasonable people who do not actually fantasize about raping anyone who has the audacity to be nice to them. I just want to add that if you actually do think this way, please, please, get help. Wanting to violently assault people is not normal or healthy. If you won’t do it for the decent-human-being reason of wanting to make sure you never hurt someone, please at least do it for the self-centered reason of wanting to make sure you never get imprisoned for hurting someone.

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