grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic MRA oppressed men reddit

Men’s Rights: There’s an app for that?

I’m sorry, but this is just hilarious:

That’s right, guys. That’s what you need. An app. Now you’ll be able to stop in the middle of a conversation and say, excuse me, but my phone has some crucial information that will prove to you my contention that men are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth. Excuse me while I fetch some random dubious factoid about false rape accusations that some dude found on some other dude’s blog and posted on Reddit. Wait, where are you going?

Yeah, it’s not that you guys are wrong about pretty much everything. It’s not that the vast majority of the tiny number of people who’ve even heard of your movement think you’re a joke. The only thing holding back the inevitable victory of the Men’s Rights movement is that you don’t have an app yet! Quick, someone, get on it! As soon as you recover from that Million MRA March on Washington you had last Sunday to protest the sinking of the Titanic. Oh, wait. That didn’t happen.

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12 years ago

Obviously Zombie Betty Freidan is suppressing the development of the MRA app in the same way she did for that men’s birth control development AntZ was telling us about. You know, the one that, sure had some side effects like your penis falling off and making you only fluent in Portuguese profanities, but other than that was totally 100% safe.

12 years ago

Could you use geo features to warn women whenever a man who had this app installed was in their vicinity?

12 years ago

“Heard a girl was on the rag and called it cotton pony.”

12 years ago

Couple weeks ago I downloaded and watched all of Walking Dead. I’m not into Zombie movies and had never ever seen even one until a couple months ago when I finally saw Shaun of the Dead. Anyway, it’s lingering… that feeling is lingering… I can’t wait for the next season. But now… The MRAs remind me of walkers. They’re all the same. I’ll have an old video on my channel like an old abandoned building and some person will show up and fire a gun shot, and they start coming back one by one. I start getting comment after comment in my box. And that eerie feeling creeps over me that I know exactly what the comments are going to say. Even though they’ve been covered in the video. Even though they’ve been answered in that same comment section. … I know…

I think, someone’s alerted the walkers. Shiver.
It’s what I’m thinking the whole time as I’m reading about this app. Now they can do LESS thinking, as if they did any to start with. You know any manboobzer could write that app.

In other news of bummer virals… this famous youtuber stefbot, who is a moron, but popular because he’s a libertarian anarcho capitalist or something evil, interviewed girlwriteswhat.
Someone filled me in on some of it.

As if they had to. Pretty soon we’ll be inadvertently blowing up the CDC.

12 years ago

Uncle Welmer he’s our friend,
a hero of our nation,
To hear more of his bull crap
Just stay tuned to his station!

12 years ago

What have we got against Scott Bakula?

From the Patrick Stewart comparison, I’m guessing it was a reference to Scott Bakula playing Captain Jonathan Archer on “Enterprise” versus Captain Picard, and yeah, I liked “Enterprise” but Picard wins that hands down.

12 years ago

Damn, I said moron. I’m not up on the abelist awareness yet.

12 years ago

Damn, I said moron. I’m not up on the abelist awareness yet.

Oh, do get bent and stop with passive-aggressive crap.

12 years ago

fuck off hellkell you suck at mind reading. The abelist info is brand new to me. If it’s frowned at around here, I want to challenge myself to conform.

Oh yeah, and did I say fuck off?

12 years ago

Excuse me, I must be getting my tiresome bints mixed up. Was it you or Ruby who was getting bent out of shape about abelism last week–going so far as to call one of our regulars abelist?

12 years ago

Not me.


I’m glad it was a misunderstanding. Shit bugs.

12 years ago

Actually that was you who called Rutee ableist. Right here I agree with hellkell, please stop with the passive-aggressive bullshit.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

“Could you use geo features to warn women whenever a man who had this app installed was in their vicinity?”
Now I would donate to that fund. That way I could immediately insert my vagina dentata condom whenever I knew one of them was near.

@indifferentsky, I saw that interview just the other day when doing some of the “research” that was demanded of me in order to “know what I’m talking about.” Wow, her interview was really unpleasant. For one thing, her laughing about using gender-biased terms to motivate her children. When whining about something, her daughter gets told to stop being a princess, and her son gets told to pull up his big girl pants… but she’s not sexist against women in the slightest.

She also discusses how she had partial responsibility for her own rape and the backlash that came from that. Just, I’m floored at the legitimate indoctrination she’s undergone to hate herself and judge all women in a negative way.

All the while I’m thinking “THIS is the bright, shining female star of the MRA?”

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago


Is that Typhonblue or someone else?

12 years ago

Antz: What facts? That hypergamy isn’t really a thing? That men, as a class don’t have a color preference for vulvae? That MRAs tend to talk shit.

I confess, one of those facts does bother me. I don’t know that fear is the right word for my reaction, but it’s often a pretty visceral response.

12 years ago

I managed to not go on the Internet yesterday so I missed a few posts. I see this one is filed under grandiosity. If you were to ask the average person, anyone really, from anywhere, if they thought there was a “horrific gender war” going on they would look at you like you were crazy.

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

@Maya Lovelace I’m talking about the interview that indifferentsky mentioned of girlwriteswhat by stefbot.

Her hatred of women in general shines through so brightly. I think when she hasn’t preplanned her speeches it’s much harder to edit out her underlying misogyny. Makes mistakes like admitting that your call your son a girl as an insult come out rather than hiding it away in “deep” metaphors about how men and women are incapable of overcoming their biological instincts.

12 years ago

I get videos people post here on my you tube channel, you can sub to manboobz comments, and I now see snowy’s comment.

Snowy, no, the only thing I saw was helicat saying to Ruby that she uses the term moron and I said so does Ruby are we going to be consistent. NICE TRY. I am not up on the abelist stuff my own self so I’m not criticizing for that. So you can shove that straight up your ass. Is that direct enough for you?

The thing I realize now is that what I was responding to had a context. I think he said that to Ruby because she was calling someone abelist? I’m not being passive aggressive by saying Damn, I said moron. What’s with all the fucking bullies around here?

And yes, this interview is the one I was referring to, I don’t have the heart to watch it.

12 years ago

oops, I meant “so does Rutee”…

12 years ago

ohhh responsible for her own rape. See. I had a theory about that. These women that do this feel more in control if they view things like that. She needs a good, compassionate, loving and tough therapist.

12 years ago

The word you’re looking for is “ableist”.

12 years ago

Did I spell it wrong? Apologies.

12 years ago

The word I’m looking for now is…”petty”. Not Tom.

12 years ago
