a voice for men antifeminism block that metaphor grandiosity I am making a joke MRA paul elam worst writing in the history of the universe

A Voice for Men takes the last gravy train to Clicheville

Over on A Voice for Men, Paul Elam is knocking the clichés out of the park! In a post about … oh, something about feminists being about to get their big comeuppance, who the fuck cares, all his posts are pretty much the same at this point, he explains how the mean feminists’

gravy train is about to derail, and that right quickly. One set of wheels is already off the track. … the choo choo is hittin’ poo poo.

That’s right, the metaphorical feminist gravy train is metaphorically derailing into a metaphorical mountain of metaphorical poop.

After a few more paragraphs of this poopery, Elam offers up a bit of inspiration for his troops:

[T]he times they are a changing. The worm is turning and lies are burning. Their whole house of cards is about to go up in a puff. What you are seeing is just the desperation that comes with them waking up to it.

Believe me, it does my heart good. Just to see their frantic scrambling to point the finger at me and my brothers, while they comically pretend our sisters aren’t standing right next to us, every time one more their lies bites the dust, is an absolute highlight in my day.

Must be time to crank up the action around here.

And then he really kicks it into high gear:

Keep your eye on the ball, boys. Put the pedal to the metal.  Wake up and smell the coffee, feminists, because the shoe is on the other foot now!  We’re burning the candle at both ends  — because when the going gets tough the tough get going. What goes around comes around. Feminists and manginas, you made your bed, now you’re going to have to lie in it. The tide’s beginning to turn, all you gender ideologues and your lackeys at the SPLC, and it looks like there’s a new sheriff in town! Remember, nice guys finish last. And it ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

Ok, that’s not really Elam any more. That’s just a bunch of random clichés borrowed from Steve’s Cliché List, with some references to feminists and manginas and the Southern Poverty Law Center shoved in here and there.

Huh. I think I just figured out how Elam writes his posts.

EDITED TO ADD: For whatever reason, this post is no longer up at AVFM; here’s the Google cache version. Read the comments there too; quite a little shitstorm going on there.

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12 years ago

Evil feminist operatives are incompetent and ineffective. MRM voices continue to multiply and grow. Your time has come. Soon you will join white supremacists and slave traders in the dustbin of history. Bon voyage, bigots. Most of you will be forgotten. Some will be remembered with scorn, as object lessons on the dark side of human nature.

The subtlety and elegance of Antz’ prose never fails to astonish me. You know what it reads like? Maoist quotes like referring to “wimpering revisionists,” “animal generals with worm-eaten brains,” and “genocidal hyenas.” Antz, feel free to work those into your verbal arsenal. No need to credit Sendero Luminoso. Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the lives of men!!!

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Antzy, my boy, you are just comical at this point. XD

12 years ago


*in best Zapp voice*
Kick received, old friend :d

Funny enough, I kept wondering why Ruby’s “I can play that game” in the other thread made me think of Zapp. Now I can place the feeling.


My mind immediately went to “Dear Leader” as well

Does anyone else find AntZ’s character progression fascinating. He went from genially wrongheaded mad scientist, to supervillain, to MRA gnat, to attack dog and now to sycophantic minion. I await the new avatar with mild interest!

12 years ago

Soon you will join white supremacists and slave traders in the dustbin of history

He knows that both white supremacists and slave traders all still very much exist and are active, right? Wait, don’t answer that. My head hurts.

12 years ago

Kim-Jong (either one) does appear to be the correct association, although there’s also a picture of Commie!Pelosi, because OMG she has talked about income inequality.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Going by Antsy’s comments, the MRM’s influence has waned a great deal over the last few weeks. It was not so long ago that Antsy was declaring the SCOTUS had invoked the equal protection clause and done, uh, something to Obama-care. Now, according to him, when you google Obamacare and sexism you just get a few follow-ups to his own article about it.

Amazing, isn’t it, how the mighty have fallen. We are walking in the footsteps of giants. And the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Ask not for whom the Picard facepalms; he facepalms for thee

12 years ago

Antz, didn’t I try to explain the Constitution to you as if you were a middle schooler once already? Go learn basic civics before coming back.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Is AntZ changing personas because he’s failing in his own grandiose goals, or because he’s a troll amalgam? The world may never know.

12 years ago

Now I want to see if AntZ has any evidence that the MRM is a growing movment, or that feminism is a dwindling one. I tried looking around for various website-traffic-analyzer-thingies, but even google doesn’t have a whole lot of information of traffic over time. I did learn that both The Spearhead and AVFM have about 14k unique visitors in a month, but that alone doesn’t say very much. It didn’t have enough info to make a graph of unique views per day over time.

Feministe, understandably, had a much bigger following at around 24k unique views, and a graph that showed a sharp increase in traffic over recent months.

On the other hand, AntZ is probably just trying to puff himself and his followers up, repeating the same sentence over and over again trying to make it true.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Now I want to see if AntZ has any evidence

Does he ever? XD

12 years ago

Awww… AntZ admitted in the cached version of the article that his “split the US along the Mississippi” was a really stupid idea… I’m kinda sad he never mentioned that here. Then people would stop bringing it up as something stupid he believes.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

We needn’t worry too much. The MRM won’t stand the test of time.

12 years ago


Never said it was a likely thing. 😛 It was mostly because I had trouble finding info myself.

OT: Now I’m confused why the post was taken offline. There wasn’t anything… too awful in the comment section (as far as I can tell). A lot of posters seemed to like it. And the article itself was Elams attempt at showing that he doesn’t hate women because he likes women that agree with him. All-in-all, nothing that strikes me as something that needs to be purged from the record.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen Antsy admit he was wrong about something here. Even when he has to change his arguments in response to the facts, he just pretends nobody else has said anything and goes on with his altered case. I’m sort of surprised he can admit he’s wrong at all.

12 years ago

“We needn’t worry too much. The MRM won’t stand the test of time.”

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

12 years ago

Mags is giving the MRM horror movie taglines now? You know, if you want to recruit then that might not be the best approach.

12 years ago

Ah, CS, don’t worry about our recruitment. You and yours ensure that our membership grows.

12 years ago

The cycle of cliches lives on!

12 years ago

It’s growing by ones or twos every year!

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Well, since MRAs buy into every stereotype and conventional idea of men and women it is no wonder they can never think outside the box.

12 years ago

It’s growing by ones or twos every year!

Slow and steady wins the race!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Pretty soon the MRM will be raining cats and dogs. Then they will have the last laugh, because living well is the best revenge. In a world where the MRM is ascendant, people will avoid feminism like the plague!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

The MRM is a rising star! One day it’ll show you; it’ll show you all!

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

People avoid feminism like the plague already due to decades of propaganda and misrepresentation.