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The Hatred of Women: A new terrible anthem for the Men’s Rights Movement!

Look out, Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Crew! Sure, your Men’s Rights theme song “Go My Own Way” was hailed by MRAs around the internet as a work of genius, and, in the words of one eminent critic angry misogynist dude,

a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd … replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty.

It’s Red Pill-riffic! But now  Jade and the one other guy who makes up his, er, “crew” now have competition in the Men’s Rights anthem business!

Without futher ado, here is Slumberwall, with a little song called “The Hatred of Women.”

Did any of you make it past the one minute mark? I couldn’t.

Happily, Slumberwall has transcribed the terrible lyrics to the song, so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing in order to appreciate its true Men’s Rightsy awfulness. Here are the best bits, by which I mean the bits most likely to make you want to puncture your eardrums with knitting needles.

Men have no doubt

Just what they’re for

We die at work

We die in war

We die at sea

As the lifeboats float ashore

Women & children,

all aboard

Never mind that, as I pointed out yesterday, “women and children first” isn’t really a thing.

Anyway, back to Slumberwall:

We take the strain

We bear the load

Build the bridges

Sweep the roads

Make the houses

That make the homes

Pay for others

But live alone


And the more that it happens

The more I see

The hatred of women

For men like me

Well, if by “men like me” you mean “men who write and sing the shittiest music that has ever been made by human beings,” I have to say that I kind of understand this hatred.

Nonetheless, on YouTube the Men’s Rightsers are cheering this song as a brilliant work of social criticism.

Wanderer5200 enthuses:

I haven’t had a favorite song in a very long time. But I think this is it.

TheAetherspeak declares

 Awesome Song. The voice all purveyors of patriarchy theory remain ignorant of.

Gamenode explains:

Women have never been oppressed but through their reproductive monopoly have exploited men and seen us butchered and enslaved for their own privilege. Fuck ’em all.

KellyJones00 adds,

Don’t fuck them at all. Just leave them alone. Don’t even donate sperm.

Time for a little bit of a musical palate cleanser.

Make sure to listen to all ten hours of that for the full palate-cleansing effect.

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12 years ago

The irony here is that misandrist songs from supple female artists are flooding the market. Lady Gaga’s “Scheibe” being just one example.

12 years ago

Oh, yes, Shade 47, misandry in popular music is SUCH A THING. Only, y’know, NOT.

12 years ago

omg another troll? I like how he specified supple female artists.

12 years ago

Yeah, jumbofish, “supple” was nice touch.

12 years ago

Beyonce- “To the Left”; “If I Were A Boy”
Lady Gaga- “Scheibe”
Kesha- “Grow a Pear”
Taylor Swift glorifies stalking.

Need I continue?

12 years ago


Need I continue?

Yes, I think you do.

*adopts condescending Jon Stewert voice*

Go ooooon. 😀

12 years ago

To the left is misandrist?!!! o.O

12 years ago

How about you quote your source for the 65% figure? And then go on attacking the misandry of popo songs, I really don’t care about that.

12 years ago

SheiBe is misandrist?!!! o.O

It’s mostly german-ish gibberish.

What… because it mentions the phrase “strong female?”

12 years ago

Ohhh, just heard the rest of the song. ^_^ Feminist. Therefore misandrist. Gotcha. 😛

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

To the left: Um, no. Not even remotely.
If I were a boy: Yeah, actually.
Lady Gaga: No. Gobbledygook and feministic sentiments do not misandry make.
Ke$ha: “misandry” via misogyny. I don’t count it for that reason. Denigrating a man by saying he has a vagina, of course, is something MRAs do every single day, so unless you repudiate the use of “mangina” I don’t think you get to count it either.
Taylor swift: the only thing I can find is Taylor Swift going out of her way to track down a female fan in public, exactly one time. So, no, not stalking and not misandry.

But hey, one out of five ain’t bad.* At a success rate of 20%, you would pass one whole test equivalent if you took five tests for a class or something. And that’s not nothing! (It is still, however, a failing grade.)

12 years ago

And how is a song about how a guy is a mangina misandrist? Insulting a man by calling him a woman and complaining that he’s acting like a chick isn’t exactly misandry. It’s the MRM!

12 years ago


Very nice ninja!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I’ve ninja’d twice today!

I’m becoming quite the slithy ninja.

12 years ago


… Did I just ninja your ninja? Yo dawg. XD

12 years ago

Blasteroid: 1. MRA’s / The Duke rape case: That was one isolated incident but some MRA’s blame all women for what Crystal Gail Mangum did. They think false rape accusations are common and often think every accusation is some how a lie.

2. Feminists –. ‘Rape Culture’: A term that seems like a very convenient way to instill male guilt. While all men aren’t potential rapists, many don’t realize their ‘toxic’ version of masculinity contributes to a culture that normalizes rape. That’s communal blame.

These two things are not the same.

MRA’s say that “all women” do things (hypergamy, false accusations of rape, etc.) They say these are genetic traits, ineluctable.

Feminists say the society we live in fosters a rape culture; in which women have to worry that they will be raped, and that if they are they will be subjected to any number of secondary harms. They further argue this is a form of passive social control, which has grown from thousands of years of received wisdom, and that it’s something most people are unaware of.

They compare it to other such memetic functions, such as rich people living being thought of as not merely well off, but fundamentally better people, or the tendency of neighborhoods to be evacuated by the, “rich” when the merely well-to-do start to move in.

The first is said to be an intrinsic trait of women. The latter to be functions of culture.

The two are not the same.

@ Kyrie — Male feminists exemplify chivalry. They think women are weak and need protection from patriarchy. Some of them also feel guilty which is the result of communal blame. Some men become feminists because they want attention from women.

Pull the other one. I don’t think women need protecting from patriarchy. I think people benefit from it being dismantled, men, women and children alike.

I don’t feel guilty for being a man.

What I do think is men and women are equal beings, capable of thought, affection, hatred, love, grandeur, pettiness, and all the other glories and foibles that flesh is heir too.

I think things which deny that are evil.

Which is why I am a feminist.

12 years ago

Blasteroid: Why is the profession I’m studying predominantly female? Female / Male biological differences must be a factor.

Must? Then you ought to have some studies which explain the mechanism. At least one.


Or, perhaps not. If you can provide one, then we will have to entertain the possibility, if not, then it’s just something you pulled out of your ass… i.e. a load of shit.

12 years ago

hmmm, been a social worker for many years now and i’m pretty sure when i worked in mixed gender projects (as i have spent a looong time in women only ones too), that the gender balance was about 50/50. and what seemed to be the reason we all got into the work was not a chromosomal thing or gender thing, but a genuine belief that an ethical society has support mechanisms in place for people when they need them.

My dad was the one who talked to me about social justice and responsibility, he’s the one volunteering, now he’s retired, in homelessness projects.

Blasteroid, gender essentialism is very dull

Jesse James
Jesse James
12 years ago

Seems like every few days there’s a new anthem for an oppressed group, like this one for attractive women:

12 years ago

More trolls? Oh dear

12 years ago

Why does he do this? I don’t see the appeal of spending your free time trying to talk to people who think you’re a complete waste of oxygen.

12 years ago

Jeez, David, it’s like you’re playing some absurd version of Whack-a-Troll.

12 years ago

By which I mean, MRAL is forcing you to play an absurd version of Whack-a-Troll. I’m sure you’d rather do other things.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Blasteroid, gender essentialism is very dull

Perhaps that can explain the dull intellects of most people who subscribe to that.