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The Hatred of Women: A new terrible anthem for the Men’s Rights Movement!

Look out, Jade Michael and the Fuck Their Shit Up Crew! Sure, your Men’s Rights theme song “Go My Own Way” was hailed by MRAs around the internet as a work of genius, and, in the words of one eminent critic angry misogynist dude,

a veritable anthem for the red pill crowd … replete with a great, purist rock sound, a touch of humor, attitude, and a ton of gut level, red pill honesty.

It’s Red Pill-riffic! But now  Jade and the one other guy who makes up his, er, “crew” now have competition in the Men’s Rights anthem business!

Without futher ado, here is Slumberwall, with a little song called “The Hatred of Women.”

Did any of you make it past the one minute mark? I couldn’t.

Happily, Slumberwall has transcribed the terrible lyrics to the song, so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing in order to appreciate its true Men’s Rightsy awfulness. Here are the best bits, by which I mean the bits most likely to make you want to puncture your eardrums with knitting needles.

Men have no doubt

Just what they’re for

We die at work

We die in war

We die at sea

As the lifeboats float ashore

Women & children,

all aboard

Never mind that, as I pointed out yesterday, “women and children first” isn’t really a thing.

Anyway, back to Slumberwall:

We take the strain

We bear the load

Build the bridges

Sweep the roads

Make the houses

That make the homes

Pay for others

But live alone


And the more that it happens

The more I see

The hatred of women

For men like me

Well, if by “men like me” you mean “men who write and sing the shittiest music that has ever been made by human beings,” I have to say that I kind of understand this hatred.

Nonetheless, on YouTube the Men’s Rightsers are cheering this song as a brilliant work of social criticism.

Wanderer5200 enthuses:

I haven’t had a favorite song in a very long time. But I think this is it.

TheAetherspeak declares

 Awesome Song. The voice all purveyors of patriarchy theory remain ignorant of.

Gamenode explains:

Women have never been oppressed but through their reproductive monopoly have exploited men and seen us butchered and enslaved for their own privilege. Fuck ’em all.

KellyJones00 adds,

Don’t fuck them at all. Just leave them alone. Don’t even donate sperm.

Time for a little bit of a musical palate cleanser.

Make sure to listen to all ten hours of that for the full palate-cleansing effect.

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12 years ago

Why can’t these guys just admit they’re misogynists? When the KKK says “I’m not anti-black, I’m just pro-white,” nobody buys that bullshit. And nobody’s buying yours either, MRAs.

11 years ago

If women want equality, why don’t they protest against misandry and alimony?


10 years ago

The increasing HATE of women is most likely another “operation” like Meme; created by the Elites to distract the idiot masses. Just like the women’s freedom movement, which was later co-opted by Male dominated CIA via trash like Gloria Steinem (who admits she was working with the CIA) with the goal of destroying the last vestiges of the feminine (wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation)……the Men of today are being brainwashed (notice how they all have the same dialogue, always copied from man to man) and Directed into a course of action that will be on par with Hitler….unless men start connecting the dots.

Scapegoating anyone that is “different” than YOU, is not cool…BUT the Elites benefit because the real reasons the U.S. and other Western Nations are collapsing is hidden and kept from public view when they can cook up some hate and divide the masses.

10 years ago

Thanks, dcOlson, for choosing to spout absolute nonsense in this particular thread. It gives me an excuse to again ask if anyone thinks that the horrible poem in the recent post was written/spoken by the same person as this horrible, horrible song.

Sadly, the actual content of your silly comment is not really worth discussing.

10 years ago

the last vestiges of the feminine (wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation)

Gender-abolitionist feminism (NOT, by the way, the same as “gender-critical” radical feminism which is just a euphemism for trans-exclusionary radical feminism) has never focused on destroying virtues such as wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation etc. All us gender-abolitionist radfems care about abolishing is the gendering of society, which has nothing to do with destroying certain virtues. Those virtues you listed will ideally no longer be associated with one gender or another, but in a radfem utopia those traits will probably remain valued by society.

10 years ago

What is it with trolls and random capitalisation?

10 years ago

Maybe I’m just starved for good trolling, but I like this one. Delightful conspiracy-theory vibe. Next he’ll be going on about flouride.

10 years ago

Ah, the Big Book of Learnin’ and flouride. Best self-raising conspiracy material ever.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Has there been an unusual amount of chemtrail activity recently?

10 years ago

If cat farts count as chemtrails, then yes.

10 years ago

Tinfoil hats! Get your nicelooking, mindreading ray blocking tinfoil hats here! Get them while they aren’t crumped yet!

destroying the last vestiges of the feminine (wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation)……

Fuck “the feminine” and fuck “the masculine”, too.

10 years ago

Everyone has taken on our lovely little tinfoil hatter here, but it seems we’ve forgotten about JohnDoe! Why DON’T we feminists fight against alimony, anyway? Is alimony even a common thing anymore?

10 years ago

I can’t speak to anywhere beyond my own province, but here spousal support is generally only awarded after the breakdown of a relationship that lasted at least 15 years, during the bulk of which one partner was completely financially dependent on the other; and sometimes not even then. Misandry!

10 years ago

Can we hear about how Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim now?

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

destroying the last vestiges of the feminine (wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation)……

Yes, let us destroy these feminine vestiges… by telling men they could totally be those things too!


Huh. So men are dumb, compassionless, warlike, uncooperative. And that’s how it should be.

But it’s feminists who hate men, right?

10 years ago

To answer Viscaria’s question, yeah, I think so. They’re both (the awful song and the awful poem) on Laudanum Byron’s YouTube channel.

10 years ago

Thanks grumpycat! I don’t think he was calling himself Laudanum Byron at the time (I think in the comments someone identified him as “Merrick”?), and the band was “Slumberwall,” so I wasn’t able to actually connect the song and poem. He sure has a talent for picking pretentious, awful names.

10 years ago

Secret Illuminati Lizard Overlord CIA-Supported Water Flouridation Emasculating Controlled FEMA Chemtrails Sheeple Control United Nations Depopulation..ARGHH nothing to see here. no no

10 years ago

If women want equality, why don’t they protest against misandry and alimony?

There is alimony in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA, which is up to the discretion of the judge and follows these criteria:

The law as written is gender neutral. Either spouse can pursue and be awarded alimony. I don’t have a lot of problems with gender-neutral laws. As for misandry, that’s not a real thing. My time is precious and I’m not about to waste it fighting against things that aren’t real things.

BUT the Elites benefit because the real reasons the U.S. and other Western Nations are collapsing is hidden and kept from public view when they can cook up some hate and divide the masses.

Funny, I had no idea the US was collapsing. I wonder what the “real reasons” for the collapse of Western Civilization(tm)? Some kind of unhy alliance between the Elites and ancient aliens? Mind control by hollow earth dwellers? Bigfoot?

10 years ago

Moar trolls! Yay! And on such an old thread, too!

If women want equality, why don’t they protest against misandry and alimony?

Because misandry isn’t real, and alimony is not limited to Teh Menz? Just a random guess for our random troll…

The increasing HATE of women is most likely another “operation” like Meme; created by the Elites to distract the idiot masses. Just like the women’s freedom movement, which was later co-opted by Male dominated CIA via trash like Gloria Steinem (who admits she was working with the CIA) with the goal of destroying the last vestiges of the feminine (wisdom, compassion, peace, cooperation)

Whoa, holy Run-On Sentences! Time for some badly needed facts here:

1. Misogyny is not an “operation”, it is just a fact of dudely life for some. Usually those who are bound and determined not to see women as people. It’s very old; so old, in fact, that it pre-dates the CIA by centuries. Learn a little history, already.

2. The elites in charge don’t need “operations” to keep the underclasses in line; capitalism and bigotry generally do just fine. One of those elites, incidentally, happens to be the male sex. See #1.

3. Gloria Steinem didn’t work for the CIA as a feminist, but during the 1950s, when she was a student. It was not her finest hour, as she herself later admitted. She was young and in need of cash. Lots of people are, thanks to #2. Particularly women.

4. Wisdom, compassion, peace and co-operation are not “the feminine”. Virtues have no gender. In fact, if men don’t exercise those virtues themselves, society collapses.

……the Men of today are being brainwashed (notice how they all have the same dialogue, always copied from man to man) and Directed into a course of action that will be on par with Hitler….unless men start connecting the dots.

You use too many fucking dots. You are starting to see spots where none are. Maybe try dropping less acid, mmmmmkay?

Scapegoating anyone that is “different” than YOU, is not cool…BUT the Elites benefit because the real reasons the U.S. and other Western Nations are collapsing is hidden and kept from public view when they can cook up some hate and divide the masses.

Loosen that tinfoil beanie, dude. You’re cutting off the circulation to your brain. And whatever you’re huffing, please stop.

10 years ago

Wow! I wouldn’t have known about this great song if it wasn’t for you. Thanks for sharing it. It really resonates. I’m gonna go see what I can do to support the band.

10 years ago

Dave: Wow! You have really bad taste in music!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
8 years ago

David couldn’t make it past the one minute mark, but I almost made it to 2 minutes. So far, I’m winning.

Necroing to say I made it to 3 minutes. Not fair of this guy to take us on a guilt trip…I haven’t packed a thing yet!

ETA: The half way mark was all I could stomach. Then I just noped all the way down to the palate cleansing music

8 years ago

balance of probabilities feminists really dont care if men get hurt or die

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