grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic MRA oppressed men reddit

Men’s Rights: There’s an app for that?

I’m sorry, but this is just hilarious:

That’s right, guys. That’s what you need. An app. Now you’ll be able to stop in the middle of a conversation and say, excuse me, but my phone has some crucial information that will prove to you my contention that men are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth. Excuse me while I fetch some random dubious factoid about false rape accusations that some dude found on some other dude’s blog and posted on Reddit. Wait, where are you going?

Yeah, it’s not that you guys are wrong about pretty much everything. It’s not that the vast majority of the tiny number of people who’ve even heard of your movement think you’re a joke. The only thing holding back the inevitable victory of the Men’s Rights movement is that you don’t have an app yet! Quick, someone, get on it! As soon as you recover from that Million MRA March on Washington you had last Sunday to protest the sinking of the Titanic. Oh, wait. That didn’t happen.

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12 years ago

Here you go guys.

Disclaimer: app may contain actual facts rather than made up facts to support your dubious arguments.

12 years ago

“See, these pigs represent spoiled Western ameriskanks, ’cause they’re all gross and fat, and they’ve taken away our kids — those are the eggs — and these birds represent the righteous rage of MRAs. Not saying I condone it or anything, but if you women keep acting like this, you’ll have only yourselves to blame when men wake up and start flinging themselves into your house with a giant slingslot!”

12 years ago

Y’know, I have a bunch of hoarded papers on my comp (and sometimes photocopies) about multiplicity treatment among my stuff. I have them so I have an easy ready supply of quotes about how people shouldn’t be called people, because it’ll encourage them to exist, and so on and so forth.

I think there are a lot fewer scientific papers on multi than there are gender relations. If I can do my research, why can’t these knuckleheads?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The next step is a Men’s Rights iSuppository, so they can pull facts out of their ass literally as well as figuratively.

“Ever heard of Eugene Kanin? Hang on for about five minutes, I have some information tucked away that you may find interesting…”

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

It is not surprising that you are so afraid of facts. It is suprising that you are not ashamed of being afraid of facts.

12 years ago

Antz: who is afraid? Does David sound afraid in the OP, does the commenters do? Everybody is just laughing their ass off.

12 years ago

I read “break in conversation” as “the other person talking.”

Although, I suppose this would make arguing about the methodology easier, rather than going on, “Well, there was this thing I read-“

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Wow, Antsy, nice reading comprehension. Your reading skills must be on par with a rattlesnake or a mountain goat or somethibg like that. Hang on, I feel a limerick coming; this fail is too great for prose.

There once was a puppy named Antsy
who could not read, so he went dancing.
He made up his mind,
but no partner did he find,
so he made up others to suit his fancy.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Antz, you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on the bum.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Antz, you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on the bum.

There’s an app for that too.

12 years ago

They do know that fact =/= heresay and debunked studies, right?

12 years ago

BTW, I don’t get it, they want this app to discuss with non-MRA, outside the internet? But Antz! i thought it was too dangerous and MRAs had to hide their MRA affiliation to all! Won’t it give it away if you use a MRA app?

12 years ago

…They know there are Reddit apps, right? o_O

12 years ago

Is it that hard to just remember the facts about gender that come up time and time again in conversations? I can recall, e.g., the rate of sexual assault among men or that trans women of color are at a tremendous risk of being murdered, without an app.

12 years ago

Kyrie, surely some brave freedom fighters will be willing to sacrifice their identity in order to become purveyors of truth. Fight on, oh brave, oppressed ones!

No really, do. I’d actually love to see how people react to your rantings and “facts” in the real world.

12 years ago

ozy, those are made up feminazi lies. Which are easier to remember than man facts. It’s true, an MRA told me.

12 years ago

They…don’t actually know what an “app” is, do they?

12 years ago

MRA data are usually quite easy to remember: 90%, 99%, 75%, whore, slut. What am I forgetting?

12 years ago

@Kyrie: Hypergamy, sperm-jacking, mangina, child support. I think that’s the whole shebang!

12 years ago

You forgot “white knight”.

12 years ago

“99% of women are hypergamous whores. 75% of women everywhere will try to sperm-jack a man to get child support. Ignore the white knights; 90% of those manginas are just trying to get some sex from feminist sluts.”

Yeah, seems to work pretty well!

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Too funny, David. How many times a day do these guys need to stop and have a hategasm anyway?

12 years ago

Don’t forget that it’s genetically hardwired.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

I can hear the advertisements now! “Are you an asshat with a chronic case of douchebaggery? There’s an app for that.” “Do you worry about organizing all your misogynistic talking points? There’s an app for that.”

Except in Antz case. “Do you have the comprehension skills of a drunken gnat? There’s an app for that. When presented with contrary evidence that destroys your argument, the app will tell you how many times to screech ‘Bigot.'”

12 years ago

I leave for a few months and now they are trying to get an app? Oi vey…

I wonder how they feel about the rape advocacy/support apps, the safe ride apps, and any other apps geared towards women and their safety. Calls for misandry in 3-2-1…

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