beta males irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape rape jokes rapey trigger warning tumblr violence

The worst “nice guy” rage comic in the history of the universe

[TW: Rape]

Have you ever said to yourself, “my life won’t be complete until I see a reprehensible rage comic in which a ‘nice guy’ decides to solve his ‘friendzone’ problem by violently raping women?”

If so, it’s your lucky day! I found this lovely comic on the Tumblrverse; the dude who put it up has since taken it, and his Tumblr, down. Be warned: this really is the worst rage comic I’ve ever seen. Click here to see it. Or don’t click; that might be the better choice.

This is why “nice guys” can’t have nice things. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REALLY NICE.

Below, something of a palate cleanser. No trigger warning for this one. Just some lovely schadenfreude. (Thanks to blitzgal for posting this in the comments.)


EDITED TO ADD: I just noticed this lovely discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit about my post. You may notice that many statements in the discussion are not what you might call “true.” Also, they deliberately misspell my name in a most hilarious manner! (If you are 5 years old.)

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12 years ago

The person who wrote that comic is a sick monster. They deserve to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital involuntarily. If that is “stigmatizing” mental illness and “not cool” I am sorry to offend.

But you are stigmatizing mental illness. First of all, being a hateful and violent-minded person is not a mental illness. Second, why do you think it would be more helpful to have such an awful person locked up with mentally ill people, the vast majority of whom are non-violent and perfectly harmless and just happen to be dealing with a debilitating illness? Why would you think it appropriate to inflict the presence of some horrible person who has violent rape fantasies on such a vulnerable population? It suggests you don’t think of the mentally ill as people who deserve the same consideration as everyone else in the world.

12 years ago

Note: real life psychiatric hospitals DO NOT look like Arkham Asylum. If they did, you might have a point.

12 years ago

Came in late to this thread, and I don’t want to wade through another Mr. Al drama. (seriously, what do you get out of this bro? You’re just an easy embodiment of every asshole MRA this site loves to mock.)

I did the math on the Facebook guy’s “jokes,” according to him men have only around Twenty braincells. The men that “liked” his posts, maybe. 😀

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Seems like most of the Reddit arguments come down to “men get raped and (I imagine that) feminists don’t object enough, therefore the solution to this is to raise awareness of all kinds of rape.”

No, I’m shittin’ ya, the solution is to laugh at rape of women.

Male rape survivors everywhere salute you, I’m sure, for all you do for them, Redditors.

12 years ago

Stay classy Reddit. I can’t beleive they said David thinks male rape jokes are ok. Are they reading the same site, because I’ve never seen that here.

12 years ago

You may notice that many of the things said by commenters there are not actually true.

That’s So Reddit.

12 years ago

Uh, and now these dudes believe in context? They seem to lose that when they come over here to shit on the carpet.

I did LOL at making money off ads. They really can’t read.

12 years ago

David, where do you hide those ads at? 🙂

12 years ago

If it could be considered slander report it to the mods. Ignatius and Maggie seem reasonable, and there are users that legitimately scare the mods, like jeremiahMRA and Demonspawn (one of the reasons qanan wanted to flee his post).

12 years ago

This comic is offensive, but rape joke are still very funny. Laugh or you’re a nazi and hates humor.

12 years ago

If you don’t laugh at my rape jokes, you are BULLYING me into SILENCE, you evil feminists. Sigh.

Sometimes I despair for humanity, and then I remember that these are internet trolls and I actually know a lot of really nice people in real life, or meatspace, or whatever the kids are calling it these days.

12 years ago

Ok, maybe not ignatius, after all he sees child abuse as a challenging topic.

12 years ago

Virtually everything r/mr commenters say about me, about SRS, about feminists in general, is false.

Well, at least they’re (almost) consistent.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

The logic here is just… is there a term for this?

[Futrelle] jokes of male rape, he does not get to be upset at female rape.

I mean, say this were true (because I know how often you post “male rape! ha!” here, right?), it still wouldn’t make any fucking sense!

The correct way to put it is “Imaginary Futrelle jokes about male rape, he should stop that because no rape is funny.”

But that would mean giving up their precious rape jokes. So instead they have this weird “feminists are the worst people ever because they make light of rape, therefore we can make light of rape” fucking twisted logic.

12 years ago

The main info that I gathered from the comments on this reddit thread is that you’re fat. Apparently it’s a vital subject over there.

Also, apparently now we’re your lapdogs, I thoughts manginas were (female) feminists’ lapdogs?

12 years ago

Here’s David with one of his many feminist lapdogs:

12 years ago

Kim Possible is awesome, but like I said before, they really went off the rails in S4, especially in the finale. Avatar the Last Airbender lives up to its feminist good intentions better, and it’s a fine show in its own right.

And I thought Monkey Fist was supposed to be generally useless except against Monkeys, which is why he spent the first two seasons being generally useless except against monkeys…

Well, that makes no sense at all. The only monkeys we see are his followers. And he’s as dangerous as any other villain on the show (except Shego, who’s more dangerous because she’s actually allowed to connect with her blows).

12 years ago

Well, at least Diane popped in for the first time ever today to grace us with xir presence and say something that the Redditors could point to and scream about. Yay! TOTALLY didn’t see that one coming.

12 years ago

Thanks a lot! I’m probably not the first person to be chased or intimidated off the blog who’s not a troll.

You’re absolutely right…there’s no way any MRAs belong in psychiatric hospitals!!!

David, it’s a great blog, I will probably still follow it, but stay off the comments section.

12 years ago

Thanks a lot! I’m probably not the first person to be chased or intimidated off the blog who’s not a troll.

no one said the t word but you

Thanks a lot! I’m probably not the first person to be chased or intimidated off the blog who’s not a troll.

beepbeepbeep my sarcasm detector is going off

I don’t regret treating mentally ill people as fucking people one bit. I won’t miss someone who doesn’t do the same.


12 years ago

You’re absolutely right…there’s no way any MRAs belong in psychiatric hospitals!!!

Uh, did anyone actually say that? I’m sure there are MRAs who do struggle with mental illness just like any other group of people. I don’t think that being an MRA or a hateful bigot of any kind is a mental illness, and it’s insulting to people who actually struggle with those experiences to suggest otherwise.