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Off-topic: One Cat Roomba, Three Girl Rhumba

No misogynists today, just a cat in bunny ears riding a Roomba, and a classic song by Wire.

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12 years ago

First, before Mags.



12 years ago

That dog looks so sad, what with the ears, and the disturbed nap. But the tail, I think that makes the roomba far more efficient.

Timid Atheist (@TimidAtheist)

I think that cat is enjoying himself but he’s too dignified to show it.

12 years ago

I think the easter bunny cat video lacks of a music on top of it. But I agree with TA.

12 years ago

Weird. I was just listening to Pink Flag yesterday.

In further kitten video news, let me introduce you to Henri:

Part 1 is also good, but in this case the sequel is better.

12 years ago

I laughed so hard at Henri Part II that tears were coming out of my eyes. Then I noticed, unbeknownst to me, that my cat was in the corner of the living room on her bed observing my giggle tear fest like what is the matter with her. I am going to show it to my boyfriend tonight.

12 years ago

I think that cat’s tail is doing just as much floor cleaning as the Roomba. Too funny.

12 years ago

With my boyfriend’s permission (since they are his cats, not mine), I present Kitty 1:

And Kitties 1 and 2:

My legs are covered with a blanket in that first picture, so you can’t actually tell how massive those cats are. They’re bigger than most Bichon Frises!

12 years ago

@Viscaria, I have SUCH a soft spot in my heart for big orange tabbies. (They’re both sweet, though, your boyfriend’s humongous kitties.)

12 years ago

@Cloudiah, yeah, the tabby is pretty cute, and generally more photogenic. Plus, he likes to play fetch! He’s such a dogcat XD.

But — don’t tell them or anything, I wouldn’t want to encourage any sibling rivalry 😉 — I gave my heart to the black one. He takes longer to warm up to people than his brother does, but if you’re one of the few he decides is worthy, he’ll stick with you forever.

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

I dunno, “my thumbs are not opposable, and yet I oppose everything” from the first Henri video really captures the essence of Existentialist Cat.

12 years ago

Why we need MRA’s Part 287,472

Why we need MRAs to stop being lazy, unproductive, whiny, misogynists and actually do the activism part of their name.

fixed that for you

12 years ago

Hey, David (or anybody else here who’d know). Iz your Northwestern talk available somewhere to watch online or download?

12 years ago

Wire! Lovely. I’d just stuck “Surgeon’s Girl” on a comp of vaguely-medically-themed songs I’d made for a friend of mine who who has just recently started training to be a doctor, so seeing them here was a nice little coiincidence.


I dunno, “my thumbs are not opposable, and yet I oppose everything” from the first Henri video really captures the essence of Existentialist Cat.

Are non-opposable thumbs even a thing, or is that just something like “ATM machines” that people say? Without opposability being involved, how do you distinguish between thumbs and fingers? I suppose you could, say, have a person with a paralyzed thumb or otherwise have a digit that isn’t opposable where an opposable thumb would usually be on a member of that species, and that would fairly inarguably be a non-opposable thumb, but is there anything not that contrived out there?

12 years ago

Why we need MRAs to stop being lazy, unproductive, whiny, misogynists and actually do the activism part of their name.


Doxxing does NOT count.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

I’m surprised the cat lasted that long. Too funny!

12 years ago

Just read the entire Problem With Women Today (on boob roll). It is only one post. Wow. Just wow. What kind of person puts that on the Internet. It is two years old. I just cannot believe it. Maybe the spectacular psycho who wrote that is dead or in prison by now. I sure hope the FBI knew who he was.


12 years ago

There’s a troll on Slacktivist at the moment calling itself m015094 and it smells kind of familiar to me. Anyone here read Slacktivist? What do you think?

12 years ago

@mbaxter (Magpie?)

Reads like a NWO/MRAL cross to me. What were you thinking of?

12 years ago


12 years ago

(Yeah, it’s magpie – haven’t got the hang of this log in thing yet) It sounds like MRAL to me, specially after the big FUCK YOU meltdown. Wouldn’t surprise me if ‘bytebear’ was the same person.

12 years ago

Why we need MRA’s Part 287,472

Yes, the world certainly does have a shortage of misogyny and rape apologia. Thank god MRAs have stepped in to fill that void.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Why we need MRA’s Part 287,472

Yeah, if you troll enough feminist forums and send threats to enough mommybloggers, surely that man will be released from jail.

Oh wait…

Dennis Fuller, Barry’s Attorney, said, “By grace, the woman he owed $50,000 worth of child support to agreed to relinquish that child support.”

The woman gave up her claim to the money.

So surely MRAs will be sending her cards and flowers now, right?

Wait, no, there are still feminist forums to troll. And troll harder, and harder, and troll SO HARD that the draft gets repealed and men’s workplace accidents drop.


12 years ago

“Doxxing does NOT count.”

Do you count the cyberbullying by feminists as activism? Trolling a distressed man with pro-suicide messages = feminism in 2012.