beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rape jokes rapey trigger warning tumblr violence

The worst “nice guy” rage comic in the history of the universe

[TW: Rape]

Have you ever said to yourself, “my life won’t be complete until I see a reprehensible rage comic in which a ‘nice guy’ decides to solve his ‘friendzone’ problem by violently raping women?”

If so, it’s your lucky day! I found this lovely comic on the Tumblrverse; the dude who put it up has since taken it, and his Tumblr, down. Be warned: this really is the worst rage comic I’ve ever seen. Click here to see it. Or don’t click; that might be the better choice.

This is why “nice guys” can’t have nice things. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REALLY NICE.

Below, something of a palate cleanser. No trigger warning for this one. Just some lovely schadenfreude. (Thanks to blitzgal for posting this in the comments.)


EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed this lovely discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit about my post. You may notice that many statements in the discussion are not what you might call “true.” Also, they deliberately misspell my name in a most hilarious manner! (If you are 5 years old.)

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12 years ago

On the prison rape thing, the studies I’ve seen suggest that the # of prison rapes (of men and women, but something like 90% men), while considerable, are still quite a bit less than rapes of women outside prison. I think the MRAs are mixing and matching studies to get the result they want.

This. Is on that video I posted. Guy saying that rape rates for men are higher if you count prison, and I thought… no. Not even in percentages, methinks.

12 years ago

Yeah, I wasn’t sure exactly how accurate that study was, but I did see one that got a lot of press. You are probably right about the guards, though now I’m wondering how much of the sexual assault they are responsible for. I just didn’t think there would be that many female guards at male prisons (though I suppose they could be sexually assaulting prisoners at women’s prisons).

12 years ago

David, obv I can’t prove it 🙂 but it sounded just like him. A troll going by the name m1905 (or something similar) arguing against welfare: poor women just shouldn’t have kids! Contraception’s free and easily accessible! I’m a sexual health counsellor and I get women all the time saying they don’t use contraception, when they know they should!

Then getting into another argument about the pill and how it works – with a pharmacologist, a real counsellor and several users (as i recall) and googling frantically to try and keep his end up.

Sorry I can’t remember better, it was a whole two days ago.

12 years ago

assumed he was talking about either typhonblue or girlcantwrite

yeah I know I corrected myself here!!:

Though I have to ask out of morbid curiosity who girlcan’twrite is. XD

12 years ago

The little grommit was pretending to be a sexual health counsellor (!) over at Slacktivist.

Oh, this sounds like epic rubbernecking opportunity. What handle was he using?

12 years ago

@Magpie: Oh, mo15094? Seen him. That was some thread.

12 years ago

Actually, looking into the stats on prison sexual abuse, it looks like a lot of it is female guards on male prisoners.

12 years ago

As in, people don’t become spouse-batterers overnight so if you’re a battered spouse you should have wised up and left before it got out of hand, and especially never had kids with the asshole.

I’m surprised there’s anything of him left, after the flaming they gave him over there.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Prisoners are more likely to be sexually assaulted than women in the general populace, but prisoners are such a tiny proportion of the population (Even in Merika, where they’re vastly inflated compared to the rest of the world) that it’s a drop in the bucket and doesn’t affect the general populace much. And female prisoners are more likely to be raped than male ones (David: Do not quibble over ‘sexual misconduct’. It’s rape, period)

In adult prisons, guards are the same gender, so men are responsible for the rape of most men in prison, and vice versa women. The point is bullshit because of the tiny proportion of the population that is prisoners.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Though I have to ask out of morbid curiosity who girlcan’twrite is. XD

Girl Writes What.

12 years ago

As in, people don’t become spouse-batterers overnight so if you’re a battered spouse you should have wised up and left before it got out of hand, and especially never had kids with the asshole.

Wait, what?!!??!

[Decides it’s safer to obsessively watch and re-watch all the videos posted on the Palate Cleanser thread. Looks only at kitties, and babies, and puppies wearing pants, and mariachi-loving belugas for rest of evening.]

12 years ago

@Falconer – Yep! That’s the one!

I have a memory like a thingummy, you know, with holes in it …

12 years ago

I…posted the comice (with a trigger warning) on facebook along with the comic kyrie posted…A male friend of mine posted “lol”…and I don’t know which comic he thought was funny. And I’m scared to ask. O_o

12 years ago

I have a memory like a thingummy, you know, with holes in it …

… a compact disc? 😛

12 years ago

<blockquote<Girl Writes What.

ahhhhh that makes a lot of sense!

12 years ago

@Cloudiah: Yep, it was the Personal Responsibility Express, stopping at I’m An Expert And You’re Obviously Uneducated Junction with a layover at Bananas Are Cheaper Than Doritos Annex.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ Alex- that is horrifying…

12 years ago

a compact disc?

More like a cardboard cylinder – I don’t have the means to replay it. 🙂

12 years ago

Oooh! Ooh! I dun a blockquote! Look mum! Feeling ever so clever right now. 😀

12 years ago

It’s like doing the joined-up writing, isn’t it? Feels great!

12 years ago

Does this mean I’m a grown-up now? 🙂

12 years ago

Does this mean I’m a grown-up now? 🙂

I guess. I was five just a minute ago. Then I turned around twice and I have a full-time job and a roof to keep over my head.

12 years ago

Nice Guy(tm): Duckie, Pretty in Pink.

12 years ago


Duckie is obnoxious. He’s always “on”, never tells Andie how he feels about her, goes behind her back to talk to her father about taking care of her (that was what annoyed me the most) then freaks out when she decides to date Blane (who isn’t even a “badboy”…that would be Steff)

Why are guys like Duckie celebrated? they’re idiots. But to give him credit Duckie actually figured out he was being an idiot, unlike these nice guy douchebags well into their 20s harassing and whining at women online.

I’m still a John Hughes fan either way though 😛

12 years ago


Sorry, I had to let that out. I’m from 4chan, see.

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