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The Hatred of Women: A new terrible anthem for the Men’s Rights Movement!

Look out, Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Crew! Sure, your Men’s Rights theme song “Go My Own Way” was hailed by MRAs around the internet as a work of genius, and, in the words of one eminent critic angry misogynist dude,

a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd … replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty.

It’s Red Pill-riffic! But now  Jade and the one other guy who makes up his, er, “crew” now have competition in the Men’s Rights anthem business!

Without futher ado, here is Slumberwall, with a little song called “The Hatred of Women.”

Did any of you make it past the one minute mark? I couldn’t.

Happily, Slumberwall has transcribed the terrible lyrics to the song, so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing in order to appreciate its true Men’s Rightsy awfulness. Here are the best bits, by which I mean the bits most likely to make you want to puncture your eardrums with knitting needles.

Men have no doubt

Just what they’re for

We die at work

We die in war

We die at sea

As the lifeboats float ashore

Women & children,

all aboard

Never mind that, as I pointed out yesterday, “women and children first” isn’t really a thing.

Anyway, back to Slumberwall:

We take the strain

We bear the load

Build the bridges

Sweep the roads

Make the houses

That make the homes

Pay for others

But live alone


And the more that it happens

The more I see

The hatred of women

For men like me

Well, if by “men like me” you mean “men who write and sing the shittiest music that has ever been made by human beings,” I have to say that I kind of understand this hatred.

Nonetheless, on YouTube the Men’s Rightsers are cheering this song as a brilliant work of social criticism.

Wanderer5200 enthuses:

I haven’t had a favorite song in a very long time. But I think this is it.

TheAetherspeak declares

 Awesome Song. The voice all purveyors of patriarchy theory remain ignorant of.

Gamenode explains:

Women have never been oppressed but through their reproductive monopoly have exploited men and seen us butchered and enslaved for their own privilege. Fuck ’em all.

KellyJones00 adds,

Don’t fuck them at all. Just leave them alone. Don’t even donate sperm.

Time for a little bit of a musical palate cleanser.

Make sure to listen to all ten hours of that for the full palate-cleansing effect.

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Greg Canning
12 years ago

News Flash – ‘Feminists in general and Manboobz in particular” appointed music industries final arbiters of artistic merit” . Get over yourself David, everyone has the right to like what they like, especially if you really advocate for egalitarianism. As a happily married, employed, father of 4 and MRA, I happen to like Slumberwall. Personally I don’t like rap or techno , but my kids do, difference is I can accept their different tastes and acknowledge their rights to have them without attacking them for their choices.

12 years ago

Guess what, MRAs. When you’re hostile toward women, they usually don’t want to spend time with you. Why should we hang around with someone who doesn’t like us for reasons we have no control over?

This. They resent and hate us while simultaneously complaining about us resenting and hating them.

I think they should check out this website:

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Read some radical feminist websites and you’ll see a real hate movement. Men worship death. Men are incomplete humans. All men enjoy raping and beating women, and are pedophiles. And on and on.

Do me a favor sweety and pull out an actual quote or link us to a post or thread in a radfem forum that actually says any of that. If you can’t do this simple task you might as well be talking out of your ass.

Because I actually listened to speeches from the worst radfems and the only one who actually said any of this is Valeria Solonas. Not even Andrea Dworkin said any of this, unless by “said” you mean took out of context / made up / misattributed.

12 years ago


When I opened this tab I thought David had made up that they called a song “The Hatred of Women.” Freudian slip much?

I think it’s more intentionally communicating poorly.

“I just wrote a folk classic about the hatred that women have, y’know, the “hatred of women”, like how everyone talks, and now the FEMINIST ALPHA FUCK BITCHES are saying it’s about hating women! Look, they’re a hate movement! They’re misrepresenting me! I actually love women – there’s, like, this one female with great titties in my engineering class who I’d love to fuck! As I said, love’em. Why am I so alone?”

See also: every use of “niggardly” past about 1960 ever.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Read some radical feminist websites and you’ll see a real hate movement

Put up the Spearhead and Radfemhub side by side; only one of them has multiple calls for violence on the front page (Hint: It isn’t Radfemhub).

12 years ago

Women are never exploited, and they never die at work:

Jeff Fecke
Jeff Fecke
12 years ago

@abeegoesbuzz –

“Suckier than you think, Dad! It’s suckier than you think!”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I think it’s intended to work like this:

“OMG this guy is talking about the hatred of women! That’s misogyny, grr!
[The hatred of women…
for men like me.]

OMG *sobbing ensues* I had no idea women were so evil! Lifeboats floating ashore, absent men because they were on the Titanic! Oh, the humanity!”

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
12 years ago

@Maya Paul Elam’s new name is Bawl Elimp! 😛

12 years ago

Read some radical feminist websites and you’ll see a real hate movement. Men worship death. Men are incomplete humans. All men enjoy raping and beating women, and are pedophiles. And on and on.

And you can find plenty of moderate feminist websites that will show you that those radfems don’t represent all feminists or even claim to—RadHub isn’t called “Moderate Feminist Hub”. What’s a moderate site for the MRM? AVFM and The Spearhead are just as bad as the worst radfem sites.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I wonder if it’s just “poetic” licence, or if he actually thinks the Titanic lifeboats paddled all the way to the shore.

12 years ago

Rutee, I apologize for not making my “pepsi syndrome” nuclear meltdown keyboard kommando joke more explicit.
As an LEO I shared all the risk, plus the extra special harassment just for girls.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Read some radical feminist websites and you’ll see a real hate movement. Men worship death. Men are incomplete humans. All men enjoy raping and beating women, and are pedophiles. And on and on.

Can you give a direct quote with link, from:

A) Someone who self-identifies as a feminist (“woman” is not a synonym!)
B) The last year?

…Or is this all about what you heard radfem sites have, the stuff “everyone knows” radfem sites have, and you didn’t bother to actually check if it existed anywhere because everyone knows it?

12 years ago

Oh no, I see some jerkass saying stupid shit from my movement! What should I do? I know, I’ll just bring up some bad things that some radfem probably did in my imagination! That’ll show ’em!

Seriously, The Real Peterman?

On the song…I immediately shut it off after 25 seconds. There’s simple and emotional, like, say, this song by The National:

And then there’s this…mess. Seriously, does being a hateful douchebag destroy your artistic ability THAT much?

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

I wonder if it’s just “poetic” licence, or if he actually thinks the Titanic lifeboats paddled all the way to the shore.

Well, Angry Harry does say feminism causes global warning. In MRA land anything is possible.

12 years ago

How long is this drivel? I see people talking about not making it past 5:39, and I can ‘t making past reading the lyrics.

I guess that makes me not a fighter. :0

12 years ago


Better yet, can he give a direct quote and link from a feminist who isn’t actually dead?

12 years ago

“Better yet, can he give a direct quote and link from a feminist who isn’t actually dead?”

You just know it’s going to be…you know, that place that rhymes with badchemrub.

Or some quotation from some celebrity either taken out of context or already roundly criticized by everyone, including feminists.

12 years ago

It’d be much better to give a direct quote that he can prove actually forms the foundation of the Feminist ideology, rather than hinging an entire movement on every single member’s possibly troublesome views.

But that’s a bit too complicated for now.

12 years ago

This is the ultimate song for boys who have been indoctrinated into a feminist education system. They’re taught at a young age masculinity is some kind of disease that needs curing.

12 years ago

Pecunium, I got only got 37 seconds in before quitting that bullshit. I hear bad enough music every day.

12 years ago

Blasteroid, The Who also wrote “Pictures of Lily,” which is a better MRA anthem.

12 years ago

I see your “I’m A Boy” and raise you “Sex (I’m a man)”:

12 years ago

Greg, Greg, Greg:

Get over yourself David, everyone has the right to like what they like, especially if you really advocate for egalitarianism. As a happily married, employed, father of 4 and MRA, I happen to like Slumberwall.

And everyone has the right to NOT like what they do NOT like, right? It’s not as though David was calling for ripping out Slumberwall’s larynx or anything. Or does egalitarianism mean that no one can criticize anything YOU like, or you’ll have a sad? And what’s with trotting out the credentials? Do you do that with everything? “As a happily married, employed, father of 4 and MRA, I happen to like toasted cheese sandwiches.”