beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rape jokes rapey trigger warning tumblr violence

The worst “nice guy” rage comic in the history of the universe

[TW: Rape]

Have you ever said to yourself, “my life won’t be complete until I see a reprehensible rage comic in which a ‘nice guy’ decides to solve his ‘friendzone’ problem by violently raping women?”

If so, it’s your lucky day! I found this lovely comic on the Tumblrverse; the dude who put it up has since taken it, and his Tumblr, down. Be warned: this really is the worst rage comic I’ve ever seen. Click here to see it. Or don’t click; that might be the better choice.

This is why “nice guys” can’t have nice things. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REALLY NICE.

Below, something of a palate cleanser. No trigger warning for this one. Just some lovely schadenfreude. (Thanks to blitzgal for posting this in the comments.)


EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed this lovely discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit about my post. You may notice that many statements in the discussion are not what you might call “true.” Also, they deliberately misspell my name in a most hilarious manner! (If you are 5 years old.)

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12 years ago

So according to MRAL…oh sorry…”Shade47″ rape jokes are only funny or semi-funny when it’s women getting raped. But when men are getting raped, its despicable.

Yep sounds like a typical MRA. Rationalizing and justifying oppression of women but outraged at oppression of men.

Speaking of unfunny memes, I had to un-like Which Meme are You on Facebook because I was sick of all the sexist shit that kept coming up and all the obnoxious dudebros in the comments. It wasn’t worth it for the few funny ones that came up.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Speaking of unfunny memes, I had to un-like Which Meme are You on Facebook because I was sick of all the sexist shit that kept coming up and all the obnoxious dudebros in the comments. It wasn’t worth it for the few funny ones that came up.

I noticed the same thing on many other meme pages on Failbook. But then again why am I not surprised.

12 years ago

Nice Guy ™ Blaine…Pretty In Pink.

12 years ago

Aaaand a nice little shitstorm has broken out on my page, including that my best friend won’t be talking to one of her male friends for a while after he just exposed his true colours regarding how he feels about rape. Just thought I’d share that.

Rachel Swirsky
Rachel Swirsky
12 years ago

Xander is also a nice guy, and gets to be often treated as the moral center of the show anyway.

12 years ago


@Magpie: Oh, mo15094? Seen him. That was some thread.

Got a link? This seems lurkeriffic.

12 years ago


12 years ago

@Quackers, I agree about Pretty in Pink. I always thought, if Duckie was Andie’s best friend, why was he trying to sabotage her budding relationship with this other guy? I could see being less than happy about it, but deliberately trying to mess up something that was making her happy isn’t quite “best friend” behaviour. And, yeah, that talk with her father, yuck.

@Alex, oh no :(. That sucks. I can sympathize; a friend posted something about benevolent sexism on my wall once, and I lost one friendship and strained a couple others. I hope it blows over soon 🙁 and that most of your friends understand exactly what is wrong with that awful comic.

Hannah Solo
12 years ago

Holy shit. I am legitimately terrified of this happening to me someday. I’m fortunate enough to have male friends that speak up against this kind of shit, but still… the fact that someone actually wrote something like this…

12 years ago

Yeah, it’s, uh…she’s not doing too well at the moment. She was friends with that guy for twelve years. Not anymore though. I had another male friend who didn’t quite get it, but was much more sensitive (didn’t directly blame anyone for their own assaults), and was much more receptive to being corrected on the things he thought. Happily, though, my best friend and the other two who commented got it perfectly. It’s just now I’ve had to make a note informing everyone of restrictions on certain types of comments. Never expected I was going to have to do that.

12 years ago

Dave, I really appreciate the fact that you made the comic tiny to avoid triggering people, but for me at least it’s showing up full-sized in my WordPress feed. I can only imagine that it’s the same for other people. I hate to be that commenter, but is there any way you could possibly link to it instead?

As for the comic itself, I really have no idea how to express the visceral disgust I am feeling toward so many people right now – the guy who made the comic, the people who find it funny or, worse, agree with it, the culture that made this possible, all of it.

12 years ago

Back to popcult Nice Guys: there was that one Buffy episode with three (count ’em) beasts, but only one monster: the werewolf, the resouled vampire just returned from hell, and the good friend of Buffy’s new sort-of boyfriend, who’s been taking Hyde potions supposedly to impress his girlfriend.

Guess which one’s the monster.

But yeah, Dr. Nice and Mr. Hyde. “You made me do this,” “you’re all the same,” etc. etc. At one point I’d have said Noxon was really being anvilicious, but after reading this site and its live MRA wanderers for a while, it…doesn’t seem like much of an exaggeration.

12 years ago

Someone’s “locker room talk” includes speculating that there’s no such thing as a lesbian? What sport is this, hockey played with anvils? Catch-the-piano-with-your-head?

I mean, hur-hur sexist is one thing. Even ugly sexist. Dumber than a sack of wet mice is something else altogether.

12 years ago

oh jeezus, more MRAL? What the fuck is wrong with that hemorrhoid, anyway?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I get the sneaking suspicion that many MRAs haven’t actually had sex considering this gem of a comment I noticed while sifting through “A Voice For Men” comments and the resounding cries of “OH MY GOD YOU’RE SO RIGHT!” from the rest:

“My uncle once told me a joke. He said, ‘Who enjoys sex the most, women or men?’

Of coarse being young and programmed, I said, ‘Men.’

My uncle laughed and said, ‘Take your finger and put it in your ear and wiggle it around. Which feels better, your finger or your ear?’

That was my first red pill.”

1. A finger has tons of nerve endings making it feel pleasure when inserted into something/rubbed like a penis does therefore is a comparable body part
2. Every woman can orgasm from vaginal penetration, it has nothing to do with the clitoris at all (And they can do it a couple of times therefore they are more privileged).

Yeah, that’s the type of spot-on comparisons and “logical” reasoning they use.

12 years ago

For the ultimate Nice Guy character I submit Pud Withers from Jaka’s Story, book 4 of the comic-book epic Cerebus by woman-hating Canadian nutbar Dave Sim (protip for Dave: if at any point in your life you find yourself having to ask people to sign a petition saying you’re not a misogynist, you are probably a fucking misogynist). A thirtysomething virgin, Pud employs the exotic dancer Jaka in his tavern at considerable risk to his own personal safety, but only because he wants to jump her bones. Towards the end of the book his inner monologue reveals that he is considering taking what he wants by force, but before this can happen he is executed by the Cirinists, the dastardly matriarchal army of the book’s milieu (note to MRAs: this is an actual fictional matriarchy, as opposed to the fictional actual matriarchy of which you (and presumably Sim himself) are so pant-shittingly afraid).

Throughout the book, Pud is almost uniformly unpleasant, uninteresting, bigoted and dumb. In the Afterword, Sim dedicates the book to men like him “on their lonely road well travelled”.

12 years ago

“And that’s when my uncle stuck his weiner in my ear.”

12 years ago

I don’t even understand the point of that joke. Really.

I tried it. My ear didn’t feel too good either, so I’m not sure what the point is, unless the uncle was trying to tell the kid that nobody enjoys sex, which might be true of his uncle’s sex life, given that he thinks a finger in an ear is comparable to sex, which in turn makes it something you just do every now and again when you have that waxy build-up.

12 years ago

I tried it. My ear didn’t feel too good either, so I’m not sure what the point is, unless the uncle was trying to tell the kid that nobody enjoys sex, which might be true of his uncle’s sex life, given that he thinks a finger in an ear is comparable to sex, which in turn makes it something you just do every now and again when you have that waxy build-up.

Not pleasurable for anyone? Well that is a very sad way to look at all piv sex.

I don’t understand how him telling his son this would be the red pill like at all even in terms of mra speak.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Lesbians probably are real…

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! (Wipes away tears of laughter.) Next time I see my ex gf I’ll tell her she’s “probably real”!

Sorry, can’t help myself… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! He thinks lesbians aren’t real!

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

I tried it. My ear didn’t feel too good either, so I’m not sure what the point is, unless the uncle was trying to tell the kid that nobody enjoys sex, which might be true of his uncle’s sex life, given that he thinks a finger in an ear is comparable to sex, which in turn makes it something you just do every now and again when you have that waxy build-up.

What uncle in their right mind would actually say something this stupid. I wouldn’t be surprised if the MRA pulled the story out of his ass.

12 years ago

You know, I feel I have to point out that MRAs are always the ones wailing about how feminism teaches women that all men are horrible, bloodthirsty rapists, yet, the MRAs are the ones who high five each other over their proclamations of how they’re going to “take what’s theirs”. I guess it’s just too much to ask that if they don’t want to be treated like rapists, they should, you know, stop talking about how they’re going to rape people.

Unrelated, but did anyone else notice in that comic that it wasn’t just “friendzone” it was “Le Friendzone”? Like, what, your comic isn’t dumb and hurtful enough, you had to throw in there some allusion to how of course French people suck too? What the fuck man?

12 years ago

Sorry, can’t help myself… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! He thinks lesbians aren’t real!

Maybe this is an extension of that crappy “I don’t believe in homosexuality” kind of language?

Which I always though was kind of bogus to begin with. You can’t erase people’s existence just by refusing to believe they exist.

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