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The Hatred of Women: A new terrible anthem for the Men’s Rights Movement!

Look out, Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Crew! Sure, your Men’s Rights theme song “Go My Own Way” was hailed by MRAs around the internet as a work of genius, and, in the words of one eminent critic angry misogynist dude,

a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd … replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty.

It’s Red Pill-riffic! But now  Jade and the one other guy who makes up his, er, “crew” now have competition in the Men’s Rights anthem business!

Without futher ado, here is Slumberwall, with a little song called “The Hatred of Women.”

Did any of you make it past the one minute mark? I couldn’t.

Happily, Slumberwall has transcribed the terrible lyrics to the song, so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing in order to appreciate its true Men’s Rightsy awfulness. Here are the best bits, by which I mean the bits most likely to make you want to puncture your eardrums with knitting needles.

Men have no doubt

Just what they’re for

We die at work

We die in war

We die at sea

As the lifeboats float ashore

Women & children,

all aboard

Never mind that, as I pointed out yesterday, “women and children first” isn’t really a thing.

Anyway, back to Slumberwall:

We take the strain

We bear the load

Build the bridges

Sweep the roads

Make the houses

That make the homes

Pay for others

But live alone


And the more that it happens

The more I see

The hatred of women

For men like me

Well, if by “men like me” you mean “men who write and sing the shittiest music that has ever been made by human beings,” I have to say that I kind of understand this hatred.

Nonetheless, on YouTube the Men’s Rightsers are cheering this song as a brilliant work of social criticism.

Wanderer5200 enthuses:

I haven’t had a favorite song in a very long time. But I think this is it.

TheAetherspeak declares

 Awesome Song. The voice all purveyors of patriarchy theory remain ignorant of.

Gamenode explains:

Women have never been oppressed but through their reproductive monopoly have exploited men and seen us butchered and enslaved for their own privilege. Fuck ’em all.

KellyJones00 adds,

Don’t fuck them at all. Just leave them alone. Don’t even donate sperm.

Time for a little bit of a musical palate cleanser.

Make sure to listen to all ten hours of that for the full palate-cleansing effect.

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12 years ago

Male feminists are very poorly paid by Feminism, and practically never promoted within the organization.

I know I’ve never received my paycheck from Feminism. I have yet to call headquarters to see if I’ve worked hard enough for a promotion, but I doubt they’d listen to a lowly man like me. *sigh*

12 years ago

also for feminism, I was saying that it boggles that men would enter in a field that they are discriminated against explicitly. I think very few do, so it makes sense.

mral, i know i shouldn’t be feeding you, but as a dude who is about to ‘enter the field’ of feminism i can assure you that you’re talking out of your ass and that i’ve never felt discriminated against.

sure, my personal viewpoint doesn’t count for much, because I know fuck all about oppression, but my professional viewpoint counts for a lot more. and i actually kind of love being surrounded by people who have had such different experiences.

also, i believe in making the world better for everyone, instead of just me, which definitely helps.

12 years ago

The great thing is that even if it hadn’t been MRAL, it still would be a good riddance from what he said.

Men are an oppressed minority amongst feminists!

Goku Fucking Vegeta
Goku Fucking Vegeta
12 years ago

If individual men want to attempt to challenge themselves and reap the benefits in a difficult situation, that’s something they choose.

12 years ago

Thought you were leaving? Stop bouncing and flounce.

12 years ago

I thought you were leaving.

12 years ago

He never leaves.

12 years ago

What does that last one mean anyway? Is feminism some sort of RPG, and male feminists are playing a challenge character to relieve boredom?

Or is it, as I suspect, that people who are taller than slightly-shorter-than-average and without physical deformities have the luxury of putting handicaps on themselves in attracting mates, and that’s their call?

12 years ago

If individual men want to attempt to challenge themselves and reap the benefits in a difficult situation, that’s something they choose.

Didn’t stick to the flounce? XD

Anyway if by “reap the benefits” you mean try to make the world more equal then yes but I don’t think thats what you meant. I don’t know what personal benefits men would gain from feminism but I am assuming you are talking about getting laid or something. (which isn’t why men join feminism but whatever no point in trying to convince a troll otherwise)

Plus its not difficult at all several men have already stated that its not hard to get into feminism. Feminist don’t hate men you idiot.

12 years ago

He is the tiny pebble in the shoe of feminist blogs. Insignificant and incapable of doing any real damage, but a constant irritant that you can never get rid of.

But he’s incredibly proud of himself and keeps getting back into the shoe whenever he’s forcibly removed, so I guess that makes him a sentient pebble.

12 years ago


I know I found it quite difficult to join Feminism. First I had to pretend I was a girl so that feminists would automatically trust me. Then I had to prove myself a valuable contributor. Finally, in a big reveal, I outed myself as male! The trust that I had built up was just barely enough to overcome the feminist’s innate hatred of all things man, and I was reluctantly accepted into their ranks.

Don’t all male feminists go through this?

They don’t?

They… never do? Oh… I see. Huh.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I was going to start believing women were fully human, but I looked at the costs and benefits and decided it just wasn’t a good investment.

12 years ago

I pretended that I believed women were people for a while, but this did not result in any of them automatically giving me sex. From this I have concluded that women are lying bitches and feminism is evil.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Chivalry? Chivalric attitudes towards women may have been an advance over previous misogyny (though I couldn’t say for sure, personally) but it is an example of sexism which feminists, male and female, oppose.

See also: stuff no one would say if they knew the shit about which they were expounding.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Also, I found feminism remarkably easy to get into. The machines knock you unconscious so they can replace your testicles with Femme Relays without any struggle, and after a few months the pain is actually bearable! Some days I only want to smash the Earth a little bit, even!

But not often.

12 years ago

When I got into the field of feminism I had to endure all this taunting from the women because all feminists hate men. Despite that I held tight and slowly raised my rank! At first I almost gave up on believing women are equal to men but then I was overcome by the benefits of getting laid.

Yup that looks like feminism to me!


Goku Fucking Vegeta
Goku Fucking Vegeta
12 years ago

WHO IS MRAL?! I have no idea why everyone is so convinced that I am this dude.

12 years ago

I wonder why a troll who clearly came here to troll would be so offended we keep calling him mral. Dude you suck at lying. xD

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I don’t know who this MRAL is, but he sounds like a really awesome smart dude. And I have a high IQ.

…Anyway it’s all your fault for not forgiving me and taking me under your wing and telling me I’m a very special little boy who works so hard when he has it so tough. So really you’re just trolling yourselves.

12 years ago

If you want to convince us you’re not MRAL, try actually leaving when you say your going to leave.

The fact that you storm off and then come back whining minutes later is not helping your I’m-so-upset-you-called-me-MRAL-although-I-totally-for-realz-have-no-idea-who-that-is-at-all case here.

12 years ago

I don’t care if he’s MRAL or not, I just want a “banned for being dull and predictable” button.

Goku Fucking Vegeta
Goku Fucking Vegeta
12 years ago

God damn. Whatever.

12 years ago

I’m with Cassandra. There are 9 out 10 chance that you are MRAL, but if you’re not you’re no more welcomed. You have nothing to bring us, not a laugh nor anything close to an intelligent or original thought.
Get out.

12 years ago

God damn. Whatever.

Ok well now that we are that stag why don’t you spare yourself the embarrassment of having David ban you again and just leave.

12 years ago

I’m with Cassandra. There are 9 out 10 chance that you are MRAL, but if you’re not you’re no more welcomed. You have nothing to bring us, not a laugh nor anything close to an intelligent or original thought.
Get out.

Pots damn, Kyrie!! That was practically an exorcism!

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