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The Hatred of Women: A new terrible anthem for the Men’s Rights Movement!

Look out, Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Crew! Sure, your Men’s Rights theme song “Go My Own Way” was hailed by MRAs around the internet as a work of genius, and, in the words of one eminent critic angry misogynist dude,

a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd … replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty.

It’s Red Pill-riffic! But now  Jade and the one other guy who makes up his, er, “crew” now have competition in the Men’s Rights anthem business!

Without futher ado, here is Slumberwall, with a little song called “The Hatred of Women.”

Did any of you make it past the one minute mark? I couldn’t.

Happily, Slumberwall has transcribed the terrible lyrics to the song, so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing in order to appreciate its true Men’s Rightsy awfulness. Here are the best bits, by which I mean the bits most likely to make you want to puncture your eardrums with knitting needles.

Men have no doubt

Just what they’re for

We die at work

We die in war

We die at sea

As the lifeboats float ashore

Women & children,

all aboard

Never mind that, as I pointed out yesterday, “women and children first” isn’t really a thing.

Anyway, back to Slumberwall:

We take the strain

We bear the load

Build the bridges

Sweep the roads

Make the houses

That make the homes

Pay for others

But live alone


And the more that it happens

The more I see

The hatred of women

For men like me

Well, if by “men like me” you mean “men who write and sing the shittiest music that has ever been made by human beings,” I have to say that I kind of understand this hatred.

Nonetheless, on YouTube the Men’s Rightsers are cheering this song as a brilliant work of social criticism.

Wanderer5200 enthuses:

I haven’t had a favorite song in a very long time. But I think this is it.

TheAetherspeak declares

 Awesome Song. The voice all purveyors of patriarchy theory remain ignorant of.

Gamenode explains:

Women have never been oppressed but through their reproductive monopoly have exploited men and seen us butchered and enslaved for their own privilege. Fuck ’em all.

KellyJones00 adds,

Don’t fuck them at all. Just leave them alone. Don’t even donate sperm.

Time for a little bit of a musical palate cleanser.

Make sure to listen to all ten hours of that for the full palate-cleansing effect.

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12 years ago

The real question is: What are his feelings on David Foster Wallace?

12 years ago

I don’t care if he’s MRAL or not, I just want a “banned for being dull and predictable” button.

I suppose there are only so many anti-feminist arguments that someone can make. In that sense, I guess that most of the people who try to argue against feminism are going to be dull and predictable.

Although it would be nice to get some variety. Maybe some day we’ll get a troll arguing that feminists are trying to take over the world using giant squid that shoot fireballs from their eyes or something. It’s about as in touch with reality as the whole “feminists hate men” thing.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I’m gonna have to come down on the side of not caring if it’s MRAL or too. In either case, it’s still just some random jackass as far as I’m concerned.

12 years ago

*or [not]*

12 years ago

I have an idea! He can stay if he promises to share his Star Trek beam-me-up device with the rest of us.

12 years ago

Anathema, give them some credit. Tom Martin’s “women are whores because the library chairs don’t have cushions” routine was original, wasn’t it?

12 years ago

Tom was a true original, the only problem was that he only had one original idea (ie that everything a woman does makes her a whore).

12 years ago

A bright and noble man I aimed to be,
For justice and for honor I did strive.
Through nights and candles slaved I to derive
The rights of those less fortunate than me.
My voice I cast as far as eyes could see,
That all might graze the wisdom I had got.
In private conversations too I sought
To educate the unlearn’d payment free.
Yet no one rose in gratitude or thanks.
Not one “hoorah!” from any in their ranks.
They wished for their opinion to be heard
Over an expert’s researched and refined
Inf’rence! Ungrateful swine! Upon my word,
They can all rot in hell! See if I mind!

12 years ago


A sonnet by any other name take just as gosh-durnned long to write to the point where conversation has since moved on IT’S ALL FEMINISMS FAULT!

12 years ago

I’ve been waiting for someone to mention Tom so that I could bring this up.

12 years ago

Credit where credit’s due, Tom Martin did have some rather . . . idiosyncratic arguments.

12 years ago

I feel like Martin was rather straightforward once you got passed the misandric chairs. His big beef was that we didnt immediately and unequivocably condemn his fairy-tale notion of whoredom, and therefore we supported whole-heartedly the notion that women should exchange sex for food and drink and money.

A little idiosyncratic, yeah, in that he expected every single muscle movement the man made towards the woman to be repaid by the woman in full… But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that amongst commentors in other MRA places as well.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Well, I will say one thing for Goku. He’s quick! So far, according to his IP addresses, he’s managed to post from Pittsford, NY; Scottsdale, AZ; Saratov, in the Russian Federation; and from the middle of a forest near Gemunden, Germany. All tonight!

Oh, maybe it’s actually goku then. Then again, he’s too dumb to troll feminist blogs…

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

OMG, all the oppressive bullshit men have put women through all throughout human history and these assholes have the audacity to claim they are the victims?! It’s like they’re living in an alternate reality.

You know what I’d like to know? How many women throughout human history gave their lives giving birth to babies, especially boys. Yeah, it’s been really great having a reproductive monopoly.

12 years ago

You think Goku is stupider than that troll?

12 years ago

I’ve never seen a bunch of people who *wanted* to be hated so much as MRAs.

12 years ago

Ratings and comments disabled; the true sign of a particularly rubbishy YouTube video.

12 years ago

Oh, did MRAL finally figure out proxies? Congratulations MRAL. You learned something. It may help if you stick to one location though.

12 years ago

Sounds like MRAL has some serious personal issues to sort through. Most lame trolls do. Remember, feminism might make the world a better place, but only you can make yourself a better place for the world.

12 years ago

Goddamn it, MRAL and Brandon (and that’s definitely him, between the videos and the “I’m not on either side” bullshit, all that’s missing is “Ya”) in the same thread?

Well, I guess we brought this on ourselves. After all, some of us responded to the Feministe thread they were posting in, so that means they have to come back in spite of being banned, right?

12 years ago

Oh yes. As a male feminist, I have been treated ABOMINABLY. Like, I hang on Manboobz for the masochism. You guys just whack me with sticks like I’m a big ol’ pinata, ain’t that right, folks?

I only PRETEND to be gay and married so I can get into feminists’ pants! TRUFAX. In the forum, y’all’re tossing your bloomers at me constantly!

Actually, I became a feminist because its philosophy allowed me to improve my life, overcome abuse, and realize that people who told me I couldn’t be a man because I wasn’t butch enough were full of shit. I actually CAN name people IDing as feminists doing horrible shit, and songs worse than The Hatred of Women, but recognize they’re fringe people I want jack all to do with.

Also, they seem to think the MRM would be soooo much nicer to me… when Anthony Zarat his own self in full recruitment mode flat out admitted that they had nothing to offer me, because I didn’t fit their ridiculously narrow view of “good men.”

12 years ago

I love the image in the video juxtaposed with the song. The MRAs have explained before why they blame women for things like wars, and building dangerous skyscrapers, right? How many women were in the governments of the Allied and Central powers during World War I? How many women were among the financiers of the skyscraper those men were working on?

Someday these guys will get real, right?

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